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Faith and Mission

Faith Development and Mission

De La Salle College has a long, proud and rich tradition of providing a Catholic education in the Lasallian tradition. One of the most inspiring ideas I have been witness to in my first year at the College is the ‘Lasallian spirit’, one which demonstrates on a daily basis a passion for Christ and a passion for social justice.

As I attempt to reflect over all that has occurred in the area of Faith and Mission in 2016, I can confidently say that the year has been remarkable. At De La Salle College, we strive to follow in the footsteps of St John Baptist de La Salle, with the hope of putting into practise his mission and message. Whether it be in the classroom, through immersion experiences and service opportunities, or the faith development and formation of staff and students, the mission and message of St John Baptist de La Salle is very much alive! This year, we began a new tradition at De La Salle. We celebrated two of our significant College events at St Patrick’s Cathedral. The Welcome Mass at the beginning of the year allowed us to welcome officially new students to the College, particularly those in Years 4 and 7, and then later in the year, the Year 12 Valedictory Mass. Celebrating Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral for these two special occasions provided the College community an opportunity to gather in a special setting, the home of the Catholic Church in Melbourne, to welcome those beginning their journey with us and those whose journeys with us were coming to a close. Other key celebrations were the Lenten liturgy and the newly celebrated liturgy for the Feast of the Assumption, which allowed us to gather in the Br James Taylor Gymnasium to reflect on the importance of these occasions in the church year. These liturgies helped to provide depth and meaning to our already full liturgical program which included the Ash Wednesday class liturgies, Remembrance Day liturgy Founder’s Day Mass, Social Justice Mass, the four community/ parish Masses, and the end of year Masses. De La Salle College has a strong sense of social justice, and the students, through their involvement, have continued to support the various Lasallian social justice initiatives at both the local and global level. This year we broadened our commitment to those in need by affiliating each of the four Houses to one other, broader Catholic charity. The four charities each House has committed to supporting are: St Austin’s House — Melbourne Catholic Migrant and Refugee Centre; St Edwin’s House — St Vincent de Paul Society; St Leo’s House — Caritas; St Mark’s House — Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Melbourne and Opening the Doors Foundation. This helps us to recognise that House Spirit isn’t just about sporting competitions, but is also about being in communion with one another, the church and some of the broader needs of our world. The opportunity for Student Formation was seen in the running of the overnight Year 12 Retreat and the Years 7 to 11 Reflection Days. These days were fun and energetic but also provided an environment for the boys to reflect and pray. The Year 12 Retreat in particular was a very moving and thought- provoking experience. All students deserve to be commended for the respect they demonstrated towards each other and towards members of staff when stories and experiences were being shared. Finally, as a Lasallian Community, we are inspired each and every day by our founder, St John Baptist de La Salle, to build a relationship with Jesus and with those around us, especially those in need. A strong commitment to faith, social justice and Religious Education continues to grow daily and evidently, enrich our growing Lasallian family.

Mrs Rana Brogan Deputy Principa Faith and Mission

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