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Kinnoull Campus 2009
In taking up the challenge of Head of Campus halfway through the academic year I was blissfully unaware of the incredible amount of work there had to be done. I am indebted to Mr Stephen Young for his patience, as he answered a million questions about what needed to be dealt with next — the list seemed endless. We have negotiated our way through subject selections, camps, work experience, whole school assemblies, Masses and farewelling the graduation class of 2009. Through all of this our students have conducted themselves with integrity and dignity, fine ambassadors for the College, both in and outside of the College grounds. Having moved from the role of Year 12 Coordinator I was set the formidable task of developing a keener knowledge of students in Years 10 and 11, and I was pleased to note that the same sense of pride in being a “De La boy” was clearly evident in all our students. This sense of pride was enhanced observing the number of students who attended PNG, the participation of all students in our Social Justice Mass, and the excellent assistance from the Year 11 leaders with our Founders Day celebrations. These ers this year. They were led by Jake Stewart, who did an outstanding job as College Captain, with the assistance of Tim East and Xavier Fitzgerald as the two Vice-Captains. At Kinnoull we are blessed with a fine group of dedicated teachers who approach the education of our students with enthusiasm and good humour. They are very ably led by three outstanding Year Level coordinators in Mr Tim Ford (Year 12), Mr David Madigan (Year 11) and Mr Paul Harrup (Year 10). The smooth running of the campus and the exceptional care each and every student receives would not be possible without their dedicated and, at times, challenging, work. Often one runs a risk of unintentionally omitting people with individual thanks. However, I would also like to acknowledge the Heads of Faculty who oversee the delivery of our curriculum, our patient and unflappable VCE Coordinator; Frank Goricanec, the tireless work of Kylie Busk in the VET/VCAL arena, and the careers and library staff who generously give of their time. Mrs Anne Lawler, Ms Trish Woodman, Mrs Patricia D’arcy and Mrs Sandy Glazebrook offer very cheerful support in administration, and without the good humour and patience of Mr Doug Esler the campus would slip into chaos. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to be part of a fine leadership team led by Mr Peter Riordan, with the support of Mr John McAlroy and Mr Stephen Young, and I thank them for their patience and willingness to assist in all areas. I eagerly anticipate that 2010 will be a year full of rewards and challenges for all members of the Kinnoull, and wider De La Salle community. I wish all students, staff and families a restful and Holy Christmas, and look forward to working with you in 2010.

Mrs Sally Buick Head of Campus
social justice initiatives are examples of what stand us apart from other schools. It is the enthusiasm with which students participate in activities, such as raising substantial funds for Mission Action Day, attending trips to PNG or the ‘Coolies’ adventure to India, we celebrate as being truly Lasallian. When I spoke to the graduating class of 2009, I challenged them to ‘follow their own star’. Hopefully, experiences such as the ones mentioned have given our students the opportunity to do this, as well as embrace the idea of being ‘men for others’. In mentioning the Year 12s of 2009, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the fine work done by the lead-