DSU Hornet Highlights Newsletter August 2017

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HIGHLIGHTS E-newsletter from the Office of the President | AUGUST 2017

Now, It Begins Again In a few weeks, we will welcome to Delaware State University the Class of 2021. It is almost hard to believe that the start of a new academic year is already upon us. It seems we just sent forth the Class of 2017 yesterday. The fluidity of time is never more obvious than it is at the start of a new academic year, when a new cohort of aspirants enters in the wake of achievers who have transitioned. For individuals in the education field, the experience is similar to what parents go through as they rear their children, watching infants suddenly become toddlers, then preschoolers and then — almost overnight — go off to college. As educators, we have a parallel experience, in a more condensed form. Freshman enter in the infancy of their journey, toddle into their second year and then run right into the third year. By the fourth year, we suddenly see how much they have grown and, as we look out at their faces during graduation, we pray that we have done a good job in preparing them to leave us. Every year, the cycle repeats itself and each cycle provides us with an opportunity to shape lives and to reshape or expand ideologies. We embrace the challenges that

some students will bring or incur. We will coax them through the culture shock of experiencing new people and situations, maybe for the first time; living without the behavioral filters provided by trusted family and friends; and dealing with the realization that they are responsible for their own success. They will now hold the keys but, like their parents, we have the vehicle. As we hand our students the keys to their future, we will advise them to drive responsibly, to focus, to head straight to their destination without detours and to return the vehicle to us with a full tank of gas. By that, we mean we want them to go forth and prosper, reach back and bless. We enthusiastically accept the charge to prepare our students to face the world with confidence, conviction and a determination to succeed. We are grateful to you for your support and partnership in this noble calling. Sincerely,

President Harry L. Williams

INSIDE THIS ISSUE  Dr. Tony Allen to Lead DSU’s Academic Transformation  Dr. Wilma Mishoe Elected as First Female DSU Board of Trustees Chair  6th Annual HBCU Symposium Brings 38 Schools Together  DSU Nursing Grads Achieve 90% Pass Rate on Exam  Second Anonymous $450K Gift Given to DSU for Scholarships Read on for more ...

Dr. Tony Allen Appointed as New Provost A banking executive and long-standing Wilmington civic leader, Dr. Tony Allen, is Delaware State University’s new provost. Learn more about Dr. Allen

The highly endorsed chief academic officer will officially assume his role August 15.

In his new position, the provost will lead a faculty of 212 professors and 21 academic departments serving more than 4,600 undergraduate and graduate students.

Dr. Wilma Mishoe Elected as First Female Board of Trustees Chair At its semi-annual retreat, the Delaware State University Board of Trustees elected Dr. Wilma Mishoe as board chair, the first woman in the institution’s 126-year history to serve in that role. Dr. Mishoe — who in addition to her DSU board service has more than 35 years as a higher education administrator — is the daughter of the late Dr. Luna Mishoe, who served as president of then-Delaware State College from 1960 to 1987.

Dr. Wilma Mishoe

Dr. Devona Williams

Delaware Gov. John Carney said Dr. Mishoe brings a unique combination of leadership, talent, experience and historic perspective to the leadership position. “Like her Dad, Dr. Mishoe brings a wealth of experience and passion for preparing another generation of educated citizens. Her 35-year career as a senior administrator at Delaware Technical Community College and Wilmington College (now University) — as well as having been both a board member and acting president of Wilberforce University — gives her deep perspective and acumen and makes her an ideal partner for President Williams and his executive team,” Gov. Carney said.

In addition to Dr. Mishoe’s election, the Trustees also elected Dr. Devona E. Williams as vice chairperson — making it the first time in DSU history that two women are serving as the board’s top two executive officers. Full Story 2

Dr. Allen is well-respected locally and nationally for his keen intellect and strong character as noted by DSU’s chief executive officer in an announcement to the DSU community: His substantial educational background, coupled with a successful career in the private sector and extensive public service credentials, make him an excellent fit to be the No. 2 executive leader at DSU and to lead the institution’s academic transformation. Dr. Allen’s leadership will put student success first and support the continued growth in the scholarship, research and community service that distinguishes our institution. — Dr. Harry L. Williams

Five-Year, $1 Million Grant Secured for DSU-PEA Initiative The grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and its Inclusive Excellence initiative will be used in support of DSU Promoting Engagement and Access in Science (DSU-PEAS), which is focused on recruiting more nontraditional students in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs and providing them with support to keep them in school through graduation. The principal investigator is Dr. Vincent Fondong, professor of biological sciences. Read More

Renewable Energy Education Center Supports Lights-On, Dover-Strong The Renewable Energy Education Center (REEC) is supporting restoring Central Dover in the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan. The “Lights-On Dover-Strong” campaign to increase residential security and public safety was launched in collaboration with the City of Dover Police Department, Dover City Council, NCALL Research, Inc., Delmarva Power, Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility, and the REEC. The campaign is designed to provide citizens with dusk-to-dawn energy-efficient LED lights for their front porches and solar-powered LED motion floodlights for their back yards. Four DSU students hired as REEC interns assist in this community effort. Read More

4 Faculty Honored with Excellence Awards The 2017 Faculty Excellence Award recipients, from left, with President Harry L. Williams (center) are Dr. Murali Temburni (Teaching), Dr. Hacene Boukari (Service), Dr. Mazin Shahin (Advising) and Dr. Renu Tripathi (Research). Full Story

6th Annual HBCU Symposium Brings Together 38 Schools On July 19-21, DSU hosted 125 representatives from 38 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and 19 states in a threeday professional development symposium. The conference, now in its sixth year, was held at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino. Established under the leadership of Dr. Vita T. Pickrum, vice president for Institutional Advancement, the event engaged participants in workshops, dialogues and panel discussions centered on trends and best practices in the industry. Highlights of the event included a President’s Panel led by Dr. Harry Williams; a Strategic Leadership Panel led by alumna Enid WallaceSimms ’74, senior public affairs manager, Exelon; and DSU Board of Trustees Member John Ridgeway ’75, corporate manager, Toyota. In addition, Dr. Philip Clay, The Kresge Foundation board member; Rob Henry, vice president of education at the Council for Advancement of Education (CASE); and Scott Dalessandro, associate program officer

Major corporate funders participate in a panel discussion led by Rob Henry of CASE. Panelists, from left, are Scott Dalessandro, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; William Moses, The Kresge Foundation; Dr. Lorenzo Esters, Strada Education Network; and Dr. Amia Foston, the Lumina Foundation. Below: Participants spend an evening at Rehoboth Beach. for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation shared their insights and expertise as speakers and panelists. A closing luncheon completed the schedule where attendees enjoyed an inspirational and engaging keynote address delivered by Dr. Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., president and CEO of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. View the complete lineup of activities and speakers

DSU Awarded for No Smoking Policy DSU was among three Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to receive the ACAS Health Leadership Award jointly presented in June by the Public Health Service Officers Foundation for the Advancement of Public Health, the “Truth Initiative,” Arizonans Concerned About Smoking, and the Arizona NAACP. Read More

New Castle County Chamber recognizes DSU@Wilmington DSU Board of Trustees member Roy Roper and Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Teresa Hardee (both in the center) joined officials of the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at DSU@Wilmington in recognition of its educational contribution to Northern Delaware.

Civil Air Patrol Cadets Receive DSU Aviation Flight Training The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) this summer enlisted the DSU Aviation Program to provide flight training to a group of five young cadets at the Delaware Airpark near Cheswold, Del. During the CAP pilot summer program, cadets received 49 flying hours as well as some ground instruction. Read More



Anonymous Donor Makes Second $450K Gift for Scholarships For the second year, a generous donor — who wishes to remain anonymous — has contributed $450,000 to DSU to provide general scholarship support for low-income students from Delaware!

We value and appreciate your support!

Nursing Grads Achieve 90% Licensure Exam Pass Rate 2017 graduates of the Department of Nursing achieved a 90% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). For these grads, the best is yet to come!

You enable student success and so much more with your gifts.

VISIT DESU.EDU/GIVE The presidents of DSU and NBUT (center) welcome the newest class of graduates during this summer’s ceremony in China.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

DSU-NBUT Class of 2017 Graduates in China In June, degrees were conferred upon 81 graduates of the DSU-Ningbo University of Technology (NBUT) joint accounting program during Commencement ceremonies held in China. Two new partnerships with other institutions in that country also were established. Full Story

President Harry L. Williams, left, joins DSU student researchers in Poland.

Students Study Aboard, Conduct Research in Poland Ten DSU students experienced research study abroad in Bydgoszcz, Poland, from May 22 to June 22, where they learned new research techniques and expanded their knowledge base. The students engaged in individual research projects at the Uniwersytet TechnologicznoPrzyrodniczy (UTP), also known in English as the University of Technology and Life Sciences. Read More and View Photos


Hornets Football Season Opener at University of Delaware August 31 at 7 p.m. at UD Tickets for Sect. H available at DSU Ticket Office until August 17. $20 For more info, call 302.857.8499.

7th Annual President’s Prayer Breakfast September 15 from 7-9 a.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Center

Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet and Induction Ceremony September 22 from 5-9 p.m. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Center

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For more information, please visit desu.edu or call the Division of Institutional Advancement at 302.857.6055.

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