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Farewell Br Denis/ Free-Wheeling James

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Rest In Peace

Brother Denis Loft is jetting off again — this time to Sudan. Throughout his 30 years as a De La Salle Brother, Br Denis has spent time in Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. During his current posting at De La Salle Malvern, he launched the annual pilgrimage to India, now known as the legendary, Coolies. His jet-setting began when, as a young brother, he was sent to Scarborough in Queensland. He then went to New Plymouth, New Zealand and then to PNG where he would spend the next 20 years. In PNG, he was based at Kondu, before taking up the post of Principal of Bomana High School. In 1989, he returned to Melbourne to run Vaugirard, a home for homeless boys, before returning to PNG, as Principal of Hohola, a VET-type school for kids who drop out of mainstream education. In 2001, he returned to Australia to work at Boystown, and in 2003 was appointed the NSW Director of St Miguel farm retreat. In 2004, he joined the staff at De La Salle Malvern. Throughout his six years at De La Salle, Br Denis, fondly known as “the John Cleese” of the Maths’ Department, has inspired hundreds of young mathematicians with his genius and his sometimes unconventional teaching methods. All of us will miss his “odds” for the De La Gift and his Black Jack Table at Founders Day. In just a short time at De La Salle, Br Denis has made an indelible mark — his infectious laugh and his general bonhomie are a constant source of energy for us all, and we will be lost without his, seemingly, endless supply of “fundraiser chocolates.” Br Denis is a great Lasallian leader, and his energy and faith have inspired thousands of people throughout his life. In a few weeks, Br Denis will jet-set off for the next chapter in his life, joining Br Bill Firman in Southern Sudan. No doubt he will continue to spread joy and laughter wherever he goes and we will miss him as a teacher, a leader and a friend.

Free-wheeling James

James Leonard is a remarkable young man. He has cerebral palsy, severe hearing loss and a passion for life that is infectious. As one staff member said, “he always walks about with a big smile, so helpful, and never complains.” My first dealings with James were as the Yr 10 basketball coach. His keenness was obvious. What impressed me was the way the other boys interacted with him — he was James, part of the team. It was great to give him a run with the team — and the goal he scored, the beaming grin on his face, and the cheer that went up from the sidelines, remains one of the highlights of that season. The same staff member also said, "One day I asked James if he could speak to a young Aboriginal student (at the College on an exchange program) who looked alone in the playground. James took off immediately, started talking to him and asked if he would like to join him playing basketball". In September, James organized a wheelchair basketball game between staff and students, and everybody had a great time. From my perspective, it was great to see him have an unfair advantage! On the day, $250 was raised for Wheelchair Sports Victoria.

Mr Patrick Jurd Director of Mission

The Final Assembly

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