7 minute read

This year our maths teacher Mrs Manuel took the Primaries to Fountain Gate to Task Works. Task Works is a place that has mathematical, media and physical education activities. The activities that we did were photography, running through mazes made from poles, putting blocks in different orders to create cubes. We also did an activity where you had to put pegs into a wall before the opposing team got all their pegs in the wall. There was an activity where you had to stamp on red buttons and we had a tournament to see who was the best at it in all of the Primary. We had lots of fun at Task Works and we all really enjoyed it. Richard Buckley In August Year 6 went on their camp to the Philip Island Camp Resort. We spent three days at the camp. The activities we did were the giant swing, raft making, canoeing, archery, team rescue and the flying fox. We also got to watch the red lunar eclipse! After three days at the resort we caught the ferry to Queenscliff. We spent most of our day in the town buying souvenirs. Then we caught the bus with Mr Alexander to the College’s house at Jan Juc. At the end of that day we went to the beach, The next day we to the beach again, but this time we got to go into the water. This was the day we went home and that’s what we did on Year 6 camp. Richard Buckley, Nick Clampett and Kevin Barry


Mr Wadley was a great teacher. He left at the end of Term 2. We all played games on Wednesdays and always had fun, but it was compulsory that we were in the right uniform every day. If you talk over him even once you had a 300 word essay! Every morning we had 30 maths questions. He couldn’t go a day without a diet Coke. He was a great teacher but hated a fuss made over him.
Year 5

Back Row: Henry Smith, Brayden Maynard, Frederick Jenkins, Jackson Harrington, Liam Brownlie, Lachlan Pola, Victor Jenkins, Anthony De Luca, Wesley Agar, James Driscoll Second Row: Peter Manaveris, Joseph McClelland, Michael Krywyn, Joshua McGivern, Jayden Cooper, Christopher Duncan, Daniel Leone, Joshua Trenerry Seated; Marcus Johns, Jordi Sahely, Patrick O’Grady, Nicholas Edwards, Samuel Beckman, Michael Monger, Fergus Sinclair, Stefan Taranto, Evan Lianos. Mr Tim Curran, Ms Adrienne Moran. Back Row: Sean Biernacki, Brodie Muller, Luke Boer, Marcus Karam, Mitchell Oman, Karl Maul, Jackson Parker, Nicholas Maher, Max Cooke Second Row; Stefan Medio, Adrian Orso, Xu-Zen Lee, Shamus Haigney, Jack Karlson, Remo Checcucci, Luke Buccheri, Will O’Shannessy Seated: Liam Forrest, Harrison Lindsay, James Tavitian, Luke Goy, Nathan Monaco, Marcus Calleja, Mitchell Beaumont, Isaac Lim, Patrick Forrest Mr Terry Atkins, Mrs Mary Thomas, Mr David Hunter, Ms Adrienne Moran,

Back Row: Alexander Pagonis, Thomas Fisher, Nathanial Edwards, Adam Pentifallo, Harry Beech, Brendan Maher, William Johns, Alexander Medio Third Row: Aaron Li, Isaac Moulton, Richard Buckley, Andre Lew, Callum Howarth, Kevin Barry, Nicholas Donaghey Second Row: Matthew Crosbie, Nathan Evans, Peter Lagaris, Joe Giorgini, Mitchell Clarke-Smith, Daniel Anastasio, Lachlan Smith, Benjamin Whitmore Seated: Joshua Caruso, Matthew Ghersi, Nicholas Chung, Nicholas Clampett, Scott Callahan, Lawrence Twirdy, Andrew Cuttler Ms Adrienne Moran, Mr Brett Wadley
LOTE in the Primary Classes
Year 6 boys this year are being introduced to French to complement their language studies in Italian. Here the theme for today is ‘les poissons’.

The Primary Egg Dr p! o
The week before first term break the Primary classes had an event called the “Egg Drop” in honour of retiring Grade 6 teacher Mr Wadley. The “Egg Drop” involved pairs working together to design a protective enclosure for an egg made from materials that you could find at home. Using the material collector pairs had 20 minutes per day to construct a protection for the egg. It was a requirement that it be easy to place the egg inside the protection. The construction had to be no more than 30 centimetres in width and length. There were many different shapes and sizes, from a small little foam ball to a large box of wood. Teams used a variety of techniques, and others were judging how teams’ constructions would survive, which built up interest in the competition. Finally the testing day arrived. Teams brought their constructions to the top of the Year 7 Building. We then watched Mr Atkins demolishing eggs. There were ‘splats’ and ‘smashes’ when the protectors hit the ground. When the protectors were dropped, a huge wooden protector would hit the ground, making a huge ‘bang’, but when Mr Wadley opened it up and pulled out a healthy egg you knew it was a winner. Mr Wadley would then throw it back at Mr Atkins, hoping it would hit him. But nimble Mr. Atkins would just catch it and put it in with the next hopeful contestant’s contraption. After half an hour about thirty percent of the googs survived. The Grade 4 were all given a grade by Mr Curran, and most were satisfied with their results! We had lots of fun making our construction but the greatest fun seeing if they worked.

2007 has been a year of great activity in Primary. The focus has been one of community — where we have endeavoured to live the Lasallian values day to day in both the classroom and playground. The benefits of developing this awareness were clearly evident on our full school arts day excursion, held at the magnificent National Trust house “Bililla” in Brighton. Boys worked in crossage groups of eight, led by the Year 6s. Each group spent the day together, working on art, drama, literature and reading skills. The highlight of the day was our picnic lunch, where each group chose a theme for their menu and dress. Tastes ranged from sushi-eating ninjas to top-hat wearing chocoholics! Staff were very proud of our ex De La students, Daniele Giovannoni and Joshua Cassar, who facilitated and inspired creativity. Our multi-age approach called on leadership qualities again on our excursion to Task Works. Boys were challenged to complete a number of Maths-based activities while working as a team. This full-day excursion was of great value socially educationally. I would like to thank all staff, in particular Mr Tim Curran and Mr Terry Atkins, for their support in developing a strong Primary identity this year. We are fortunate to have such dedicated educators, Adrienne Moran Primary Coordinator