7 minute read
College Principal’s Report
Dear Members of the College community, I commence this report with an expression of gratitude to all who have made my return to De La Salle College such a wonderful experience. The uniqueness of the De La spirit is ever present and the dedication and commitment of the staff is very apparent. With the active support of our Board of Governors the College has planned, and is in the process of implementing, a range of improvements in curriculum for 2011. Under the Chairmanship of Brother Christopher Gorringe fsc, the Board is also preparing a development plan for the College which will take us well into the 21st century with enthusiasm and promise. The College expresses its thanks and appreciation to the community of the De La Salle Brothers at Malvern for their supportive and active presence in De La Salle. They fill a number of essential roles in the College and their presence at so many of our school functions is appreciated by all. Thank you, Brothers. Their presence in the De La Salle community was exemplified with the visit of the Brother Superior General, Brother Alvaro Rodriquez Echeverria fsc, to the College and the Brothers community in early November. Brother Superior was with us for a very short time but he managed to visit the senior campus and to lunch with the teachers on the Tiverton campus. Several functions were organized for Brother Superior during his three days in Melbourne. The Board of Governors and senior staff, senior student leaders and teachers had the opportunity to meet and engage with Brother Superior. He fittingly reminded us of our role and mission in our school. The College offers a wide range of experiences, subjects and opportunities to students across all levels. In the reflections and videos presented at the final assemblies this year

Brother Paul speaking with Year 7 boys Standing: Br Jeffrey Calligan, Br Paul Smith, Br Matthew Heron, Br Gabriel O’Shea Seated: Br Raymond Khan, Br Julian Watson, Br Alphonso Zoanetti, Br Paul Rogers, Br Lawrence King, Br Anthony Cummins it was transparent why the De La program has its own attraction and ownership for every student. I commend the work of teachers who plan and implement a range of programs to suit all abilities and interests. In particular I must recognize and state my appreciation for the teachers who have grasped the opportunity to prepare for the implementation and introduction of ICT across all curricula, at different stages, in 2011. The process will be complete at the commencement of the 2012 school year. This year we have laid the groundwork for the Miguel class which will commence in Year 9, 2011. Whilst the College has, over many years, committed large

Brother Superior’s visit to De La Salle College. Left to Right: Mr Peter Riordan, Deputy Principal; Brother David Hawke, General Councillor — Rome; Brother Paul Rogers, Principal; Brother Alvaro Echeverria, Brother Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers; Brother Ambrose Payne, Provincial of the De La Salle Brothers — Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.

Brother Superior being greeted by some Year 7 boys resources to supporting the learning of students with particular needs, we now believe that we must do likewise for students with higher ability levels as demonstrated during the course of their Year 7/8 years. To be effective across all the year group, changes are also being considered for our assessment procedures and our curriculum implementation. We will commence 2011 with a 10-day timetable which has been identified to assist us with the early stages of preparation for the national curriculum and its emphasis on English, Maths, Science and Humanities. There will be increased periods for these subjects next year. The spread of opportunities for students does test our finite resources and we do need to adjust what we can do from time to time. The College is committed to the alternative pathways at Year 12: VCE and VCAL, the College is committed over the next three years to growing the approach to studies which speaks of excellence for all, not just the most capable. Each student needs to excel at that for which he shows the greatest aptitude. Learning must be enjoyable but it must be also done with commitment. Our students deserve commendation for all that they have contributed to De La Salle in 2010. Some have been involved in national and international competitions; many have tasted success at inter-collegiate and in ACC sports and music competitions; and all the boys in Years 4–9 have gone somewhere and experienced something new for themselves in their camp and extended community service programs. Students in Years 9 and 10 were part of the exchange program with LaSalle Greenhills, Manila, Philippines, where they also worked and helped to construct houses in the Gawad Kalinga program. MAD money purchased the houses which we built. Year 11 students spent two weeks in PNG and helped the De La Salle school at Mainohana to rebuild a kitchen, and a group of Year 12 students, our “Coolies”, are currently part of a massive construction program at Kalimudiman, India. Our ability to help others has few limits. I appreciate the significant work that has been done this year by my Executive in laying the groundwork for some even greater improvements in 2011. A school can never stand still; to do so is the beginning of stagnation and no person – student or teacher, can grow in an atmosphere that is frozen in time.

This photo represents De La with students from the College, Years 7–12. It includes Br Ambrose, Australian Provincial, Brother Alvaro, Superior General, Br David Hawke, General Council in Rome, Br Paul, Principal. Br Alvaro chats with College leader Tim Shallue
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At De La, we do have exciting times ahead of us. The teachers are committed to grow the quality of what we do! The teachers are dedicated to ensure that each boy has the opportunity to maximize his potential and develop into the fine young man we all wish him to be. The process varies for each boy. Some teachers are retiring or leaving De La Salle this year. Each of them has made their own significant and personal contribution to the development of the De La Salle community in some way. We thank you for your dedication and commitment to the students and the support you have given to all your colleagues over the years. Your presence and contributions will be missed. To Henry Corcoran who is retiring after many years of service in both St Bede’s College and De La Salle Malvern, we wish good health and happiness. Ad multos Annos. To the support staff in the office, the grounds and the IT department, I express my thanks for all your good work. To the parents who, through the Parent Network and the great liasion work of Trish Woodman, have engaged so many parents in assisting the College community on so many occasions, I also give thanks. Trish is also responsible for the Alumni reunions when we see approximately 500–600 in any one year — this is a commendable effort. I offer my special gratitude to Mr Peter Riordan. He has steered the ship between the departure of Brother Bill and my arrival. The community is very grateful to you, Peter. To the many priests who have frequently obliged and provided us with the opportunity to celebrate the Mass in a meaningful and purposeful way, we say ‘thank you’. I trust that each family — a part of the De La Salle community — will be blessed with the peace and joy of a new year, full of new challenges and opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Yours in De La Salle, Br Paul Rogers fsc Principal
Office Staff
John McAlroy (Tiverton Head of Campus), Sally Buick (Kinnoull Head of Campus), Steve Young (Assistant Principal — Curriculum), Peter Riordan (Deputy Principal), Br Paul Rogers (Principal) and Anne Corcoran (Business Manager)

The support people who keep the nerve centre of the organization in full flight — the office personnel. Standing: Br Gabriel O’Shea (Daily attendance – Tiverton), Joy Bew (Tiverton Office), Trish Woodman (Coordinator – VCAA data, Parent Network, Alumni), Anne Lawler (Kinnoull Office), Sandra Glazebrook (Receptionist – Kinnoull), Patricia D’Arcy (Receptionist – Kinnoull), Elaine Tyrrell (Assistant – Finance), Mary Kiernan (Assistant – Finance), Seated: Rachelle St Ledger (Receptionist – Tiverton), Peter Riordan (Deputy Principal), Br Paul Rogers (Principal), Ann Corcoran (Business Manager), Mary McLellan (Registrar), Tania Allars (Tiverton Office)
Absent: Ellenor Harris (Assistant – Finance)