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International Lasallian youth Gathering
More than 570 young Lasallians came from more than 30 countries, joined by 60 Brothers and Postulants, to celebrate the Lasallian identity in preparation for World Youth Day in Sydney. The Lasallian District of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea hosted the event, and sponsored many young people from developing countries where the Brothers work, to travel to Australia. While regional and local gatherings of Young Lasallians take place regularly around the world, the World Youth Day celebrations have allowed for three such international gatherings to take place. ILYG08 was by far the biggest of these events, and will be remembered as a meaningful and historic event for the Lasallian family and especially the developing international network of young Lasallians. Perhaps the most memorable elements of the Gathering were the liturgies, where the sense of community was almost palpable. Fr Chris Skinner from New Zealand, acted as the ILYG08 Chaplain and showcased his considerable talents in preaching and music. In addition to his challenging and thought-provoking homilies, he sang at each liturgy. The power of music as a devotional prayer was obvious and the participation of the pilgrims in the Masses and prayers was inspirational, helped by an excellent band and choir composed of students from De La Salle and St Bede’s. Participants reported being overwhelmed by the excitement felt as part of the community gathered in St Joseph’s Church. College Leader Mitchell Robertson, who took part in the celebrations described the opening ceremony as “a celebration with an electric atmosphere from the very beginning”. De La Salle staff and students expressed great pride in the College hosting the event. The international nature of the group was reflected in the selection of speakers. Melbourne psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg spoke on the challenges faced by young adults, regardless of their home country. Br Thomas Johnson, the Vicar General of the De La Salle Brothers, gave a stirring call to action for Young Lasallians to be true to the spirit of De La Salle. Br Tom is responsible for the Lasallian Family, which includes coordinating the International Council of Young Lasallians, represented by Joseph Gilson from Malta who updated participants on the work of the council. Br Michael Broughton, from Singapore, told the story of the life of the Founder and gave historical perspective to the Lasallian Family. For many Young Lasallians, particularly those from Australia, being in the presence of a young Brother is rare these days. Sharing this experience with those beginning to live their vocation as Brothers was inspiring to our young people. A highlight for many participants was Archbishop Elias Chacour, the Melkite Archbishop of Galilee, who gave a moving and powerful presentation on justice and peace earning him a standing ovation. The passion and excitement of the young people was intensified by Jesse Manibusan, a musician evangelist from the United States who led four sessions and captivated the young people with his message and enthusiasm for the Gospel. Jesse’s music and humour was a perfect fit for the event with his presentations bringing participants to tears, moved by his passion for our shared faith—these tears invariably followed by tears of laughter. Congratulations and thanks must go to Br Adrian Watson and the ILYG08 Team, whose work over more than a year created an exciting and meaningful event. In addition to their efforts, the extraordinary support of many of the College staff and Leaders who acted as volunteers, assisted with meals, registration and administration showcased De La in a great light. Mr Tom McIlroy