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Learning and Teaching

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From the Principal

From the Principal

As a product of the annual curricula program review process the following variations for 2017 have been confirmed.

1. The introduction of Dance, Game Development and Duke of Edinburgh Immersion units. 2. The introduction of VCE Drama, replacing VCE Theatre Studies. 3. Offering an afterschool Mandarin language program for Year 4-7 students. All proposals involved careful consideration and significant time, thought and debate. There is collective optimism about the benefits of these initiatives, with a great deal of work already completed to ensure their successful implementation next year. In addition to the work of these program-level change initiatives, the Assessment and Reporting Committee has been very active in reviewing the future options for reporting, especially in terms of real-time online reporting. Mrs Lucy Russell has done excellent work in chairing this committee. Other work undertaken in 2016 includes phase two of the Notebook Computer Program rollout. Our Year 4 and 7 students were prepared at the beginning of the year for the receipt of a new notebook computer. Especially noteworthy in this was the creation of the ‘DLSDNA’ online course by Mr Chris Church, alongside the extensive preparation and organisation of a highly successful rollout and ongoing infrastructure improvements, led by Mr Paul Maxted, Mr David Alexander and Mr Luke Georgiou, alongside the Digital Learning Services team. 2017 will see further expansion of the program, alongside the staged introduction of a new online learning management system, “OLLIE”. College involvement in the University of Melbourne Network of Schools continued this year, alongside 24 other schools drawn from a spectrum of sectors and locations. This has led to work by staff developing highly detailed assessment instruments, “learning continua”, in Professional Learning Teams. I would like to acknowledge the fine work of the many staff with responsibilities related to the Learning and Teaching area in 2016, especially:

Mr Mark Gustincic Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

The Curriculum Standing Committee:

Standing: Lucy Russell, David Alexander, Anette Phillips Seated: Rose Roe, Paul Maxted, Steve Young, Olivia Wenczel, Mark Gustincic Absent: Ryan Hayward, Emily Ryan

The Curriculum Standing Committee: Emily Ryan Learning Area Team Leader - Mathematics Olivia Wenczel Learning Area Team Leader - English Steve Young Learning Area Team Leader - Commerce Ryan Hayward Learning Area Team Leader – Visual Arts Anette Phillips Director of Primary David Alexander Director of Learning & Development – Experiential Learning Paul Maxted Director of Learning & Development – Digital Learning Rose Roe Director of Learning & Development – Curricula Programs Lucy Russell Director of Learning & Development – Student Progression Administrative Support: Tania Allars/Kirsten Morrison Executive Support - Learning and Teaching

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