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De La Salle Basketball Club

As we enter 2008 the Basketball Club faces a new set of challenges. Over the past decade we have seen the club grow to the stage where we are consistently fielding above 30 teams a season. In the past 10 seasons, and checking back through the records, there have been 82 possible Grand Finals contested. We have won 43 Premierships and been Runners-up on 53 occasions. We constantly hear from parents how great it is for the boys to have the opportunity to play a sport with their friends from school and the opportunity to make new friends. At the same time we have parents comment on the fact that it is a great way to meet parents of their son’s friends and a great meeting point with other parents. The new challenge that faces the future of such a wonderful thing will rest with you the parents and the continued support of the boys. At the end of 2007 two parents, Clare Gleeson-McGuire and Bruce Van Every, who have been with the Club for many years and have served on the committee, will be leaving. I would like to thank them personally for their loyal and generous support in the operation of the Club. It is also my final year at De La, Malvern, as I have been transferred to Sydney in 2008. I have had over 13 years coaching teams at the Oakleigh Stadium and will miss the friendships that have been formed through basketball over those years. I thank all those who have served in any capacity over those years and who have made my task that much easier. If the Club is to continue into the future, even in a reduced capacity, it will need the support of parents to become actively involved in the running of the Club and helping out on Friday nights. The more people there are to help, the more the work load can be spread. The commitment in time is not all that great, the rewards are immeasurable. So, I put out the challenge to you the students and parents to take up this fresh set of challenges. During the two seasons operating during 2007 we were successful in many ways. The Summer season which concluded at the end of Term 1 saw the following Premierships won: Under 12 Div 1 Crazyhawks Under 14 Div 2 Sonics Under 16 Div 2 Storm Under 16 Div 3 Supermen. The Runners-up in the same season were: Under 14 Div 1 Magic Under 16 Div 1 Poweraiders Under 16 Div 2 Ankle Breakers Under 16 Div 3 Ownage Under 18 Div 1 Crushers The recently completed Winter season saw Premierships won by: Under 12 Div 1 Crazyhawks Under 14 Div 3 Falcons Under 16 Div 1 PMD Under 16 Div 2 Sleeveless Under 18 Div 2 Wizards The Runners-up were: Under 14 Div 1 Lakers Under 14 Div 2 Celtic Under 14 Div 3 Bullets Under 16 Div 1 Mighty Ducks Under 16 Div 2 Midgets. In 1993 when I first was asked to coach the one and only De La team, The Yodgee Dodgers at Oakleigh I never considered in my wildest dream what the outcome would be 14 years later. Now I can look back and reflect on what a privilege it was to be involved in the lives of so many young men. If I have been able to assist in any way then I consider my time well spent. Have a Holy Christmas and all the best in the years to come.

Br Gerry

Thank You Br Gerry
On behalf of the hundreds of De La boys who have participated in the De La Basketball club over the years we would like to thank Br Gerry for his dedication, energy and tireless devotion to organizing the club and ensuring that it remained vital and competitive. Br Gerry took up the challenge of coaching 13 years ago when there was only one team of eight. 26 seasons later the De La Basketball club has become a force to be reckoned with. At its height, the Club has fielded 42 teams, which equates to a full third of the student body! In 2007, there were more than 36 teams assembled at Albert Park to participate, and very often reach the finals. We wish him well in his new College in Sydney and hope that we can survive without his dedication and organizational skills. David Windley