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Languages students have been very busy in 2012! Years 9 and 10 Italian students entered the Dante Allighieri Poetry Competition. We are very pleased to say that out of 38 students we had three finalists in Year 10, seven honourable mentions and eight High Distinctions — not an easy task, since the competition covers the entire state of Victoria! Years 9 and 10 French classes took part in the Alliance Française Poetry Competition and gained some impressive results. A certificate was even presented to the College in appreciation of our continued support of the competition. Competitions prepare students for the linguistic exchanges being negotiated for them for 2013. There are no language competitions for Indonesian students but the Years 9 and 10 classes did take part in some interesting activities. In Semester 1 Years 9 and 10 Indonesian students paid a visit to the Melbourne Zoo as part of a Unit of Work on the environment focusing on endangered animals in Indonesia. Our guide was very knowledgeable and had some command of the language, which made the workshop all the more interesting and relevant. The students had a great opportunity to get close to the animals and to learn more about their native habitats In March, Year 9 French students viewed a French movie entitled ‘La Guerre des Boutons’. They were quite surprised to see that they were not the only ones there. Among other groups, a big contingent from a French immersion Secondary school was present. It was interesting to hear young people of the same age express themselves in French so fluently. Our students enjoyed themselves and were given an opportunity to link their ‘theoretical’ study of the French language with a vibrant French speaking community, both abroad and in their own backyard. Exploring Italian Culture in Carlton

As part of Italian studies, classes were taken to experience Italian culture ‘first hand’ at the Dante Alighieri Society and the Lygon Street precinct. Raphael Canty (Year 9) takes up the story: We anxiously awaited our test. We were called in individually and asked “what poem will you recite?” in Italian. After the not-so-daunting poem recital, we made our way to Café Brunetti. After eating some great Italian food we made our way to the Italian Museum on Faraday Street. We had an opportunity to hear stories of people who came to Australia from Italy, see precious artefacts on display and explore more of the Italian culture at the only museum in Australia devoted to Italy and Italian heritage. We then had lunch at one of the many Italian cafes and restaurants in Lygon Street. The day was thoroughly enjoyable for all of us. We experienced the running of the Dante Alighieri Society at Melbourne University, learnt so much more about Italian culture and customs and had some great Italian food at Melbourne’s “Little Italy”. Mr Thierry Moran and Mrs Liliana Russo