7 minute read
Religion/Faith Development
Religious Education
De La Salle College, like all Lasallian schools, was set up for the human and Christian education of youth, especially the poor. Therefore, religious education is at the heart of the Lasallian school. Each person is made in the image and likeness of God and so we are called to reflect the life of God who, as Trinity, lives to love. We live out the fullness of our human nature when we go out to others in self-sacrificing love. These high sounding words are begun in a very real way in the relationships between students and teachers. John Baptist De La Salle wanted the Brothers to foster relationships which “are a letter which Christ dictates to you, which you write each day in their hearts, not with ink, but by the Spirit of the living God”. As teachers, we have our mission — to help young people realise the goodness that is inside them and the fullness of life to which they are called. Part of that fullness of Christian life is in helping those in need — in the classroom, in the yard, by donating money or goods to Sacred Heart Mission and the like. The reason that De La Salle has such a fabulous reputation for being generous, such as on Mission Action Day, is due to the corporate effort of all staff. There were different courses offered in R.E. at Years 11 and 12 this year. Year 11 VCE students undertook Unit 1 Texts and Traditions and VCAL students undertook Unit 1 Religion and Society. Most Year 12 VCE students undertook Unit 2 Ethics and the VCAL students undertook a school-based program. I am grateful for the creativity, energy and teamwork displayed by the staff involved. Being a religious educator has its moments of grace and challenge, not all of them being in a classroom. In a very real sense, religious education is the backdrop of the life of the College, be it in the yard, in class, in an assembly, on the sporting field or in one of our whole College liturgies. In writing this report, I acknowledge the work of the previous RE Coordinator, Mr Ian Smith, who resigned at the end of Term 2. The hours that he put into the job made it much easier for me to take up the reins. As Coordinator, I would like to thank all the R.E. staff for the way they give of themselves in caring for our young men, and the hours of hard work they put into providing creative and engaging lessons. I look forward to continuing this challenging role in 2008. Mr Patrick Jurd

World Youth Day 2008
De La Salle is preparing for World Youth Day 2008, to be held in Sydney, as well as the International Gathering of Young Lasallians, which will take place at De La Salle, Malvern in July 2008. World Youth Day promises to be a big part of 2008, with all students being invited to make the pilgrimage to Sydney for the event. The formation program for World Youth Day participants will take pilgrims on a faith journey which will prepare them for liturgy, prayer, meeting fellow young people from around the world and of course the visit of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI. The International Gathering of Young Lasallians, a five day event in Melbourne, will bring an estimated 500 participants from around the world to experience a uniquely Lasallian preparation for World Youth Day. De La Salle staff and students will be involved in the community events and liturgies.
Camp La Salle
2007 was another strong year for the popular Camp La Salle program. Led by De La Salle Old Boys Craig Almeida and Mark Farrell, the Summer Camp took place at the De La Salle Youth Camp in Kincumber NSW. five days of fun and adventure was enjoyed by the participants from De La Salle, St Bede’s and St James in Melbourne, as well as members of the La Salle Queensland group. The coastal setting and warm weather provided a perfect change for fun, fresh air and a chance to make new friends. Camp La Salle offers a holiday to students who might not otherwise get a chance to go away during the school holidays. Campers participated in surfing, fishing, raft making, bush walking, mountain bike riding and many other fun events. Outside of the school setting, participants make friends with other Lasallian young people in a relaxed setting, enjoying themselves and finding positive role models in the older people they meet. Mr Tom McIlroy

Faith Development
Social Justice Mass Sacraments
In recent years, leading up to mid-August, our young men were encouraged to bring food items to donate to those in need. The response was very generous. The food items collected on the Kinnoull Campus went to the Malvern Emergency Food Bank, whilst those from the Tiverton Campus went to the Sacred Heart Mission in St Kilda. The amount of goods donated was due to the hard work of staff and student volunteers on Tiverton Campus and Mr Graeme Lawler and the St Vincent de Paul group on the Kinnoull Campus. Our celebrant this year was Fr Michael Court, whose homily was a dialogue between himself and the different groups in the College who are working for justice. It certainly made people sit up and pay attention! Aided by Ms Cindy Frost and the musicians, this year’s Mass was a marvellous celebration. The Mass and the collection are a good opportunity to remember what Jesus said and put it into practice: “Whenever you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matt 25:40).
Mr Patrick Jurd Faith Development Coordinator Nine students presented for preparation for Reconciliation and First Eucharist in 2007 and another 26 boys from Years 6, 7 and 8 attended classes each week after school to prepare for Confirmation. Family members and students gathered in the College Chapel in July with Old Collegian, Father Brendan Dillon, to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance. We congratulate Year 4 students Remo Checcucci, Shamus Haigney, Marcus Karam, Nathan Monaco, Will O’Shannessy, Jackson Parker, and Year 6 student Benjamin Whitmore, along with William Borschmann, 7 Solomon and Matthew Taylor, 7 Miguel. These students went on to prepare for their First Eucharist in August with Marcus Karam and Nathan Monaco returning to their own parish of Glen Iris, whilst the local parish of St Anthony’s Glenhuntly warmly welcomed the remaining students as part of their community. After several weeks of preparation, in which their families played an important role, 26 boys were Confirmed at St Anthony’s Glen Huntly in July, by Bishop Peter Elliott. We congratulate Ashton Agar, Daniel Anastasio, Harry Beech, Shehan Boteju, James Buckley, Richard Buckley, Scott Callahan, Joshua Caruso, Mitchell Clarke-Smith, Andrew Cuttler, Alexander Di Medio, Nicholas Donaghey, Nathanial Edwards, Nathan Evans, Mitchell Fletcher, Joe Giorgini, Aaron Gross, Hayden McKertish, Lachlan Miles, Alexander Pagonis, Adam Pentifallo, Jordan Porozny, Andrew Rappos, Lachlan Smith, Lawrence Twirdy, Joshua Vitacca on their commitment and the example of their faith. Mrs Joan Ferguson

Lasallian Youth Gathering 2007
In the July holidays, De La Salle Malvern hosted the LYG07 Gathering. One hundred young people aged between 16 and 26 from Lasallian schools and Youth Ministry groups in Sydney, Armidale, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth attended the Gathering, which centered on the theme of “Live the Message”. The Gathering is held every two years as part of the De La Salle Brothers Youth Ministry program to give opportunities for young people to develop and share their faith through service and community in the tradition of the founder, St John Baptist De La Salle. The presenters included Brother Ambrose Payne fsc, Provincial of the District of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, Brother Paul Smith fsc from the Lasallian Foundation and Brother David Mill fsc. Brother Paul shared his work and spoke of the ways De La Salle Brothers and their Lay Partners help the mentally ill and AIDS victims in India through education and health care. The gathering with ‘Project 10,000’ is an active challenge to raise funds for the Lasallian Foundation. Participants had to locate fourteen places of significance in the city of Melbourne in an ‘Amazing Race’ style event. LYG07 brought together Lasallians from around Australia, and gave each the challenge to make a difference in their home community by living the message. Mr Tom McIlroy