4 minute read
Year 9

9 Dunstan

Back Row: Nathan Robinson, Anthony de Bono, James Neilson, James Cleary, Patrick Shannon, Lazarus Chrisomalidis, John Moneir, Jacob Curtis Second Row: Sean Nankervis, Mario Papotto, Thomas Peterson, Juke CampbellBeschorner, Matthew Pennacchia, John Bohan, Matthew Hamilton, Mitchell Fletcher, Jackson Adams Seated: Nicholas Pane, Nicholas Mowbray, Luke Dell’orso, Andrew Nguyen, Michael Tomlinson, Andrew Clark, Nathan Johnstone, William Sullivan. Absent: Liam Wilson Ms Carmel Dwyer Back Row: Anthony Moumar, Mark Goy, Daniel Slavin, Taron Naoroji, Cary Spanopoulos, Macaulay Edwards, Ryan Goodman, Kieran Enright, Patrick Hanney Second Row: Laurent Chung Tam Tsang, Darcy Wood, Luke Gersbeck, Samuel Barone, Mitchell Lane, Calvin Wu, Nicholas Guemene, David Grant Seated: Alexander Pelly, Matthew Taranto, Andrew D’Arcy, Mitchell Humphries, Lucas Forato, Grant Curnow, Anthony Anastasio, Thomas Callahan, Alex Freeman. Mr Peppe Di Ciccio

9 Jerome

Back Row: Connor Tolson, Phillip Stevens, Andrew O’Connor, Ethan Rocke, Matthew Harvey, Jack Forbes, Jordan Smith, Samuel Wittman, Peter Di Natale Second Row: Aaron Anderson, Xavier Leonard, Tim Jiang, Philip Taranto, Samuel Jeanes, James McCaffrey, Aston Khanthakaew, Vinay Ounbounheuang, Stephen Mallas Seated: Jesse Tavitian, Danny Bollas, Corey Bodin, Joshua Delgorge, Liam Sharp, George Katheklakis, Peter Vuong, Matthew Karlson, Patrick O’Connell. Ms Haylene Peipert Back Row: Steven Ryan, Thomas Hanney, Joseph Regan, Samuel Carson, Dylan Jones, Patrick Cotter, John Birchall, Cameron Mason, Timothy Shallue Second Row: Jonathon Kartadinata, Aidan Crellin, Angus Cramp, Rory Stedman, Zack Licciardo, Matthew Daly, Justin Anagnostopoulos, Ramy Farjo Seated: Janakan Ramalingam, Thomasin Vanzella-Riggio, Dylan Jones, Alexander Chaplin, Michael Hogan, Joshua Attard, Stuart Maddocks, Joseph Ciliberto, Paul Darras. Mr David Ellul

Year 9 2008

This year the Year 9 boys have had an opportunity to display their personal abilities and achievements, and discover their own potential through a range of curricular and extra-curricular activities. This year the students selected sixteen leaders to represent them. However, in reality we have had many more boys who have shown leadership in many different ways. I thank all leaders for their enthusiasm and dedication over the course of the year and hope they have gained from their role. Academically, boys have had great support from a team of very dedicated Homeroom teachers, specialist subject teachers and support staff, who have challenged and supported them over the course of the year. On behalf of the students I would like to take this opportunity to thank all teachers for the time and effort they have given to the Year 9 boys in 2008. Community Service is a very important aspect of the Year 9 program at De La Salle and it was fantastic to see all Year 9 boys involved in the program and giving something back to the community. Many students visited aged care facilities where their youth and enthusiasm brought a smile to many faces. We also had a group of Year 9 students participate in a trip to the Philippines where they assisted in building shelters for those less fortunate. In 2008 the Homeless World Cup soccer tournament was held in Melbourne and as a year level the students made a commitment to sponsor Sierra Leone and assist them in bringing over a team. Many students, including our Year 9 sporting teams, participated in the ‘Shoeday Tuesday’ red shoelace day. This program was designed to create awareness and to think of the homeless for a day. Once again students were keen to participate in ACC sporting activities on Tuesday afternoon where they represented the College in the premier sporting competition for Catholic Colleges. Students were also given the opportunity to participate in the new ACC competition of ‘Battle of the Band’. Over the course of the year students have been involved in the Outdoor Education program, where the boys were tested physically and mentally through a variety of activities which included rock-climbing, abseiling, camping and snorkelling . I commend thge Year 9 group, who have been committed to their studies, who have contributed positively to school life, who have cooperated with fellow students, and have aided the cause of the College. I would also like to thank all Homeroom teachers for their pastoral care, support, and the time and effort they have contributed. Finally, I would like to thank all parents for their continued support over the year and for entrusting De La Salle College with the education of your sons.

Mr Rob Bonnici Year 9 Coordinator
Year 9 Leaders
Back Row: Fletcher Roberts (Campus Vice-Captain), Pat Fitzgerald, Dan Slavin (Campus Vice-Captain) Middle Row: Ashton Agar, Matt Daly, Michael Stizza, Josh Penzes, Jordan Smith, Harry Haley Front: Mr Robert Bonnici, Dimitri Damianos, Xavier Leonard, Tim Shallue (Campus Captain), Matt Hamilton, Patrick Orlando, Alex Freeman Absent: Pat Shannon