16 minute read
College Principal’s Report
College Board
As we enter the new year, we look back with gratitude on 2012 and thank God for all His graces to our College. It has been a wonderful year celebrating 100 years of our operation in Stanhope Street, Malvern. We have not only celebrated the history and traditions that have made us who we are today but we have also further developed our programmes to help expedite a school with relevance and purpose for the 21st century. Centenary Committee
Central to 2012 was the celebration of our Centenary. The planning commenced in late 2010 when a Committee of past and present staff, Old Collegians and parents, were brought together to help plan and execute our year. We are very grateful to Patsy Blight, Genie Scott, Virginia Fairchild, Robyn Brasher, Tim Ford, Kerry Martin, Bernie Dunn and Barry Lyons for the dedication and commitment they brought to all the functions of the year. I am also grateful to others who assisted in various capacities during the course of the year: Sonia Agar, Trish Woodman and Robyn Miller and the numerous parents and teachers who assisted in many ways along the journey. Some Committee members took major responsibility for a particular event and the skills and knowledge they brought to the role was invaluable. I refer to Kerry Martin (Centenary Launch), Tim Ford (Race Day at Caulfield), Bernie Dunn and Barry Lyons (Golf at Huntingdale), Genie Scott (Book Launch), Virginia Fairchild (Centenary Raffle and Dinner), Patsy Blight (Centenary Dinner), Robyn Brasher (Memorabilia) and all were ably assisted by Sonia Agar (Golf Day), Trish Woodman (Dinner tables) and Robyn Miller who managed our communications, web page and ticket bookings for the year. We are greatly indebted to each and every one of you. We also record our thanks to Jason Richardson (1986) and Jake Norton (1999). Their association with the VRC enabled the College to have such a wonderful day at Caulfield for our Race Day. As Old Collegians they were both immensely proud of their involvement, Jake Norton even wearing his College blazer on the day to compere. Jake Norton was also on hand for the Centenary Dinner to join Matthew Clinch (2001 and ABC Grandstand) and compere the function. We express sincere thanks to Bishop Mulkearns (1947) and Monsignor Mullins, formerly Br Frederick fsc, who travelled to join us for our Centenary Mass. Both men have had a long and meaningful association with the Brothers and the College over many years and their presence was of significance to all who gathered in St Joseph’s church in May to thank God for all the blessings that had been given to us since our foundation on the 5th February, 1912.
Rear: Chris Chant (inset), Peter Riordan, Br Alfonso Zoanetti fsc, Tony Morwood, Br Chris Gorringe fsc (Chairman) Seated: Sean Curtin, Br Paul Rogers fsc (Principal), Damien Nolan (Deputy Chairman)
The College recognizes the dedication of the Board, and the time they have committed in 2012 to serving the interests of the College. Under the guidance of its Chairman and Deputy Chairman, the Board addressed the policies of the Board relating to its incorporation. The De La Salle Malvern Board is responsible for the College and we appreciate all they do on our behalf.

Our 100 Years Recorded
The Centenary was recorded in a beautiful pictorial history, passionately collated by Steve Stefanopoulos (1992) and Nick Quinn (1963). It records, in photographs, the history of the College, decade by decade. It concludes with an official record of all who worked or studied in De La Salle in its Centenary year. Steve had been the College Archivist for 10 years and established our outstanding archives during that time. He was very familiar with the College history. Nick Quin was both an Old Collegian and had been the College photographer for many years, so he too had a good knowledge of College history. Their work was introduced by Brother Gerard Rummery fsc who was a very familiar face to all Old Collegians of the 1950’s. The book was formally launched by Brother Kevin Moloney fsc (1950), Old Collegian and former Provincial, on the evening of our Centenary Mass. College Dinner
All significant celebrations that last across a year can only conclude with a significant event and we chose the Centenary Dinner at the Crown Palladium to do just that. With 968 guests in attendance, all that was finest in De La Salle was on show. Brother Ambrose Payne fsc, Provincial of the De La Salle Brothers, was our Guest of Honour and presented the occasional address. Words of congratulations were also received from the Governor General, the Prime Minister and a video from the Brother Superior General, Brother Alvaro fsc. We were honoured to have the Premier of Victoria, Mr Ted Bailleau and his wife, Robyn, join us for the occasion. De La Salle was honoured for its achievements, its traditions and its rightful place in the history of Catholic education in Victoria. Golden Jubilees — De La Old Boys
It was a very special moment in mid-2012 when four Old Collegians celebrated their 50th Anniversary of their robe taking in 1962. The De La Salle Brothers in Melbourne gathered at St Bede’s Mentone with their family and friends, to celebrate the Golden Jubilees of Brothers Joseph Gabel fsc (1958), Brother Peter Heagney fsc (1960), Brother Bede French fsc (1961) and Brother Bill Firman fsc (1961, College Captain). At a Mass celebrated by Father Chris Gleeson SJ the Jubilarians renewed their vows and then, over lunch, recounted their 50 years to all present. The occasion was planned to coincide with the annual visit back home of Brother Bill who has spent the past three years in Southern Sudan. He returned there after the celebrations.

This year the College published a full-colour coffee table book showcasing De La Salle College’s 100 years of education in Malvern. The 120-page book, With Faith and Zeal Resplendent, was launched by Br Gerard Rummery at St Joseph’s Church Hall after this year’s Founder’s Day Mass in May. Edited by two Old Collegians Nicholas Quin (1963) and Steve Stefanopolous (1987) the book draws on the extensive resources of the College Archives. (Left to right: Nick Quin, Br Gerard Rummery and Steve Stefanopolous) Official party at the Centenary Dinner on 18 August, 2012.
Seated: Br Ambrose Payne fsc, Provincial, Br Julian Watson fsc, Mrs Robyn Bailleau, Br Paul Rogers fsc, Principal Standing: Mr Michael O’Brien, Minister for Gaming, Consumer Affairs, Mr Ted Bailleau, Premier of Victoria, Mr Peter Riordan, Deputy Principal,
Mrs Deirdre Riordan, Nicholas Rodway, College Captain, Fr Laurie McNamara CM, Parish Priest, St Joseph’s, Malvern. 3

Brothers Joseph Gabel fsc (1958), Peter Heagney fsc (1960), Bede French fsc (1961) and Bill Firman fsc (1961, College Captain) renew their vows on the occasion of their 50th anniversary of their reception of the religious habit.
College Principal’s Report
College Leaders — 2012
Our year began with our College Captain, Nicholas Rodway, and Vice-Captains Miles Fabris and Nick Curwood, attending a Lasallian Leaders Camp in Sydney to help them prepare for their year as College Leaders. Invigorated by the experience, they returned to lead their team of ten College Leaders to serve the College in its Centenary year. The College Leaders were present at every major Centenary event and graciously assisted with whatever was asked of them. They were all present to assist with the Centenary Dinner. These activities were in addition to their usual roles during a normal school year. They were magnificent in their dedication and commitment to the College in 2012 and we could not have asked anything more from our Leaders. To each of them we record our appreciation and gratitude.
College leaders — 2013
The College Leaders have been identified for 2013 and we congratulate Patrick Arceri, College Captain, and Alex Di Medio and Will Agar, Vice Captains, who will lead the incoming group of 10 Leaders. They have big shoes to fill. But, as always, they are keen and eager to go and I am sure that they will serve the College community well in 2013. But 2012 was more than just a Centenary. Whilst it was certainly a significant part of our year, it was not the only matter of significance for us. Teachers worked tirelessly throughout the year to complete our new Behaviour Management policy, the standardization of our curricula to be entered on Moodle and accessible by all families in 2013. Each subject curriculum will also include the assessment tasks for that subject and the grades that a student receives at the time of completion. It is both an information source for parents and real-time reporting to them. The collation of those tasks in a report format will form the basis of future meetings with parents. The standardization and preparation of assessment tasks also means that what we present will conform with the AUSVELS requirements as determined by the new curriculum. We are attempting to make all changes as clear as possible so that they will be meaningful for students and their parents. It will be a work in progress for some time but the advancement until now has been significant. I applaud the work of Sally Buick and the Key Learning Area Coordinators who have worked with her, as well as the teachers for their thorough preparation for 2013. With the introduction of AUSVELS and the amendment of curricula, there has been an associated review of our assessment and reporting policies. The College has also continued to develop our IT infrastructure and provisions, and we will see all our servers replaced this Christmas as part of our desire to keep the network efficient and effective for regular use in the classroom. The College IT Committee has taken the decision to move to iPads for our Year 7 boys in 2013. The netbook has served us well but it is time to move to newer and more adaptable technologies for the classroom. Religious and Moral Education

2012 has been a unique year for the development of liturgy in the College. The Year 9 retreats were followed by a Mass programme organized by the Chaplain. With the generous support of Father Hien Vu, Parish Priest of St Michael’s, Ashburton, and Father Sherman OMI, we have been fortunate to build a strong programme of Masses for our students. Year 10 were also part of the programme as were Year 7 students. Many students also received their first communion and/or confirmation this year as part of our annual programme for students, and a new chapel was established in the Chapel Building at Kinnoull and will be blessed in the new school year. Both campuses will now have a unique place for reflection, prayer and the celebration of the sacraments. This year we also established a retreat programme for both Year 9 and Year 11. The retreats were led by the Lasallian Youth Ministry team from Sydney with teachers assisting as facilitators where required. The boys appeared to cherish the time out from the more formal atmosphere of the classroom and reflect
on the spiritual dimension of their lives. Year 9 boys were followed up in their classes by the Chaplain who helped them reflect on their lives in the aftermath of their retreat and prepare for their Class Mass. The College community is grateful to the Director of Religious Education, Graeme Pender, who is in charge of the curriculum across the College. His expertise and knowledge is admired by all as he seeks to enhance all that the College does as part of our responsibility to strengthen the spiritual dimension of the College. In collaboration with him, the Chaplain, Mrs Joan Ferguson, works to develop the sacramental life of the students. This is evidenced by the number of Masses that we celebrated in the College this year and the students who were prepared for baptism, first communion and confirmation. It has been a wonderful year for De La Salle. Beyond The Classroom
I am grateful to the Director of Sport, Mr Peter Harte, and all the teachers who have supported him in the delivery of our inter-school and intra-school sports programmes this year. Not every boy may have the opportunity to represent the College but every boy does have the opportunity to represent his class in our own intra-school sports competition during the course of the year. We are grateful to all our teachers for what they do to provide so much for our boys — we try to involve our boys as much as we possibly can. The College provided a large music programme this year which included a musical drama with Sacre Coeur, produced by our own Andrew Murrell, and involving so many staff and students from De La Salle. Under the direction of the Director of Music, our music students had their annual tour to the bush to make a musical impact on a small country community which has huge benefits for both parties. This year we went to Beechworth. Whether it is Drama or Music, it involves a number of teachers collaborating so that our boys might benefit. Boys from Year 4–9 also attended camps, organized on a class basis and ably prepared and managed by the Camp Coordinator, Michael Wilson. Social Justice 2012
Social justice is a significant element of Lasallian education at De La Salle. Our Year 8 boys are presented to the people who live on the streets in inner Melbourne, whilst Year 9 boys do a week of service in either an aged facility or a school for special needs students. Our younger students learn to think of others beyond themselves before they are old enough to commit to our overseas programmes. All students are part of our annual Mission Action Day (MAD) which raised $92,000 in our Centenary year — an amazing result. The staff committee, led by Mr Ian Oliver and Mr Larry Evans, is to be commended for the work with this project each year. This amount assisted two teachers, Henry Corcoran and Michael Watty, to work with Brother Bill in South Sudan in January/February 2012. The College made several financial donations to Brother Bill during the course of the year to assist him and his team in their work in one of the poorest countries in the world. We also financed the construction of two houses in Manila at which our Year 9/10 students worked as part of their exchange programme in the Philippines in September. This year sixteen students, two teachers and two adult volunteers travelled to Papua New Guinea where they renovated two science rooms and two bathrooms as part of our on-going programme at De La Salle School, Bomana. Finally, twenty-one Year 12 students and four teachers, upon completion of the VCE, left for India for six weeks, after raising $23,000 as part of their commitment to the project there. The College has forwarded a further $18,000 to the Brothers in India to assist with the development of the building on which we will also be working. I commend the commitment and enthusiasm of the four teachers who have volunteered their time to accompany our team of young men. As the year comes to a close this week in preparation for Christmas, I look back with gratitude and appreciation at all the wonderful work our teachers and support staff do each year. Our teachers are very professional and committed to their work and we admire and appreciate the way they work with our boys, and the mutual respect that is engendered in their relationships. We must always challenge our boys to achieve their best in whatever they do — nothing of any worth has ever been achieved without full commitment. Behind good teachers are good support staff who keep the cogs turning efficiently, ensure the lights are all working and the mail is being prepared and delivered. To Virginia Fairchild and the Parents’ Network we say thank you for all you have done this year to assist our Centenary functions in many and varied ways. It is greatly appreciated. To the parents who found time to support their boys in their sporting activities or at their Year 7 camp, we say thank you.

College Principal’s Report
I farewell three wonderful senior staff who leave us this year for new challenges. We congratulate Peter Riordan for his dedicated support to De La Salle over 13 years and for all that he has done for our College. We congratulate him on his appointment as Principal, Simmons College, West Melbourne and wish him all the success there that he deserves. Sally Buick has been a key player in our management team in 2012. She answered the call to assist with Teaching and Learning and did a superb job in a short time. She is highly capable and relates well with boys, and we wish her all the best in her new appointment as Deputy Principal, Padua College – Mornington Campus. Finally, Tim Ford leaves us after 26 years in De La Salle as a student and then as teacher. He wishes to pursue leadership challenges and recognizes that he needs more varied experience to build that capacity. We wish them all well and thank them for their contributions to making De La Salle what it is today. Retirements
The College also records, with gratitude and appreciation, the work of Brothers Lawrence King and Gabriel O’Shea who retired in 2012. Brother Lawrence has served in Lasallian schools in New Zealand and Australia and in his prime was a magnificent cricketer and keen sportsman. Brother Gabriel served in Papua New Guinea and Australia, and his last 14 years were at De La Salle, Malvern. We wish both Brothers a long, happy and healthy retirement and may the good Lord continue to bless you. Ad multos annos. As all families prepare to welcome the Christ-child at Christmas, may your families enjoy the peace and happiness that the season brings to families and may your 2013 be filled with goodness and grace of a blessed year. Thank you to all who have made De La Salle a very special place in 2012.
Brother Paul fsc

Current De La boys — 3rd and 4th generation Lasallians More than 200 Old Collegians filled St Joseph’s Church in Malvern for the Founder’s Day Centenary Mass in May. In honour of the College’s 100th year, the Mass was cocelebrated by twelve former old Collegians led by the Principal Celebrant Bishop Ron Mulkearns (1947). The co-celebrants included Mons Stuart Hall — Principal Chaplain of the Australian Navy (1980), Mons William Mullins, (formerly Br Frederick, a teaching brother at the College from 1947–1957), Fr Laurie McNamara, CM PP, Fr Edward Teal (1959), Fr Robert Carden OFM (1945), Fr Brendan Dillon (1958), Fr Peter Conroy (1959), Fr Brendan Donohue (1950), Fr Tony Kerin — Episcopal Vicar (1970), Fr Peter Robinson (1949), Fr John Baron OP (1962) and Fr Peter Matheson (1960). The Founder’s Day Mass, which is an annual event, provides an opportunity for Old Collegians to gather to celebrate Mass together and this year’s Mass was a very special event.