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Kinnoull Campus 2008
In taking up the position of Head of Campus at the commencement of 2008, I did so with a sense of eager anticipation. I knew I was coming to a school with an enviable reputation and a proud tradition. This is a reputation for varied opportunities, for rich experiences and student development in spiritual, academic, sporting, cultural and social dimensions. Sitting down to reflect and write this report towards the end of the year I can report that this anticipation was fully justified. In my first meeting with each of the Year Levels on the first day I challenged the students to make this a year of personal and communal excellence in all aspects of school life. Again, I have not been disappointed. The various individual and group achievements that we celebrated in our school, campus and level assemblies and which are reported in these pages show the outstanding achievements in all the dimensions mentioned above. I have been particularly impressed by the students’ enthusiastic and highly effective engagement in Lasallian service. This has ranged from the whole community involvement in the wonderful event of Mission Action Day through to the extraordinary outreach of the Year 11s in PNG and the Year 12s in India with the Coolies Project. Students have a wonderful sense of what it means to be Lasallian and an enthusiastic acceptance of this. For a significant number of Kinnoull students, there was the unique opportunity for participation in World Youth Day and/ or the Lasallian Youth gathering which preceded it. I can also report that I encountered a vibrant, welcoming and generous community of students and staff at De La Salle. Kinnoull students reflecting on the year will quite probably recall 2008 as the year of the building project…mainly because of the disruption that was endured. I really must congratulate the students on their (generally) cheerful tolerance of this disruption with the loss of so much yard space and also the difficulty of movement between classes. This latter difficulty was experienced particularly by the Year 10s. The reward of an outstanding new facility with auditorium, canteen and additional classrooms awaits us at the start of 2009. I really must give my thanks to each member of the teaching and support staff at Kinnoull who have given so generously of their skill, patience and commitment to provide the students with such a broad and challenging program. In particular my thanks to the administrators of the learning programs: Mr Doug Esler (Assistant Head of Campus), Mr Frank Goricanec (VCE coordinator) and Ms Kylie Busk (VET/VCAL Coordinator). Sincere thanks and admiration for their leadership in pastoral care to the Year Level Coordinators: Mr David Madigan (Year 10), Mr Paul Harrup (Year 11) and Ms Sally Buick (Year 12). Mr Steven Young Head of Kinnoull

The “Vets”
Year 12 2008
Row 4: Anthony Kanellopoulos, Luke Williams, Tomas Paturzo-Polson, William Riman, Edward Clinch (inset) Row 3: Damian Giorgini, Richard Naylor, Peter Gourgoulis, Adam Del Pizzo, Ryan Paturzo-Polson, Jackson Harper. Row 2: Mark Collins, Samuel Howieson, Ryan Foenander, Daniel Speirs, Simon Pentifallo, Sam O’Donnell. Row 1: Mitch Wheeler, Timothy Allan, Benedict Farrell, Mr Terry Atkins