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Dance at De La
Dance at De La At The Logies De La Salle boys accompanied Chris Rock Ed - raw Lilley’s ‘Mr G’ to bring celebrities to their For the first time, De La Salle entered into a genre that focussed purely on dance. ‘Rewind’ visited different genres of dance, from indigenous movement to contemporary dance, hip-hop, jazz, swing, and body percussion. feet with a standing ovation at this year’s 50th anniversary Logies Awards at the Palladium room. For the first time De La boys embraced ‘spirit fingers’ into their Tony Bartuccio choreography. Glimpses of this performance may be seen on the ‘Summer Heights High Special Edition’ DVD.

So We Think We Can Dance
We harnessed the professional acting skills of Andrew Murrell to put together a dance piece to the So You Think You Can Dance? title track ‘Move Your Feet’. We made a three-minute video clip which featured the boys moving their feet in the classroom, on the tram, in the toilets... Our video clip came first in this national competition, winning us $2000 worth of electronics, now being auctioned to assist with Homeless World Cup projects.

The Footy Show
De La’s appearance on ‘The Footy Show’ earned tickets that are raffled to sponsor $1000 dollars worth of soccer balls for fellow Lasallians in PNG and the Philippines A crew of current and past De La boys, highly trained in the ancillary role of ‘theatre supporters’, helped guide 167 student from Ashwood School through their original production of ‘Always Look on the Bright Side’. The boys worked with the students from the P-12 school, which caters for kids with intellectual disabilities, to help promote ideas of healthy living.

Summer Heights High Comes to De La Salle
Chris Lilley paid a visit in the PAC to workshop ideas for the 2008 RAW dance piece. It was an inspirational session for all involved, as the quiet artistic genius gave a rare insight into his career and his creative process.
De La Salle’s ‘Bogan Pride’

Following the success of De La Salle’s 2008 dance troup’s media exposure, students were cast in SBS’s latest Australian Comedy ‘Bogan Pride’. The boys were selected for their superior dance skills, (not their resemblance to the Australian colloquial ‘bogan’!).