10 minute read
Year 8

Learning About the Holocaust
In Term 2, members of the Holocaust Centre came to De La Salle and gave a lesson about the Holocaust and how it came about. A survivor from the Holocaust gave us a lecture on her life and her personal experience throughout this terrible time. Everyone had a booklet to fill about the different boards that were placed which had different people’s stories on them. At the end of the day we broke up into groups and shared a discussion about what we had learnt about the Holocaust.
Rock and Water
This year we have been working on a personal development programme called Rock and Water. It is about learning to defend yourself if you find yourself in a bad situation, and to learn when to walk away. At the end of the programme we got to go to a Karate centre and break blocks of wood which had our own personal goals written on them.
Mediaeval Day
In History this year one of the topics was “Mediaeval Europe” and the Year 8’s were lucky enough to have professional “mediaeval” actors come to De La Salle and teach us about the period. During the day we did three different activities; the first was archery, where we were taught how to shoot and handle a bow and arrow. The second lesson was a weapons demonstration, where the teacher talked us through all the different weapons and armour that was employed at the time. The third lesson was one on torture where we had a discussion on all the different types of medieval torture and punishment. We learnt lots! Elliott Holden

8 Dunstan

Back Row: Joshua De Souza, Shane Howard, Connor Harris, Darcy Hemming Row 3: Jordan Gasparini, Andrew Gainger, Peter Cain, Michael Zbiegien, Jeremy Palmer, Nicholas Clampett , Benjamin Allars Row 2: Nathan Kim, John Glover, Jon Craig, Scott Callahan, Jake Krizmanic, Nicholas Cheung Seated: Christopher Zisimopoulos, Nathaniel Smith, Jake D’Amico, Michael McMahon, Simon Allen, James Little, Ben Thorson Absent: Joshua Kleverlaan Mr David Happ Back Row: Harry Beech, Samuel Grimmer, Alexander Pagonis, Kevin Barry Row 3: Daniel Rodrigues, aiden Atkin, Mackenzie Fairchild, Matthew Jackson, Connor Stanley, Lochland Hardy Row 2: Joel Greensill, Lachlan Smith, Jack Reeve, Callum Howarth, Elliott Holden, Minh Nguyen Seated: Jamie Cagorski, Jack Cowling, Caillin Rolfe, Aaron Hay, Nicholas Ricci, Joel Whitehead, Christopher Loccisano Absent: Joshua Garman, Max Stephens Mr Andrew Murrell

8 Jerome

Back Row: Gennaro Murray, Geremy McKay, Kruger Thomson, Sebastien Deam. Row 3: Jeffrey Xu, Matthew Dumbleton, Patrick Stanton, Andre Ascui, Lachlan Biasuzzo, Carl Herbstreit, Matthew Crosbie. Row 2: Kieren Laband, James Tasiopoulos, Daniel Shamuyarira, Cameron Torcasio, Daniel Anastasio, Naish Annert, Benjamin Ayre. Seated: Floyd Cox, Joseph Johnson, Luis Georgaklis,William Agar,Adam Tonkin, Nicholas Maiorana,Stephen Ciavarella. Miss Catherine McIlroy Back Row: Jack Campion,George Banks, Matthew Gee, William Johns Row 3: Kieran Johnson, Michael McCaffrey, Patrick Collins, Iain Musster, Peter Bradley, Simrat Singh, Nathanial Edwards Row 2: Ben Birkensleigh, Brandon Truong, Jack Caton, Campbell Jones, Nathan Evans, Izaak Madsen Seated: William Cardwell, Jack Higgins Jerome Lugo, Anthony Ianchello, Gihan Boteju, Lawrence Twirdy, Dominic Hando Mr Paul Grace

8 Roland
Back Row: Luke Toniolo, Kasha Smith, Theodore Siriopoulos, Thomas Connolly, Jack Heatley, Jack Caminiti, Pierluigi Grech Middle Row: Jack Handley, Brendan Simon, Aiden Watson, Taylor Evans, Harrison Dziubinski, James Dennehy, Anthony Marsicano, James Crough Seated: Josh Casula, William Nguyen, Benson Adams, Mitch Carey, Nick Stubbings, Josh Pulvirenti, Jake Pirovano Mr Sam Magree Back Row: Harry Thompson, John Nguyen, George Vlahogiannis, Dylan Cowan, Aaron Li, Lucas Lampos Row 3: Richard Buckley, Andre Lew, James Kelada, Lewis De Stefanis, Andreas Metaxas, Darcy Kinna, Liam Pezet Row 2: Joe Spicuglia, Harrison Tailby, Anthony Hatzis, Evan Sezenias, Jake Birch, Ben Whitmore, Adam Bell Seated: James Koulousias, Colin Spackman, Alex Grant, Jack Thornton, Joel Matheson, Walter Chung, Myles Thomas Ms Liz Turner

8 Vincent

Back Row: Matthew Petrone, Callum Ernikiolis, Adam Pentifallo, Marcus Andrews Row 3: Alexander Di Medio, David Pine, Harry Saltis, James Eracleous, Andrew Giannos, Lachlan Carracher, Michael Gorissen Row 2: Hamish Curtis, Patrick Arceri, James Liu, Darcy Craig, Joe Giorgini Seated: Peter Lagaris, Aaron D’Costa, Lachlan Brown, Jacob Duscher, Daniel Ruffolo, Matthew Ghersi, Llewellyn Ryan Absent: Jay Bear, Christian Lymbouris, Gabriel Makris, Jamie Faro Ms Rose Connolly Back Row: Evan Glavas, Sean Delgorge, Jordan Commins, Brendan Maher Row 3: Beau Drummond, Joel Stewart, Brody Ledder, Tom Fisher, Aaron Langenberg, Damien Taranto, Doug Loton Row 2: Stephen Galgani, Tom O’Dwyer, Daniel Bernadone, Mitchell Clarke-Smith, Zach Fassos, Sebastian Otten, Nick Donaghey Seated: Jean-Michel Reuter, Daniel Clarke, Alex Smith, Tate Blackman, Zane Hutter, Michael Patane, Josh Caruso Mr Martin Rhoden


Year 8 Year 8 Leaders
Expanding on the learning and development from Year 7, the Year 8 community participated in a variety of new events throughout the course of 2009. For the first time this year, the Year 8 cohort was involved in an expanded City Experience program that saw students visit some of Melbourne’s major landmark attractions. A major interest during this program was the opportunity for the students to visit the MCG and the National Sports Museum. Students were given the opportunity to step onto the famous ground and imagine what it would be like to perform in such an iconic stadium. Students also visited The National Gallery Of Victoria, The Melbourne Museum, St Patrick’s Cathedral, Sacred Heart Mission, and the surrounding streets of St Kilda. The Mission provided the boys with an insight into how local welfare groups provide support and care for those who are in need of help. At the conclusion of the two-day city experience, students were led on a day retreat to encourage them to reflect on their experiences. The personal development program proved to be very popular and provided students with a variety of important life skills. The Reach: Re-thinking Drinking and Rock and Water programs emphasized the need for each student to develop self-esteem, selfreflection and self-control in a variety of situations and scenarios they may encounter, as they continue life’s journey. It was particularly pleasing to see at the conclusion of each semester a Rock and Water Graduation take place for each Homeroom at the Malvern East Karate
On the social front, a Bush Dance was held at Presentation College. After the initial nerves passed, boys where paired with a partner and enthusiastically displayed some fancy bush dance moves. By all reports, everyone enjoyed the day immensely. With the weather gradually improving, the outdoor education camps were held at Phillip Island. The camp presented students with an opportunity to participate in a wide range of outdoor activities — bike riding, raft making, surfing and fishing. The thrill of catching a fish for the first time was a memorable experience for many. I would like to thank the students of Year 8 for their effort and com Back Row: Harrison Dziubinski, Sebastian Deam, Andre Lew, Aaron Langenberg, Kasha Smith, Mackenzie Fairchild Middle Row: Patrick Arceri, Jordan Gasparini, Zane Hutter, Cailin Rolfe, Esa Ramsay Front: Mr Shane Mackintosh, Gihan Boteju, Will Agar, Gabriel Makris, Jerome Lugo, Walter Chung mitment this year. Your time will pass very quickly at De La Salle, so make the most of every opportunity. studio. At this ceremony, students broke a wooden It has been a delight getting to block with their bare hands, applying the principles of know you this year, and I look forward to watching the Rock and Water program to do so. your journey at De La Salle in the coming years. Students for the first time were given the opportunity Finally, I would also like to thank sincerely the Year to represent the College at ACC Sport. It was ter- 8 Homeroom teachers — Mr Murrell, Mr Happ, rific to see such large numbers participate in each of Mr Grace, Ms McIroy, Ms Turner, Mr Magree, Mr these sports. The Homeroom Lightning Premiership Rhoden and Ms Connolly, for the dedication and Carnival proved to be a very enjoyable day with effort they have made this year. many highlights. Many assemblies were held to celebrate a variety of Mr Shane Mackintosh achievements. Congratulations to all who received Year 8 Coordinator recognition at these formal gatherings.