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Dear Members of the De La Salle Community, A great deal has happened since the last Newsprint - De La Salle, like all schools, is a very busy place! I‟d like to begin this article by thanking the very many parents who have supported a wide range of functions in the past three weeks and pass on what a pleasure it has been to meet so many of you at these events. Thank you to all those who supported the Parent Information Evenings for Years 7, 10 and VCE, the Parent Network Meeting, the Primary Parents‟ Information Morning, ACC Swimming Carnival and those who have attended the various College Tours. Those who have heard me speak at these events will know I emphasise the importance of students, teachers and parents working in partnership in all areas of school life. The opportunity to chat with parents and hopefully get to know as many as possible is a critical aspect of a Principal‟s role so I hope to continue the process at any other occasions during the term. I would also like to thank the many tremendous young men from Year 9 who have acted as Ambassadors and Tour Guides for the various College Tours during February. The tours have been very successful, with several hundred visitors in total taking the opportunity to see the College “live” in action in the 9.00am tours. Our Year 9 Ambassadors are a wonderful advertisement for the College, possibly our best marketing tool, as they engage with our guests and demonstrate maturity, great communication and interpersonal skills, a love of their school and a keen understanding of what it means to be a student in a Catholic Lasallian College. I am delighted to report the 2014 Parents‟ Network has elected new office-bearers and is well and truly under way with planning for a range of events this year. I am very grateful to the following who have generously donated their time to work as officials: Co-Presidents: Deputy President: Treasurer: Secretary:

Louisa Salmon and Cate Robertson Julie Car Anest Nicolaou Jen O‟Grady

The new committee ran their first function on Saturday, 15 February with a social Welcome Evening in the Performing Arts Centre which was very well attended and enjoyed by almost 100 parents. Perhaps the most significant event thus far has been the College Opening Mass, Leaders‟ Investiture and Academic Awards Assembly, attended by the whole College and almost 200 invited guests. Fr John Sherman celebrated Mass, after which the 13 Leaders for 2014 were invested and presented with embroidered blazers and badges. College Captain James Benton spoke of his desire to encourage all students to participate fully in the wider life of the College and to lead by example in true Lasallian fashion. It was particularly relevant that the Gospel in the Opening Mass spoke of leadership. From Matthew: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” For these 13 elected representatives – the lessons from the Bible represent something of a precedent and a challenge to use your position to show others in our College the way. Similarly, in the Gospel Luke tells his disciples: “The greatest among you must be like the youngest, the leader must be like the servant.” This model of servant leadership fits neatly with that of our founder, again, something for each of us to emulate, regardless of our role.

The final section of the Assembly celebrated the achievements of the VCE Class of 2013 and the Dux of each Year from Years 7 - 11. The 2013 Dux, Stephen Ciavarella, was presented with a commemorative plaque and certificate. By virtue of his outstanding Study Score of 99.90 Stephen has been granted a Melbourne National Scholarship to study Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne. I addition, I must acknowledge two other students who attained ATARs of above 99, both of whom could easily have been Dux, such was the narrow gap between their scores. Richard Buckley was just 0.35 behind Stephen with an ATAR of 99.55 which also takes him to the University of Melbourne to study Biomedicine. Thomas O‟Dwyer‟s 99.35 earned him a place in double degree at RMIT University, a Bachelor of Industrial Design/Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. In addition, Thomas was awarded an RMIT Achievement Scholarship based on his superb VCE results. On behalf of the staff, students and the whole College community we congratulate these three young men and indeed all our prizewinners on their achievements, and wish them well in their tertiary careers. These are striking examples of what De La Salle students are capable of when they apply themselves fully. We are proud of the efforts of all those in the Class of 2013 who worked hard and strived to achieve their best. Each student in the 7 – 12 classes of 2014 can emulate their feats with the right attitude. This ties in with the message I have been delivering to various parent events and students‟ assemblies. I expect all De La Salle students to be the best they can be, to reach their full potential. This requires each young man in our College to push himself in class, to pay attention to detail and challenge himself to be the best he can be in all his endeavours. Students should involve themselves and participate in all the wider life of the College has to offer, work in a spirit of cooperation with their teachers to make the most of their time here. Finally congratulations to the all involved in the ACC Swimming Team which swept all before them in a triumphant and emphatic display at MSAC last Friday. De La‟s team, under the stewardship of staff Chris and Gab Windley won all the silverware on offer in a clean sweep of each age group and are already looking forward to the challenge of pushing the strong schools in 2015. As Ash Wednesday falls next week I urge all in the De La Salle community to reflect on the Lenten season and its implications for each of us in the lead up to Easter. Peter Houlihan Principal

Congratulations to the following students (present and past) who competed in the State Junior Athletics Championships on 15 February:Lachlan Menera (Year 8H) won Bronze medals in both the Triple Jump and High Jump. Dalton Di Medio (Year 8J) won Silver in the pole vault and has qualified to represent Victoria in the National Junior Athletic Championships in Sydney in March. His brother Alex Di Medio (Vice Captain 2013) has become the Victorian State Champion winning Gold in the 400m hurdles. He too is off to Sydney in March to represent Victoria. Well done boys!

Grade 4: Grade 5: Grade 6:

Alex Basile Cooper Johnstone Isaac Ford

Primary Captain:

Brock Augustynski

Benilde: Dunstan: Hegarty: Jerome: Roland: Solomon: Vincent:

Tom Williamson Lorenzo Borje Thomas Martin Dillon Henrique-Gomes Jakob Devine Cooper Bruce Steven Christodoulakis

Benilde: Dunstan: Hegarty: Jerome: Roland: Solomon: Vincent:

Joel Fernando Max Mackie Panos Medidis Daniel Edwards Jacob Ellul Jordan Burns Brandon Luu

Benilde: Dunstan: Hegarty: Jerome: Roland: Solomon: Vincent:

Sam Michael Shiroy Fernando Tom Roberts Liam Ramirez Tim Fierenzi Jonathan La Grua Callum Oâ€&#x;Shannessy

Benilde: Dunstan: Hegarty: Jerome: Roland: Solomon: Vincent:

Sam Connell Luciano Murray Elliot Fabris Jack Fogarty Jordan Stavrevski Dion Chris Liam Bisognin

Year 9 students are currently involved in a processthat will result in the selection of a Class Captain and Vice Captain who, like Year 12 students, will hold their position for the entire year. We are hoping this process will be finalised no later than mid-March. The Leaders will then be presented at Year Level Assemblies and notification will follow.

Ash Wednesday leads us into Lent; a Season of penance and prayer before Easter. More importantly, Lent is a time when we focus on Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). It is our faith in Christ that empowers us to draw nourishment from Him so we can attend to those in our community who suffer poverty in their lives. It could be argued that there are three fundamental forms of poverty which affect people in our community today: material, moral and spiritual. The lack of material goods affects human dignity. Moral poverty is articulated by a desire for vice and sin. Spiritual poverty occurs when we refuse God‟s love. One of the problems of our modern world is imagining that we can survive satisfactorily without any reference to God in our lives. As Christians, we believe that we were created in the „image and likeness‟ of God (Genesis 1:27) so that we can care for and nurture each other, and love and serve God. Essentially, we rely on God for our happiness and fulfillment. De La Salle‟s motto is Deo Duce (God as our Leader) and attempts to foster our students‟ faith dimension through a thorough Religious Education curriculum, a Sacramental program, College Liturgies and Masses, and vibrant Social Justice initiatives. Lent offers us a chance to review our life in the light of the Gospel message. It enables us to refocus our journey to Christ and his Kingdom which preached tolerance, compassion, forgiveness and love. We are encouraged to fast during Lent. Why? Fasting is an act of purification and empowers us to not only allow God into our lives; it influences us to become more attentive to the needs of the poor. Within our Christian tradition, fasting looks to the past, the present, and the future. The past recognises our failings against God and others. The present encourages us to be tolerant of those around us. The future invites us to open our hearts to the realities of God and renew our relationships with others. So when we attempt to fast during Lent, whether that is through prayer and reflection or penance, let us desire a world of peace and tolerance. Sadly, what is happening in our world today is an outcome of egotism which arguably needs purification. Our responsibility as Christians is to provide countercultural witness to the unrestrained competition and materialism around us. Graeme Pender Director of Religious and Moral Education

Preparation for First Reconciliation will commence the first week of March. Students in secondary years will attend after school classes from 3.20pm – 4.20pm, commencing Tuesday, 4 March. Afternoon tea will be provided. Primary students will attend classes during normal school hours. An Information Night for parents and students preparing for Reconciliation will be held on Tuesday, 18 March in the College Chapel at 7.00pm. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in the Tiverton Chapel at 7.00pm on 29 April. Father Brendan Dillon, an old boy of the College, will administer the Sacrament. Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 10 August, 2014, at the 11.00am Mass at St Anthonyâ€&#x;s Parish Glen Huntly. Classes will commence Term 2. First Communion will be celebrated later in the year (date to be advised). Please feel free to contact me should you require further information on 9508 2161 or email: Next Wednesday we commence the season of Lent in preparation for the greatest of feasts, the Resurrection. Students will gather for a para-liturgy and distribution of ashes. Lent is a period when we can all take time out to reflect on how well we are using our gifts and talents to create a better society and consider ways in which we might make personal sacrifices that benefit those less fortunate. I wish you every blessing in the Lenten season. Joan Ferguson College Chaplain

Thanks to all those parent volunteers who have helped out over the first weeks of 2014. The term has got off to a flying start. If anyone in the school community is interested in the work that Br Peter Gilfedder ( a Brother in residence at Malvern) does with Refugees in Dandenong, Marie Grafen (a mother of former students ) is organizing a function:When: Time: Where: Cost: Guest Speaker: Organiser:

31 March, 2014 From midday East Malvern RSL $30.00 Br Peter Gilfedder Marie Grafen (9509 1742)

I will be attending so if you would like to join me, let me know. Trish Woodman 9508 2138 (direct line)

The Parent Network at De la Salle has recently elected a new Executive Committee: Co-Presidents: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Publicity Officer:

Cate Robertson and Louisa Salmon Julie Car Jenni O‟Grady Anest Nicolaou Abigail Grier

The Parent Network has been a great part of the school community for many years and is looking forward to reconnecting with returning families, teachers and staff as well as welcoming new families into the De La Salle community. As a parent body group our primary objective is to enhance our student‟s school experience through parent involvement and to improve communication between parents and the College. The Parent Network organises social and fundraising events throughout the year. We realise that all parents are busy with the demands of everyday life; however we encourage you to become involved in our events that we organise. Even a small amount of your time and energy will greatly assistance in our effort to foster a vibrant and nurturing environment for our school community. Our Annual Social Evening to be held on the 9 August, we are currently planning this event. Further information about the social evening will come out in Term 2. If anyone wants to be part of the Parent Network or able to assist with an event you are most welcome to contact us via Trish Woodman or attend one of our meetings that are held usually once a month. Our next meeting is on 3 March at 7.30pm in the PAC. We look forward to meeting you at some of our events throughout the year. De la Salle Parent Network Committee

Maths Help Sessions for 2014 have started up again and run across both campuses after school as detailed below:-

Years7 – 8 When: Wednesday Afternoons Time: 3.20pm to 4.00pm (approximately) Where: Tiverton Library Run by Mr. Evans and Mr. Church Year 9 When: Time: Where:

Wednesday Afternoons 3.20pm to 4.00pm Room T222

Years 10 – 12 When: Every Monday, Tuesday and ThursdayAfternoon Time: 3.20pm to 4.15pm (approximately) Where: Room K211 Run by Senior Mathematics Teachers and Year 11 and 12 students

Lucy Russell Mathematics Coordinator

They think differently and about different things than girls. They mature more slowly, particularly when it comes to language development, social skills and their fine motor skills. They are organisationally-challenged as well. They are more boisterous, more self-conscious and more awkward than girls, particularly as they move into adolescence. Loyalty is a high driver for most boys. Many will get in to fights at school to back up their mates, or because someone said something nasty about their little sister. The abiding wish of all boys from school-age through to adolescence is to fit in and be part of a group. They are group-oriented by nature. Approval is at the heart of working successfully with boys. They will walk over broken glass or hot coals if they sense you like them, which is an important message for teachers too. Boys need specific parenting. Here are some examples: They like limits and boundaries. They help them learn. They also like to push against them too, so you had better have a backbone if you are raising boys. Boys also respond to think language. If you want to know how a boy feels, just ask him how he thinks and heâ€&#x;ll probably tell you how he feels. Boys generally are more impulsive than girls so strategies that help boys think and reflect on their behaviour are really beneficial. Boys embarrass easily and they generally respond better when they are praised in private, rather than publicly. When you understand the differences between genders your discipline, confidence-building and communication strategies have greater impact, particularly when parenting boys from “parenting ideasâ€?.

Members of the Student Wellbeing Team have generated a petition to send to Premier Barnett to cease the killing of sharks in West Australian waters. The petition, whilst mindful of the need to ensure the safety of beachgoers, requests that alternative methods to killing be sought. Thanks to these boys whose wellbeing brief has extended to include these creatures. Pascal Rohan Director of Student Wellbeing

The Herpetology Club has begun again for the year. It is open to any student who is interested in reptiles. Meetings are held each Wednesday at lunchtime in Mr. Rohan‟s office. We currently have a naming competition running for the “blonde spotted python” resident at school. Members are welcome to submit a name. Students who wish to join, come to the next meeting on Wednesday. As a member of the Student Wellbeing Team, part of my job is to point out that people live most well when they respect themselves, others – and ALL life. I‟m glad to have the chance to lead the club. More info is available via the Student Wellbeing link at Moodle – go to “herpetology”.

Kayse Boyle, leader of the Herpetology Club and Pascal at the Reptile Expo on 22 February, meeting Brian Barnett, President of the Victorian Herpetological Society and holder of the OAM (Order of Australia Medal) for his contribution and pioneering role for herpetoloculture in Australia over the last 50 years.

Kasey Boyle Student Wellbeing Team Member

Tickets on Sale early March

Families new to De La Salle may be interested in what is available in private music lessons. Instruments available for private lessons include: voice, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet, flute, violin, cello, drums/percussion, bass, and guitar. Instrumental tutors cater for all levels from beginner to VCE. Applications for lessons are available via email or hard copy from the music office. Any students interested in joining an ensemble, please speak with Ms Frost or Ms Williams in the music office. New students are always welcome. The timetable for ensembles is as follows:



Senior Concert Band

Band room

Kelly Williams



Intermediate Concert Band String Ensemble

Band room T723

Kelly Williams David Reichman


3:30pm – 4:30pm

Yr 8 Rock Band Guitar Ensemble

T722 T733

Jaymee Lee Matt Lewin


8:00am Lunch

Choir Jnr Sax Ensemble

T733 T725

Cindy Frost Penny Karahalios


8:00am Lunch

Stage Band Snr Sax Ensemble

Band room T725

Jaymee Lee Penny Karahalios

Congratulations to the current Year 7 students in the Band Program. They have made an excellent start to the year. Students are encouraged to practice for 10 – 15 min, 3-5 times per week. It can be challenging in the early stages but all the hard work will pay off by concert time! Cindy Frost Director of Music

F E B RUA RY Wednesday, 26 February

Year 7 Hegarty Camp at Jan Juc SLSC (until 28 February) Information Night for Parents of Applicants for Year 7 (2015) – Gymnasium, 7.30pm

Thursday, 27 February

Red Cross Blood Bank Collection – PAC, 9.00am-3.00pm Year 10 Formal Dance classes – Gymnasium, 7.15pm

Friday, 28 February

Applications close for Year 7, 2015 Year 7 Hegarty Family Barbecue Lunch at Jan Juc SLSC, 12.30pm

Monday, 3 March

Parents‟ Network and Homeroom Parent Representative Meeting – Boardroom, 7.00pm

Tuesday, 4 March

Year 7 Vincent Camp at Jan Juc (until 6 March) SYDSA Primary Swimming Carnival at MSAC, 9.30am-12.30pm

Wednesday, 5 March

Ash Wednesday

Thursday, 6 March

Year 7 Vincent Family Barbeque Lunch at Jan Juc SLSC, 12.30pm

Friday, 7 March

De La Salle Athletics Carnival – Duncan MacKinnon Athletics Track, 9.00am-2.00pm

Monday, 10 March

Labour Day – Public Holiday

Wednesday, 12 March

Year 7 Roland Camp at Jan Juc SLSC (until 14 March) Parent Information Evening – St. Miguel Theatre, 7.30pm-9.00pm

Thursday, 13 March

Year 9 Retreat – Syndal Baptist Conference Centre, 9.00am-3.00pm Year 10 Formal Dance classes – Gymnasium, 7.15pm-9.30pm

Friday, 14 March

Year 7 Roland Family Barbeque Lunch at Jan Juc SLSC, 12.30pm Year 9 Retreat – Syndal Baptist Conference Centre, 9.00am-3.00pm

Monday, 17 March

ACCent Concert Preparation at St. Bede‟s College, 10.00am-2.00pm

Wednesday, 19 March

St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary Year 7 Solomon Camp at Jan Juc SLSC (until 21 March)

Thursday, 20 March

Mass of St. Patrick, St. Patrick‟s Cathedral Year 10 Formal Dance classes – Gymnasium, 7.15pm-9.30pm Old Collegian 50 Year Reunion

Friday, 21 March

Year 7 Solomon Family Barbeque Lunch at Jan Juc SLSC, 12.30pm

Monday, 24 March

Year 7 Jerome Camp at Jan Juc SLSC (until 26 March) ACCent Concert Preparation at CBC St. Kilda, 10.00am-2.00pm

Tuesday, 25 March

The Annunciation of the Lord

Wednesday, 26 March

Senior ACC Sports Finals Year 7 Jerome Family Barbeque Lunch at Jan Juc SLSC, 12.30pm

Thursday, 27 March

Year 10 Formal Social – Gymnasium, 7.15pm-9.00pm

Friday, 28 March

Tour of College, 9.15am

Monday, 31 March

VET (External) reports mailed home


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