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Learning and Teaching
In 2013 a formal process was introduced for the consideration of variation of the curriculum described in the College’s Curriculum Handbook. The process includes formulation of proposals within College departments or Learning Area Teams. These proposals are presented to the Curriculum Standing Committee, then, following consideration, a number of recommendations emerge. The recommendations are presented to a staff meeting for consultation, before being referred to the College Executive.
As a product of this process the following variations for 2016 have been confirmed: 1. An expansion of the Year 7–12
Personal Development Program. 2. The introduction of a semester of Drama, Music, Technology and
Visual Arts for all students in Years 7 and 8. 3. Phase one of an extensively redesigned, experientially-based
Year 9 program, including an inquiry-driven city experience in 2016. 4. Introduction of a new
‘Immersion’ program for Years 7–9, including a diverse offering of units running in parallel with ACC sport. All proposals involved careful consideration and significant time, thought and debate. There is collective optimism about the benefits of these ground-breaking initiatives, with a great deal of work already completed to ensure their successful implementation. In addition to the work of these program-level change initiatives, four sub-committees of the Curriculum Standing Committee were convened this year. They were formed with a view to providing recommendations about the way forward in relation to the Year 9 program, assessment and reporting, personal development and Year 9 Transition. The members of these groups have ably supported Mr David Alexander, Mrs Lucy Russell and Mrs Rose Roe, who have chaired these groups. Other work undertaken in 2015 includes the significant efforts brought to bear to launch the Year 9 Notebook Computer Pilot Program. In addition, the creation of Professional Learning Teams has seen all teachers involved in action research in a targeted area of learning and teaching practice. The College also joined the University of Melbourne Network of Schools, alongside 24 other schools drawn from a spectrum of sectors and locations. Also, new leadership arrangements in learning and teaching were implemented successfully, comprising over 20 new positions for this year. I would like to acknowledge the fine work of all of the staff with responsibilities related to the Learning and Teaching area in 2015.
The Curriculum Standing Committee
David Alexander, Lucy Russell, Kathie Holmes, Steve Young, Rose Roe, Olivia Wenczel, Anette Phillips, Paul Maxted and Mark Gustincic
Kate McIlroy Learning Area Team Leader — Humanities Olivia Wenczel Learning Area Team Leader — English Steve Young Learning Area Team Leader — Commerce Kathie Holmes MMEC Coordinator
Cindy Frost Music Coordinator David Alexander Director of Learning & Development —Experiential Learning Paul Maxted Director of Learning & Development —Digital Learning Rose Roe Director of Learning & Development —Curricula Programs Lucy Russell Director of Learning & Development —Student Progression Administrative Support Tania Allars Executive Support — Learning Mr Mark Gustincic Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching