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Pastoral Care and Organisation

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From the Principal

From the Principal

This very successful year will be remembered by many at the College as the time where the momentum of change and renewal gathered considerable pace. This is especially true in relation to Pastoral Care and Organisation.

Pastoral care is about care and concern for each boy at the College. At its core are the key Lasallian values of respect and service to others. This year the College commenced phase one of the implementation of the recommendations of the Pastoral Care Review undertaken in 2014. The plan involved the significant move to return and revitalize the House system that commenced at De La Salle in 1938 and has been in recess for a number of years. The return to the four traditional Houses; St Austin’s, St Edwin’s, St Leo’s and St Mark’s, provides enhanced pastoral care and greater opportunities for student involvement and connection with the College. As part of this move all students and staff have been allocated to a House. Some family connections to the House cross a number of generations of ‘Old Boys’, while for other boys it creates a new beginning. Houses help foster a sense of identity and belonging, enabling each student to develop relationships and friendships with boys across year levels. Houses create the opportunity for students to work together towards a common purpose, be it in the arts, sport, College events or community service. This year our major College sporting carnivals, athletics, cross-country and swimming, were run as interHouse competitions and next year in phase two of the reintroduction of the House system an extensive range of activities and events, drawn from all aspects of College life, will be available to the students. Mission Action Day in Term 1 was an amazing success, with just over $103,000 raised to support Lasallian social justice programs both in Australia and overseas. Mission Action Day is more a process than an event. It unfolds over a number of weeks and it involves all staff and students working together. It culminates in visible action, but most of all it exemplifies what can be achieved when we as a community place others’ needs before our own. The return to Houses has also enabled the College to offer greater leadership opportunities to the students. After a rigorous selection process appointments of senior students to House Captain and House Vice-Captains positions, as well as the creation of House Lasallian and House Arts Captains, has given the opportunity to a greater number of students to lead in areas of personal strength and interest. Overall this means an expanded senior student leadership team of 23 boys. The 2015 group of College Leaders, led by College Captain Elliot Fabris and mentored by Ms Haylene Peipert, worked brilliantly in their leadership roles and their generosity and involvement helped build the College community throughout the year. The Year 9 Ambassador Leadership Program, where boys are given the chance to apply for and be selected to serve the College community through their involvement in activities such as College Tours, Information Evenings and other major College events provides a unique opportunity in the junior school. This year over 60 boys were involved in the program and all did an outstanding job in proudly representing the College, while building confidence and inter-personal skills. The Class Captains from Years 4 to 12 did an excellent job in their various groups, gaining much from the sense of responsibility and the various experiences undertaken as part of their role. The Pastoral Team included the Heads of Campus, Year Level Coordinators, Primary Coordinator and Counsellors. This group of dedicated and committed staff provided the strong, supportive framework that enabled the Homeroom Teachers across the College to create the best possible environment to support all the students in our care. Pastoral care at the College is truly a team effort, it involves all staff at the College and is built on the guidance and example of St John Baptist de La Salle and the teachings of the Gospel. So, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and thanks to all staff that we can look back with pride over the achievements of 2015 and look forward with optimism and enthusiasm to all that 2016 promises.

Mr Tom Ryan Deputy Principal Pastoral Care and Organisation

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