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Year 8

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace


8 Dunstan

Back Row: Damien Tyrer, Matthew Northage, Jack Taylor, Antonio Russo, Anthony Peroukaneas, Nicholas Curwood, Samuel Harrington, Joshua Renjen Second Row: Rhys Jones, Lachlan Miles, Matthew Turner, Cameron Walsh, Nathan Lay, Lachlan Pattison, Costa Manaveris, Paul Masson Seated: Jackson Southby, Shehan Boteju, Nathan Bendinelli, Samuel Menzies, Jordan Porozny, Kurt Kaupert, Bill Molloy, Taylor Flatley Mr David Happ Back Row: Adrian Neyland, Timothy Michael, Alex Mezentseff, Thomas Monaghan, Jake Krelle, Tyrone Cammaroto, Jackson Carroll, Miles Fabris Second Row: Jack Amerena, Darcy Freeman, James Serban, Matthew Haymes, Rosario Iannucci, Steve Cosgrave, David Richardson, Jackson Meredith Seated: James Paspaliaris, Ricardo Dougherty, Paul Cupic, Lachlan Hay, Danny Zacharopoulos, Fabio Haramis, Ronolan Govender, Arthur Vasilopoulos Mr Andrew Murrell

Year 8 Camp

8 Jerome

Back Row: John Connell, Joseph Gee, Edward Miller, James Watts, Samuel Bernardelle, Leon De Mel, Daniel Lee Second Row: Alexander Lalande, Ilia Roytberg, Mike Chen, Matthew Anderson, Jack Kroussoratis, Matthew Hogan, Daniel Gazzard Seated: James Kharsas, Aaron Maher, Jeremy Wong, Joshua Riley, Jordan Dalgliesh, Michael Harris-Jaffe, Caleb Ludlow Absent: Joshua Tuck, Theodore Karagounis Ms Katharine Cate Back Row: Connor Tilbrook, Jackson Wheeler, William Carson, Joshua Zuzek, Dong Sun Choi, James Howard, Stephen Healy, Wayne Breen Second Row: Joseph Maccora, Liam Dimattina, Ned Morris, Sefton McGraw, Paul Casey, Jake Benoiton, Mitchell Van der Meer Seated: Cedric Man Hun, Dale White, Samuel Anderson, Mathew Lutchmun, Samuel Corboy, Liam Corkill, Abhishek Behl, Matthew Gleeson Mr Paul Grace


8 Roland

Back Row: Ryan Moody, Oliver Jones, Lachlan Power, Charles Stewart, Tom Melissakis, Fraser Nelson, Mark McKee, Prabal Joshi, Nicholas Lowrie Second Row: Shayam Jayasuriya, Patrick O’Brien, James Buckley, Louis Holmes, Peter Clinch, David Steel, Damon Grant Seated: William Borschmann, Xavier Smith, Jordan Wells, Aaron Gross, Joshua Brown, Samuel King, John Robinson, Michael Swinnerton, Thomas Keys Mr Sam Magree Back Row: Jesse Dragonetti, Jiaen Lin, Elliott Tamplin, Kevin Duong, Nicholas Rodway, Alexander Oliver, Timothy Woodcock, Anthony Tran Second Row: Angus McCulloch, Nathan Maiorana, Harrison Menzies-Geraghty, Aiden Kelly-Knox, Daniel King, Matthew Mullaly, Reuben Hume, Darcy Conlan, Seated: Joshua Graham, Yiorgo Annoglou, Hayden McKertish, Zachary Spencer, Adrian Indovino, Jack Carlin, Charles Haley, Nicholas Formica Absent: Connor Wilson Ms Elizabeth Turner

8 Vincent

Back Row: Alexander Stott, Nathan Anderson, Justin Hall, Thomas McGlenchy, Harry Holden, Adam Buccheri, Rhyard Sahely Second Row: Nicholas Chant, Samuel Shearer, Christopher Draffen, Marcus Spyrou, Andrew Scammell-Panozzo, Cameron James, Tony Yao, Andrew Tuo Seated: Bradley Monaco, Lachlan Knowles, Mitchell Smith, Matthew Hammon, Yashveer Chand, Christopher Murphy, Patrick Vella Absent: Daniel Plummer Mr Andrew Wozencroft Back Row: Thomas Robertson, Nicholas Peck, Levi Otto, Nathan Phillips, Jack Gava, Adam Okurowski, Matthew Taylor, Joshua Vitacca Second Row: Joseph Connell, Jack Duffy, Joshua Hyrons, Justin Yuan, Benjamin Jopling, Malik Arabani Seated: Andrew Rappos, Wilhelm Sisouw, James Kerr, Gerry Korfiatis, Jesse Nicol, Michael Irving, James Rate, Patrick Kemp Absent: Jake Causon Mr Marty Rhoden

This year’s Year 8 students have really consolidated on last year’s excellent start to College life at De La Salle. It was particularly pleasing to see students get involved in so many different activities throughout the year. The motto for 2008 in Year 8 was “Energy, Excellence, Enthusiasm”. The students embraced this goal from the beginning of the year and it remained a constant reminder for the students to strive towards for the entire year. In what has been yet another very busy year for all concerned in the Year 8 community, there have been many activities in which the students participated enthusiastically. ACC Sport was again a popular choice during each term. It was terrific to see large numbers of students wanting to trial for each sport. Over the course of the year there was plenty of sporting It was particularly pleasing to see the boys use the and academic rivalry displayed between the Year Rock and Water principles in their daily activities at 8 Homerooms. Some of the activities included the De La Salle. debating competition and House indoor soccer com- Year 8 also embraced Rethinking Drinking and the petitions. Reach program on personal development with enthuMonday morning assemblies saw many students siasm. receive Effort Awards from their teachers. These Term 3 was a very busy term with visits to the Sacred awards were given in recognition of students’ dis- Heart Mission and the surrounding streets of St Kilda. playing dedication towards all areas of their school- These visits provided boys with an insight into the ing. A great many students received these awards support from local welfare groups for those in need. throughout the year. Many students also received After visiting the Sacred Heart Mission, Year 8 stuGood Blokes Awards and Academic Awards at our dents raised a large amount of money to go towards Year Level formal assemblies. assisting the clients at the Mission. Students participated in the Rock and Water program A highlight for the boys in Term 3 was the Bush this year. This personal development course provided Dance with the girls of Presentation College, students with valuable life lessons on self-defence, Windsor. After the initial nerves had passed, the boys self-reflection and self-control. At the conclusion of and girls displayed some fancy bush dance moves each semester a graduation was held at the Malvern and enjoyed the day immensely. East Karate studio, where students were required to break their wooden block with their bare hands! 39

Back: Abashek Behl, Joseph Gee, Adrian Neyland, Damien Tyrer, Fraser Neilson, Mark McKee, Jake Krelle, Antonio Russo, Nicholas Rodway, Jackson Carroll, Ryan Moody, Chris Murphy Seated: Edward Miller, James Kharsas, Tom Keys, Matthew Gleeson, Paul Mason, Darcy Conlon, Hayden McKertish, Charlie Haley, Mr Shane Mackintosh, Bill Molloy, Jackson Meredith, Connor Tilbrook, Patrick Kemp, Tom Robertson, Paul Casey Front: Caleb Ludlow, Yasheev Chand, Sam Shearer, Rhyard Sahely, Nathan Phillips Absent: James Kerr In Term 4 the outdoor education camps were held at Phillip Island. These camps provided the students with an opportunity to embark on a wide range of fun outdoor activities. The camps fostered strong personal development with individual responsibility, cooperative group skills and a development of knowledge about the outdoor environment. Finally, I would like to thank the students of Year 8 for their efforts this year. I have enjoyed our journey together immensely. It has been a real pleasure and delight getting to know and learn from each and every one of you. I would also like to thank the Year 8 homeroom teachers: Mr Murrell, Mr Happ, Mr Grace, Ms McIroy, Ms Turner, Mr Magree, Mr Rhoden and Mr Wozencroft for the dedication and effort they have all made this year. Mr Shane Mackintosh

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