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St Vincent de Paul Society
Another emotional experience was visiting the Childrens’ Village at Reach The Unreached (RTU) where the original Coolies groups was established by Br Denis Loft. We looked at some of the houses built six years ago and met Br James Kimpton who started RTU. We then visited the cottages where house mothers each look after 6-8 orphans. Towards the end of our walk through Children’s Village we dropped into the Aids Hostel where we were all shocked to learn that these children will never be able to leave the village, as they are shunned by the rest of the society. At RTU they are looked after, fed, clothed, receive regular medical care, educated and play as children should. As Br James Kimpton commented “Everyone has the right to be happy”. It was really hard turning and walking away from these beautiful children, a moment none of us will forget. On behalf of Coolies 2011, Michael Wilson and I would like to thank the Brothers’ Community at Boys’ Town Maduri for their hospitality and care for all of us whilst working at the school. We also thank Br Paul Rogers for his continued support of this Social Justice project and all the De La Salle community who so generously donate money to Mission Action Day, which allows us to effect change in the lives of those who are often alienated by society.

Mrs Christine Thompson Mr Michael Wilson 2012 has been a very successful year for the Society. We set out this year to continue the work at the Collingwood Soup Van, and act on initiatives to generate revenue for the Society. Throughout the year the team stepped out of their comfort zones and gave of their time to help those in need down at the Soup Van on a Sunday Night. The boys showed true Lasallian spirit. Throughout the course of the year the Society held two BBQs, one at Tiverton and one at Kinnoull. Both proved to be great successes with the Society raising $800. The charities supported this year included: St Vincent de Paul, Guide Dogs for the Blind, and Prostate Cancer Australia. It was great to see all the boys working together enthusiastically to achieve a common objective. Thanks to Ryan Moody, our Vice-President, Matthew Taylor, our Treasurer and James Eracleous. The

St Vincent de Paul
James Eracleous, Liam Dimattina, Matthew Gleeson, Justin Hall, Mr Graeme Lawler, Michael Harris-Jaffe, Ryan Moody, Matthew Taylor, Luke Torrisi. boys proved to be the backbone of the Society and I enjoyed working with you all. A big thanks to Mr Lawler, who attended every ‘Vinnies’ meeting and has been the driving force of the Society at De La Salle College for many years now. Without his assistance this year it would have been very difficult to achieve the success we had. Hopefully in 2013 the efforts of the Society will continue with as much enthusiasm. I encourage those willing to involve themselves in the St Vincent de Paul Society, whether it be attending the meetings or helping out the Collingwood soup van once a month. It is a very rewarding experience and I have made some great friends as a result. To the remaining members I wish you all the best for next year. Michael Harris-Jaffe President (Well done to Michael as President who led by example, attending the Soup Van and running the weekly meetings enthusiastically and efficiently. He not only stirred up the late comers but also kept the members focused on the agenda — Mr Graeme Lawler)