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A Love for Learning…
Every student at De La Salle College is fortunate to engage in a rich and rewarding curriculum every day they attend school. It is wonderful to be a part of the high calibre of teaching staff at De La Salle College, who are committed to delivering an excellent curriculum, and understand the importance of educating the ‘whole person’. Our curriculum not only allows for educating our students intellectually, but socially, emotionally and spiritually. As we reflect upon the many achievements our students have made this year, it is evident that our students, at some stage, have been blessed with ‘a love for learning’. When we explore this notion — ‘a love for learning’ — we realize that it is the positive teaching and learning environments that enable our students to become enthusiastic, passionate and inquisitive about the subject matter before them. Whether it be a junior English class, a Physics class, a VCAL Numeracy class, or a Literacy Support class, we recognise that boys learn best when they engage in the subject, and when the learning is relevant to them and their lived experience. In educating the whole person we teach our students how to be self-reflective learners, and equip them with the skills and strategies that will allow them to be confident learners who gain from both their successes and failures. This experience of learning can only be realized once students have ‘a love for learning’ and can develop their knowledge, skills and their world view. Furthermore, what we continually aim to achieve at De La Salle College is supported by experts in the field, like William Pollack, author of ‘Real Boys’. Pollack states: ‘boys do best in schools that give them the chance to participate in learning activities that correspond to their personal interests and competencies, enabling them to sound their authentic voices and thrive as individuals’. As a result, the 2009 year school is one to be celebrated. Whether it be participation in the Rock Eisteddfod, reading an enjoyable book, a role in the school musical Hot Mikado, completing a challenging mathematical equation, having a piece of art work displayed in the Art Show, participating in the Alliance Francaise or the Dante Alighieri Poetry competition, writing an essay, participating in the Mathematics or Science competitions, being a host for an exchange student, understanding a science theory, participating in a sporting team, or simply engaging in your learning, congratulations! As the year draws to an end, I encourage all students to appreciate the fine work completed this year, take the time to reflect, and ‘Dare to Dream’ that 2010 will be an even brighter year ahead. Finally, I would like to thank sincerely all the Key Learning Area Coordinators for their faith and support. I have found much affirmation in all that we have accomplished as a team this year. The many hours spent in developing our curriculum this year have been an invaluable experience for all.
Ms Sandra Troise VELS Coordinator