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The Centenary Primary Art Show

The Primary Centenary Art Show was a vintage shenanigan that many an Old Boy would have been chuffed at visiting. The boys from the Primary Classes of 2011 and 2012 compiled an eclectic mix of assignment, art and artefact in their research and presentation of a specific year. Primary produced Picassos; Junior chefs made Victoria Sponges (baked in a Great Aunt’s original 1920s tin); Stasi Jars of Margaret Thatcher’s hair spray; 1953 suitcases from grandparents’ migration to Australia; 1956 Original Ecko Television on which the De La Salle Brother’s Community watched the Melbourne Olympic Games; a pair of 1958 EK Holdens; outstanding scrapbooks by Jack McGrath and Gianluca Intemerato; a 1920s Champion Cricket bat from an Old Boy; and much, much more. The drive for all the painting, draping, writing and collecting behind these decade installations was to encourage our present young De La Salle gentlemen to acknowledge what and who has gone before them. A path of poppies representing Old Collegians who died in war was gently trod upon by our Primaries as more than 220 young feet — clutching homemade scones, jam and cream — respectfully celebrated a century of De La Salle, Malvern. Mrs Mary Finn