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Celebration of a Century
Almost 1000 guests filled the Palladium at Crown on the 18th of August for the long-awaited De La Salle College Centenary Dinner. Old Collegians from as far back as the 1940s and as far away as the United States, along with family, friends and staff past and present gathered to celebrate this historic milestone for the College. Br Paul Rogers, the Principal of the College, welcomed the official party including the Premier, The Honourable Ted Baillieu and his wife Robyn, the local Member for Malvern, The Honourable Michael O’Brien and Br Ambrose Payne AO, the Brother Visitor of the Brothers. Br Paul conveyed a greeting from the Governor General Quentin Bryce congratulating the Brothers for their “tireless efforts to provide opportunities for learning and teaching with professional skill and fine values and principles of service, dedication and compassion.” Br Paul introduced a video message from the Brother Superior in Rome, Br Alvaro Echeverria. The Prime Minister The Honourable Julia Gillard also sent her congratulations through Mr John Hogan (1950) on behalf of the Canberra Chapter of the Old Collegians’ Association. The Palladium was aglow with the Centenary Candles, a feature of the table decorations, and the warm glow of hundreds of happy faces. Among the guests on the evening were 18 of the Brothers’ Australian community, including three former Principals — Brothers Calixtus Cusack (1970), Peter Smythe (1989–1994) and Tim Peter (1997–2004), as well as former Principal and current Deputy Principal, Mr Peter Riordan. Other special guests included 19 former College Captains dating back to Mr John Gill who was the Captain in

1947 and the twelve 2012 College Leaders, led by College Captain Nick Rodway. The keynote address was delivered by Br Ambrose Payne AO who spoke of the extent of change the College has undergone over the last 100 years. He said the greatest challenge affecting education in the future would be globalization. Br Ambrose presented Br Paul with a framed Papal Blessing, which no doubt will serve as a reminder to future generations who pass through the College of this auspicious event. The hosts for the evening, racing commentator Jake Norton (1999) and ABC Grandstand compare Matt Clinch (2001) kept the audience amused, making sure the evening ran smoothly. A special feature of the evening was a short film of the College’s Centenary produced and directed by Year 12 students, Darcy Conlan and Miles Fabris, who personally introduced their film. Later in the evening a roll call of former Principals and College Captains sang ‘Happy Birthday De La Salle’ accompanied by the La De Las (the College music tutors) who entertained the guests throughout the evening. Ms Kerry Martin