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The Launch of De La Salle’s 100th Year
Just before 9am on Monday 6th of February 2012 a very special tram stopped at the gates of De La Salle’s Malvern Campus on High Street. For 100 years trams have delivered boys from all over Melbourne to the gates of the College, so it was a fitting tribute that a special tram, generously provided by Yarra Trams, had been designated as the De La Salle College Centenary Tram to ferry some very special passengers to the opening of the College’s 100th year celebrations. The Centenary Tram, emblazoned with the College’s blue and gold colours and accompanied by a nostalgic musical tribute trip down memory lane, courtesy of the College’s music department, transported Old Collegians, De La Salle Brothers, College staff and students on a ceremonial tram ride along High Street to the Glen Iris Terminus and back to the College for the official launch. Year 7 students formed a Guard of Honour and applauded the special passengers as they disembarked from the tram at the College gates for the commencement of the morning’s celebrations. Before the official launch ceremony got under way, guests were treated to a humorous re-enactment of what a College Assembly would have been like in 1912. Year 12 students, Hayden McKertish, Nick Rodway and Andrew Rappos, donned the black and white robes, worn by those of the founding Brothers Dunstan, Foley and Loughran, and entertained the official party and students with their version of the College’s 10 Commandments (circa 1912). The mock assembly was met with rapturous laughter at their “Brotherly” antics. Br Paul said the tram ride was a fitting way to launch the College’s Centenary year. “The history of the College is inextricably linked to the history of Malvern. And the history of our College stretches back almost as far as the High Street tram line itself. “For 100 years students have travelled to the College on the Number 6 tram to Stop 44 at the gates of the College’s Tiverton Campus and during that time we estimate more than 100,000 students have graduated from the College.” On board the tram were the members of several families who have had four generations of young men pass through the College since it opened its doors in 1912, the Morgans, the Horrigans and the Magrees. All had family members in the first class. Following the ceremonial tram ride the Centenary Year was officially launched by the Br Provincial, Br Ambrose Payne fsc AO, before the College community and distinguished guests.

Ms Kerry Martin