6 minute read
Year 9 on Camp

Year 9 Camp

Year 9 Outdoor Ed Program
This year our Year 9 Outdoor Ed Program was based at Camp Howqua, located in the Victorian High Country. The Program provided students with the opportunity to further develop friendships whilst participating in a diverse range of activities within the outdoor environment. This is what they thought… “Year 9 camp was by far the best camp yet at De La Salle. Horse riding, high ropes, archery and the flying fox were all very enjoyable – and kept you wanting more. This camp has provided many memories and a great experience of outdoor life – I had a very enjoyable time.” “Camp Howqua was all about teamwork and trust. The camp was set high up in the mountain ranges. Horse riding made me feel like an old Country and Western Cowboy. Every activity was unique providing an unforgettable experience.” “This camp was not like other camps where you do the usual.”
Camp Howqua
Adventurous Activities Main Meals to fill any hunger Perfect way to find out who you are
Horse Riding – where Mitch bit Jacko Orienteering – where we almost got lost Wonderful staff that gave everything a go Qualities that you learn about your peers Unique Experiences like “the Survivor” Assurance that you’ll love this camp
Mr David Alexander Outdoor Education Coordinator Year 9’s are set the task of spending a week helping the elderly. On the first day I was way outside my confort zone, but after a time I felt privileged to have had the chance to spend time with older people. The experience will stay with me for years to come. A friend and I sat down with a 101 year old nun and heard of what she had been though in her long life. She got us thinking ‘there are more things in the world than just us — everyone has a story, and not everything is about me’ I walked out of the old age home the following Friday afternoon full of lifetime stories (and new card games) that I (hopefully) will remember when I am at that stage of my life, telling my own story to a young 15 year old boy who has come to hear it.

James Watts
Year 9 Community Service

9 Vincent

Back Row: Prabal Joshi, Nathan Phillips, Tom Melissakis, Thomas McGlenchy, Nicholas Peck, Lachlan Power, Andrew Scammell-Panozzo Middle Row: Nathan Maiorana, Aaron Gross, Aiden Kelly-Knox, Nicholas Lowrie, Jiaen Lin, Matthew Gleeson, Samuel King, Seated: Patrick Kemp, Michael Swinnerton, Lachlan Hay, John Robinson,Jordan Wells, Thomas Keys, Taylor Flatley Absent: Marcus Spyrou, Jack Carlin Mr Chris Fleming Back Row: Ephrem Zarris, Harry Holden, Tom Monaghan, Justin Hall, Jack Gava Levi Otto, Nathan Anderson. Middle Row: Jackson Whaler, James Serban Nathan Lay, Joshua Vitacca, Rhyard Sahely, Jack Duffy, Joshua Hyrons. Seated: Adrian Indovino, Christopher Murphy, Nicholas Chant, Daniel King, Mark Aquino, Gerry Korfiatis, Joseph Connell. Mrs Jo Graham

Year 9

Upon reflection I can honestly say that the Year 9 Students of 2009 were a group of wonderful young men who achieved many great things, as they navigated their way through a period of their lives that brings rapid change, physically and emotionally. Our theme for 2009 was Dedication, Leadership and Support, and I challenged Year 9 students to set an example to the rest of the Campus in their dedication to their studies, leadership of others, and the support of one another. Students were given a number of opportunities to display their talents through a number of curricular and extra-curricular activities. In Year 9 all students participated in the Lasallian Service program. This is a program many students find extremely rewarding, as it is an opportunity for them to work closely with people in need. Many students visited aged-care facilities where their youth and enthusiasm brought a smile to many a peron’s face. The SRC and House leaders were extremely proactive, setting up a number of initiatives in 2009. Our ‘Healthy Eating Breakfast Club’ was one of a number of programs allowing students a healthy breakfast of cereal, toast and juice for a gold coin donation. Leaders gave up a considerable amount of time ensuring they arrived to school early to assist with the set up and running of the Breakfast Club, and I thank them for their time and effort. I would also like to thank students who gave up their time to represent the College — whether it was in debating, sport, music, theatre, or representing the College on excursions and National trips — all students conducted themselves exceptionally well. It was particularly pleasing to receive feedback from the community complimenting Year 9 student behaviour and their eagerness to help. This is a credit, not only to students, but to the parents and teachers who work so hard to support and mentor these young men. This year would not have been the success it was had it not been for our Homeroom and support staff — they were exceptional in performing their duties ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty. To Mr Di Ciccio, Mr Slavin, Mr Ellul, Ms Peipert, Mr Conti, Miss D’Andrea, Ms Graham, Mr Fleming and Ms Ferrari, your dedication, your professionalism and outstanding talent in responding to the needs of our young men was truly gratifying. To Br Bill, Mr Peter Riordan, Mr John McAlroy, Mr Pascal Rohan, Ms Sandra Troise, Mrs Kathie Holmes and the MMEC staff, a special thanks to you all; without your leadership and support we would not have functioned as purposefully or as effectively as we did. And to our teaching staff, thank you for your professionalism, commitment and good humour in your interaction with Year 9, ’09! Finally, I would like to thank all parents for their continued support over the year entrusting De La Salle College with the educating of your sons. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Mr Rob Bonnici Year 9 Coordinator

Year 9 Leaders
Back Row: Nick Chant, Chris Draffen (vice-captain), Nick Rodway (campus captain) Damien Tyrer (vice-captain) Row 2: Mr Rob Bonnici, James Howard, Adam Okurowski, Anthony Peroukaneas, Sam Harrington Front: Brad Monaco, Matt Taylor, Lachlan Hay, Paul Casey, Lachlan Miles