5 minute read

Why do debating? The answer is simple; it provides you with the opportunity to talk for up to six minutes (depending on the level in which you are competing) in an attempt to outsmart the opposition with both your arguments and speaking method and manner. This year a small group of students took up the challenge to develop and further enhance their skills in this area. In the Debaters’ Association of Victoria competition, we competed in the Caulfield Region and so competed against schools such as Wesley College, Caulfield Grammar, McKinnon Secondary, Leibler Yavneh and St Michael’s Grammar School. The topics were challenging and included issues such as ‘We should greatly increase the price of water’. ‘We should ban all examinations in schools’ and ‘That professional sporting teams should not have cheerleaders’. Many of our arguments were interesting to prepare and fascinating to debate, yet on occasions, the students discovered the difficulty in arguing a case that was clearly contrary to their beliefs. They soon realised that the skill was in being able to put this aside and put forward a well structured and fluently spoken argument. I congratulate all those students who took part in the Debaters Association of Victoria competition this year including Nicholas Kent, Alex McEwan, Brenton McDonald, Jean-Rene Vauzelle, Ben Siragusano and
Damian Li. Even though the teams would have liked more victories, they were frequently complemented by the adjudicators on their presentations and several of these young men received ‘Best speaker’ awards during the competition. With each debate, it was pleasing to see the young men take on board the advice Standing: Mrs Christine Thompson, Nicholas Kent, Alex McEwan, given them and Brenton McDonald continue to chal-
Seated: Jean- Rene Vauzelle, Ben Siragusano, Damian Li lenge themselves to improve their manner, matter and method skills. Another competition in which the young men from Years 7-9 participated during the season was the ACC Debating day for both Junior and Intermediate students. These days demand that the boys compete in one prepared debate and two impromptu debates. A real challenge, yet the boys presented themselves well. I would like to thank Mrs Georgina Dwyer and Mrs Carmel Dwyer for their help in preparing the debaters during the season. Their wise deliberations gave us some much needed insights for some of the more difficult arguments. It is hoped that next year, we can further develop the debating profile in the school and so we encourage all boys who would like to develop their speaking skills to get involved. Mrs Christine Thompson
Community Service
Wheeling a wheel chair, calling numbers for Bingo, reading the paper to an elderly man – these are some of the activities our Year 9’s engaged in during their week of Lasallian Service. Moved from classrooms into the very special area of Community Service, our young men excelled themselves as they became involved with disabled children in special schools, people in retirement villages, the elderly and the infirm. Glowing comments were received from the boys’ placements. Comments like – cooperative, happy to help, shows initiative, demonstrated maturity beyond his years.
Mrs Ruth Hunter

In Term 1 half of the Year 9 level went out on Community Service while the other half had their chance in Term 4. We were challenged to go out and find our own special needs home or nursing home to do community service. We did all sorts of tasks we might not do in ‘normal’ life, such as making beds, playing games of cards and bingo — some of us even had to feed the residents. It was very challenging but very rewarding. We realized that have to live each day to the full because one day age will catch up with us too. Thank you to Mrs Hunter and Mr Hewitson for all their efforts organizing our week away.

Alexander Hay


Year 9 Roland

Back Row: Christopher Kuan, Joshua Fisher, Lee White, David Windley, Patrick Harrington, Jack Broadhead, Linton Farrell, Cailin Wrigley, Declan Freeman Second Row: Nicholas Borgia, Danny Eid, Luke Hogan, Alex McEwan, Fraser Henry, Patrick Harrison, Jordan Braim Seated: Lachlan Cook, Samuel Noble, David Brace, Jamie Farnell, Thomas Humphrey, Tom Molloy, Nicholas Bolger Absent: Thomas Hemming Ms Carmel D’Andrea. Back Row: Ross Pastras, Nathan Coffey, Aidan King, Lachlan Cook, Vincent Arthur, Liam Grech, Sean Ellis, Sean Dillane, Nathan Beaumont Second Row: Charles Mottram, Vincent Ripepi, Joshua San Martin, Stuart Griffin, Jacob Maher, Robert Weir, Timothy Foster Seated: Declan Kostos, Alexander Hay, Benjamin Jeffery, Jack Brammer, Thomas Rappos, Paul Pritchard, Hayden Renshaw, Dominic Barker, Robert Keeney Ms Haylene Peipert.

Year 9 Vincent

Back Row: Daniel Clinch, Oscar Szalc, Samuel Brooks, Jason Terrell, Jonathan Nikakis, Michael Keegan, Nicholas Gleeson, Callum Nugent Second Row: Blake Davis, Sean Geaney, Harry Hatzis, James Mreulje, Romeo BouGhosn, Dimitri Spanos, Sean Collis, Matias Cantavenera Seated: Sebastian Oliver, Bryce Jansz, Aristidis Kounoupis, Ryan Osekowski, Paul Grigoriou, Daniel Bellino, Sebastian Lolicato, William Kennish Absent: Michael Crosby Teacher: Mr Chris Fleming. Back Row: Daniel Nakos, Achilles Ploutos, Alan Clark, Jack Beech, Simon Woodcock, Myles Donegan, Jack Jopling, Daniel Iacovangelo, Matthew Trenerry Second Row: Jordan Brown, Dylan Scolyer, Nicholas Place, Anthony O’Toole, Simon Cassar, Declan Clifford, Thomas Gaylor Seated: Nicholas Spencer, Matthew Tucker, Iryoung Fan, Liam Cummins, Christopher Todisco, Benjamin Ahern, Kosta Avyerinos, James Lolicato, Hugh Nicholson Teacher: Mr Shane Slavin.