Delaware State University President's Scholarship Ball Sponsorship Booklet 2017

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2017 Sponsorship Opportunities

It’s all about our students and helping them earn a college degree. They are Delaware’s future workforce.

S P O N S O R S H I P O PP O R T U N I T I E S Saturday, December 9, 2017

Cocktail Reception | 5 – 6 p.m. Dinner and Dance | 6 – 11 p.m. Ballroom, Dover Downs Hotel & Casino Dover, Delaware (Online registration available)

AN ELEGANT EVENING FOR AN IMPORTANT PURPOSE The purpose of the President’s Scholarship Ball is to support DSU students who need financial assistance in order to graduate and enter the workforce in Delaware and around the world. In its seventh year, the President’s Scholarship Ball is DSU’s signature fundraising event. Here’s a great opportunity to showcase your organization’s support of Delaware’s only HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). WHO Hosted by a diverse group of corporate partners, the attendees also include alumni, dignitaries, civic leaders, public officials and friends who support DSU. You are invited to contribute to the fundraising event with the purchase of a sponsor package ranging from $500-$25,000. Sponsor package benefits include recognition before and during the event in related advertising and promotional materials as well as elegant dining for your guests. WHEN Saturday, December 9, 2017 5 p.m. Cocktail Reception I 6 p.m. Dinner and Dance LOCATION Dover Downs Hotel and Casino 1131 North DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901

WHY SPONSOR NOW? Early sponsors are included in early event marketing and promotional communications. Secure your sponsorship today!

THE EVENT • Pre-Ball Cocktail Reception • Silent Auction • Elegant Dining • Live Auction • Dancing and Live Entertainment Online registration at: For more information, please contact Charity Shockley at 302.857.7801 or

Grammy Award-winning gospel singer, songwriter and producer

& Dance the night away with the Panama Band


SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Saturday, December 9, 2017 5 p.m. Cocktail Reception I 6 p.m. Dinner and Dance Ballroom, Dover Downs Hotel & Casino Dover, Delaware (Online registration available)

Premier Event Sponsor (1) -- $25,000 n Three reserved premier tables of 10 n Private VIP reception with DSU president n Full color page ad in event program book n Recognition in The Echo, DSU alumni magazine with circulation of over 12,000 n Company recognition on all media releases n Name/logo on poster-size display sign in premier event location n Social media acknowledgment (Facebook, Twitter) n Name/logo on event Web page n Name/logo in electronic newsletter, DSUpdate n Name/logo in event print promotional materials, including newspaper ads n Name/logo on event signage Diamond Sponsor -- $15,000 n n n n n n n n n n n

Two reserved premier tables of 10 Private VIP reception with DSU president Full color page ad in event program book Recognition in The Echo, DSU alumni magazine with circulation of over 12,000 Company recognition on all media releases Name/logo on poster-size display sign in premier event location Social media acknowledgment (Facebook, Twitter) Name/logo on event Web page Name/logo in electronic newsletter, DSUpdate Name/logo in event print promotional materials, including newspaper ads Name/logo on event signage

Platinum Sponsor -- $7,500 n Reserved premier table of 10 n ½ page color ad in event program book n Name/logo in electronic newsletter, DSUpdate n Recognition in The Echo, DSU alumni magazine with circulation of over 12,000 n Social media acknowledgment (Facebook, Twitter) n Name/logo on event Web page n Company recognition on all media releases n Name/logo in event promotional materials, including newspaper ads n Name/logo on event signage

Gold Sponsor (6) -- $5,000 n Reserved premier table of 10 n Âź page color ad in event program book n Name/logo in event print promotional materials, including newspaper ads n Name/logo on event signage n Social media acknowledgment (Facebook, Twitter) Reserved Table Sponsor -- $2,500 n Reserved premier table of 10 n Name on event table sign n Name/logo in event program Entertainment Sponsor (4) -- $1,500 n Four individual event tickets n 1/8 page ad in event program Event DĂŠcor Sponsor (4) -- $1,500 n Four individual event tickets n 1/8 page ad in event program Ad Sponsor (8) -- $500 n Full page ad in event program

Grammy award-winning artist Bebe WInans performs at the 2016 President’s Scholarship Ball.

Net event proceeds benefit Delaware State University student scholarships.

DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dr. Wilma Mishoe, chair Dr. Devona E. Williams, vice chair Mr. John J. Allen Jr. The Honorable Michael N. Castle Mr. José F. Echeverri ‘08

Dr. Debbie Harrington Ms. Lois M. Hobbs Charles S. McDowell, Esq.

Kathy Mcguiness, Rph John Ridgeway Leroy A. Tice, Esq. ‘02

EX-OFFICIO The Honorable John Carney, governor of the State of Delaware Dr. Harry L. Williams, president TRUSTEES EMERITI Dr. A. Richard Barros, Esq Dr. John Land Dr. Cora Norwood Selby Dr. Claibourne D. Smith MISSION STATEMENT Delaware State University is a public, comprehensive, 1890 land-grant institution that offers access and opportunity to diverse populations from Delaware, the nation, and the world. Building on its heritage as a historically black college, the University purposefully integrates the highest standards of excellence in teaching, research, and service in its baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs. Its commitment to advance science, technology, liberal arts, and the professions produces capable and productive leaders who contribute to the sustainability and economic development of the global community. VISION STATEMENT As one of America’s most highly respected Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Delaware State University will be renowned for a standard of academic excellence that prepares our graduates to become the first choice of employers in a global market and invigorates the economy and the culture of Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic Region. CORE VALUES Community • Integrity • Diversity • Scholarship • Outreach


RESPONSE FORM* Saturday, December 9, 2017 5 p.m. Cocktail Reception | 6 p.m. Dinner and Dance Ballroom, Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, Dover, Delaware (Online registration available) Company/Organization Name Contact Name Address City State Zip Telephone Number Email Address [__] Premier Sponsor - $25,000 [__] Diamond Sponsor - $15,000 [__] Platinum Sponsor - $7,500

[__] Gold Sponsor - $5,000 [__] Reserved Table - $2,500 [__] Entertainment Sponsor - $1,500

[__] Event DĂŠcor Sponsor - $1,500 [__] Ad Sponsor - $500

Name 1 Name 6

Name 3 Name 8 Name 4 Name 9 Name 5 Name 10 To pay by check: Please make check payable to the Delaware State University Foundation, Inc., 1200 North DuPont Highway, Dover DE 19901

Names of Guests

Name 2 Name 7

To pay by credit card: Name As It Appears on Card Card Number Expiration Date Security Validation Code Signature (Last 3 digits located on the back panel of the credit card) Today’s Date _______________________ Email Address__________________________________________ [__] With regrets, I cannot attend, but please accept my tax-deductible contribution of $____________ for DSU student scholarships. *A limited number of sponsorships are available at each level; please reply with paid commitment.

DSU Donors: distinguished, generous, first class, helping the next generation to be successful

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