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Papua New Guinea

In September, staff and students from De La Salle College accepted an invitation to volunteer at the De La Salle Mainohana Secondary School in Papua New Guinea. The 14-day trip was filled with many laughs, new friendships and hard work. We were able to experience a completely new culture, lifestyle and appreciation for life, all of which bonded the 11 students and staff members who took part. The students learnt many new skills, and developed and maintained a team approach to tasks. The work involved improving the comfort and safety of the College. With the support and knowledge from Mr Warren Walker, and plumbing teacher Mr Murray Wells from Holmesglen TAFE, the boys removed the existing concrete floor, installed new plumbing and gas pipes, and concreted and tiled a new floor in the student kitchen. They also repaired windows and beams in the guest house. Despite the heat and humidity we completed all of our tasks on schedule, leaving time for “R&R”. This included swims in the river and games of rugby or Aussie rules with the locals. The work was made easier by the humorous Mainohana maintenance team, consisting of Phil, Peer and Eddie, who somehow seemed to work twice as hard and fast without breaking into a sweat. All of the boys were treated like royalty by the staff and students from Mainohana, who gave us the opportunity to experience their traditional food. Miss Madelyn Fakepo and students Leontine, Henrieta and Philo, with Chef Jeff, catered incredibly well, considering the large appetite of the De La boys! This made our trip all the more enjoyable. We were also treated to an overnight home stay in a nearby village to experience their culture, which was very rewarding. We were special guests at a village’s Independence Day celebrations, visited the markets, the War Memorial, and experienced an incredible farewell presentation from Mainohana’s staff and students. Our experience has changed the views and values of everyone who took part. We experienced a different culture, learnt many new skills and made plenty of new friends. The memories we shared will never be forgoten On behalf of the students, I would like to thank all who participated in making this possible, and I recommend the adventure to all future Year 11 students Patrick Hanney Year 11