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From the Chaplain’s Desk

Year 7 Retreats
This year, the focus of the Year 7 retreats was based around community. Who do we look up to in the community and what sorts of community groups do we belong to? Which sorts of groups help others in the community? A day was set aside for the Year 7’s to reflect on this issue. They also took part in a range of activities such as discussions, games and prayer.
Year 8 Retreats
The theme this year for Year 8’s was Our Response to the Poor. We focused on our trip to Sacred Heart Mission and the surrounding areas. We looked at Blessed Mary MacKillop and her response to the poor. We looked at famous people who are known for their work with the poor. A day was set aside for the Year 8’s to take part in a range of activities such as games, presentations, prayer and discussions.The retreats are a marvellous opportunity for Homerooms to mix and share their own experiences of community.

From the Chaplain
2009 has been another exciting year in the Chapel as more than 40 students sought assistance to develop their faith through reception of the Sacraments. First term saw a group of young people from Years 4 to Year 10 receive the Sacrament of Penance for the first time in April, celebrated by Father Brendan Dillon (an Old Boy of the College). The boys and their families shared in a community liturgy, followed by individual Reconciliation. The boys have talked enthusiastically of how good they felt, how much they valued the experience of reflecting on their lives, and how they wanted to grow and change. Preparation for Confirmation started at the beginning of Term 2 with four groups of students meeting each week. Confirmation was celebrated by Bishop Elliot in July at St Anthony’s, Glenhuntly. Thirty-four De La Salle students from Years 6 to Year 11 were among those Confirmed. Eleven of the boys also received Eucharist for the first time. Congratulations to Luis Andres Marino, Aiden Atkin, Sean Biernacki, Connor Blaskett, Dexter Bonet, William Borschmann, Marcus Calleja, Stefan Di Medio, Patrick Forrest, Liam Forrest, Luke Goy, Shamus Haigney, Max Holmes, Marcus Karam, Richard Laurens, Isaac Lim, Nicholas Maher, Christian Mich, Nathan Monaco, Brodie Muller, John Nguyen, Kim Cecilia Nguyen (Sacre Coeur), Adrian Orso, Jackson Parker, Annabelle Parker (Sacre Coeur), who was Confirmed in her own parish, Timothy Rogers, Liam Ryan, John San Jose, Henry Secomb, Fergus Sinclair, Nathaniel Smith, Jesse Tavitian, James Tavitian, Angus Toogood and Dale Tralongo, In October 2008 two students from Year 7 and 8 respectively requested Baptism into the Catholic Church. Their journey led to Baptism during the 2009 Easter Vigil, and they have continued to attend classes during 2009 to develop their understanding of the Catholic faith. First Communion was celebrated in November at St Anthony’s. A group of students from De La Salle excitedly prepared for the re-enactment of the Last Supper of Jesus, with a washing of the feet, and a Seda meal to bring the message of Jesus alive. They also attended a Retreat evening with their parents. We wish them well as they seek to deepen their faith in Jesus through the Eucharist. Mrs Joan Ferguson College Chaplain