7 minute read
Year 7

My first year at De La Salle, was a year filled with sport, class excursions, musical performances, making friends, text books, and change. Aside from the text books, assignments and new class teachers, the school year has been filled with school events such as Founder’s day, Rally Day and class excursions into the city. We finished Term 3 with Founder’s day, a day where we celebrate our founder St John Baptist De La Salle. We had a Mass in the morning, and then went over to the senior campus for a fete. Most students were attracted to the dunking machine (as many of their teachers were trapped in the dunking seat). The day before Founder’s day Year 7 had their Rally Day. This event is held to involve students in sports such as volleyball, tennis and indoor cricket. Teams for each sport were chosen out of a hat and only 15 students were chosen for each sport. Everyone had a great time and tried their best; everyone had a great day. In Term 3 Year 7 took part in an excursion to the city to visit the National Gallery, Music House and Art Centre. The Music House was the most exciting experience for a lot of students, as it was immensely entertaining, and full of activities. Students also had the choice of buying lunch at the South Bank Food Court. Everyone enjoyed the day and had a great time. I have enjoyed the start to my first year at De La Salle — each day has been filled with activities and surprises. There is always something new happening at De La Salle. This is the way school is meant to be.
Antonio Russo 7 Dunstan

Year 7 Dunstan
Back Row: Steve Cosgrave, Rosario Iannucci, Dong-Sun Choi, Jack Taylor, Antonio Russo, Anthony Peroukaneas, Damien Tyrer, Mark Aquino Second Row: Sefton McGraw, Samuel Menzies, Joshua Renjen, Mike Chen, Joshua Tuck, Jack Kroussoratis, Nathan Lay, Matthew Gleeson Seated: Devaashish Jaryal, Jeremy Wong, Kurt Kaupert, Joseph Maccora, Matthew Anderson, Nathan Bendinelli, Fabio Haramis, James Kharsas Ms Kath Marino. Back Row: Miles Fabris, Adrian Neyland, William Carson, Joshua Zuzek, Tyrone Cammaroto, Alex Mezentseff, Jackson Carroll, Theodore Karagounis Second Row: Matthew Hogan, Liam Dimattina, Joshua Riley, Wayne Breen, Connor Tilbrook, Daniel Gazzard, Ilia Roytberg, Matthew Turner Seated: Taylor Flatley, Bill Molloy, Jackson Southby, Alexander Lalande, Jackson Meredith, Paul Cupic, Ricardo Dougherty, James Paspaliaris Mr Jeff Locke.

Year 7 Jerome

Back Row: Darcy Freeman, James Howard, Matthew Northage, James Watts, Xavier Carr, Thomas Monaghan, Matthew Haymes Second Row: Ned Morris, Jordan Dalgliesh, Cameron Walsh, John Connell, Lachlan Miles, Danny Zacharopoulos, Ronolan Govender Seated: Aaron Maher, Samuel Anderson, Samuel Corboy, Michael Harris-Jaffe, Rhys Jones, Liam Corkill, Arthur Vasilopoulos, Paul Masson Mr Andrew Wozencroft. Back Row: Leon De Mel, Samuel Harrington, Timothy Michael, Edward Miller, Jake Krelle, Nicholas Curwood, Costa Manaveris, Jackson Wheeler Second Row: Daniel Lee, David Richardson, Joseph Gee, Stephen Healy, Lachlan Pattison, Paul Casey, Abhishek Behl, James Serban Seated: Shehan Boteju, Jordan Porozny, Jake Benoiton, Lachlan Hay, Jack Amerena, Cedric Hun, Caleb Ludlow Mr Chris Martin.

Year 7 Roland

Back Row: Louis Holmes, Anthony Tran, Alexander Oliver, Adam Okurowski, Elliott Tamplin, Nathan Phillips, Mark McKee, Lachlan Power Second Row: John Robinson, Benjamin Jopling, Angus McCulloch, Harrison MenziesGeraghty, Michael Irving, David Steel, Matthew Hammon, Samuel Shearer Seated: Daniel Plummer, Yiorgo Annoglou, Thomas Keys, Jack Carlin, Hayden McKertish, Nicholas Peck, Andrew Rappos, Patrick Vella Mr David Hale. Back Row: Matthew Taylor, Oliver Jones, Kevin Duong, Nicholas Rodway, Adam Buccheri, Levi Otto, Cameron James Second Row: Peter Clinch, Shayam Jayasuriya Prabal Joshi, Reuben Hume, James Rate, Jake Causon Seated: Yashveer Chand, Gerry Korfiatis, Mitchell Smith, Damon Grant, Russell Carne, Zachary Spencer, Malik Arabani, Josh Brown Mr Nigel Yates.

Year 7 Vincent

Back Row: Andrew ScammellPanozzo, Joshua Vitacca, Timothy Woodcock, Charles Stewart, Thomas McGlenchy, Rhyard Sahely, Fraser Nelson, Jack Gava Second Row: Justin Yuan, Samuel King, James Buckley, Thomas Robertson, Alexander Stott, Marcus Spyrou, Nicholas Lowrie, Ryan Moody Seated: Xavier Smith, Jackson Bilu, Aaron Gross, Charles Haley, Christopher Murphy, Lachlan Knowles, Michael Swinnerton, Nicholas Formica Absent: Wilhelm Sisouw Mr Lawrence Evans. Back Row: Tony Yao, Jack Duffy, Nathan Anderson, Harry Holden, Justin Hall, Tom Melissakis, Joshua Hyrons, Jesse Dragonetti, Patrick O’Brien Second Row: Joseph Connell, James Kerr, Connor Wilson, Matthew Mullaly, Jesse Nicol, Daniel King, Christopher Draffen, Nunziato Maiorana Seated: Patrick Kemp, Theodore Petrakos, Nicholas Chant, Adrian Indovino, Jordan Wells, Bradley Monaco, Joshua Graham, William Borschmann Ms Clare Needham.

Standing: Jordan Porozny, Mitchell Smith, Jesse Dragonetti, Anthony Tran, Rhyard Sahely, Adam Okurowski, Nicholas Rodway, Joshua Zuzek, Anthony Peroukaneas, Timothy Michael, Matthew Northage, Miles Fabris, James Howard, Lachlan Hay, Jackson Bilu. Seated: Michael Harris-Jaffe, James Rate, Liam Dimattina, Matthew Anderson, Christopher Draffen, Joseph Gee, Mr Shaun Buckley, Cameron James, Lachlan Miles, James Buckley, Adrian Indovino, Angus McCulloch, Joseph Maccora.

Year 7 2007
Year 7, ‘07’ has been a challenging year for us all. When I think back to the first day, I realize how easy it is to forget the challenges many of the boys faced in taking to the routines of a large College. Timetables, lock combinations, network passwords, diaries — these are just a few of the expectations placed upon them. It has been gratifying to see the rapid development of our year group, all eager to accept the challenges and responsive to the social and academic demands made of them. Year 7 is the all-important stepping stone to a successful high school experience, and the students were quick to answer the demands made of them. All the boys were given the opportunity to demonstrate their willingness to be treated as responsible citizens. Classrooms were opened in the mornings to allow students to enter the buildings and prepare for ther day. It has been a delight to see each of the Homerooms behave with maturity and socialize cooperatively during the mornings, using the time to interact in such a positive manner. This year the camps were run differently to previous years and were an overwhelming success. I thank all the parents who were able to make arrangements around their work commitments and attend their son’s class BBQ. The feedback was very supportive and provided a great opportunity for parents of individual classes to meet early in the year. The students returned to school after the camp full of excitement and up-beat about the many opportunities they were given. Camps were a great ‘Ice Breaker’ and assisted many of the students to reach out and connect with those in their Homegroup. If one thing was to be said marked the Year 7s, it is certainly their energy and zest for life, and their enthusiasm for anything sporting. Our group involved themselves in all things competitive. The House Swimming Carnival, Cross Country and Athletics Carnival were strongly supported by all students in the year group. The boys have performed superbly and shown great sportsmanship during the events. Congratulations Year 7 for a tremendous year. Thank you for your efforts and support in working together and striving to achieve at the highest level in your academic endeavours. Year 7 has proven to be a great beginning for our boys’ secondary education, and I look forward to following your progress through the school in coming years.

Mr Shaun Buckley Year 7 Coordinator.