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What Was School Like When You Were a Boy Mr Hamilton?

“Schools are about people not buildings” .. the words of the eighteenth Headmaster of the College at the 2007 Valedictory Dinner could summarise my theatrical year at the College that began with the Year 6 Class of 2006 welcoming all new students to Year 7 through a production “What was school like when you were a boy Mr Hamilton?” On the fourth day of the new school term, a thoughtful and talented group of veteran 12 and 13 year-olds guided new Lasallians into the experience of the traditions of De La Salle, Malvern, and the scholarly legacy that began in France in the 1600’s, and which resonates throughout the world today. Each student was presented with a specially named candle and homemade cake to welcome them into our school community. All were then introduced to the representative St John Baptist de La Salle prayer “Let us remember we are in the Holy presence of God...” Mrs Mary Finn