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students in a sustainable industry
A career path for all students in a sustainable industry
Through the Work Wild program, Alberta Forest Products Association encourages youth to learn about the responsible, dependable, and renewable forestry industry in our province. In our classroom presentations, we address misconceptions about forestry, and highlight the incredibly diverse opportunities the industry holds for those who choose a career in forestry.
This sector is meticulous in keeping the lifeblood of the industry, its forests, healthy and thriving for years to come. As a global leader in sustainable forest management, Alberta requires that forest professionals and experts collaborate to create a robust 200-year forest management plan. This plan will account for healthy water systems, wildlife habitats, and natural forest disturbances such as wildfire. This is to ensure that the forest ecosystem will be healthy before, during, and long after long any harvesting operations occur.
Further, the forestry companies in Alberta often hold tenure for 100 years in the province. These forests, which have been managed by forestry companies, have all been certified as sustainably managed forests by thirdparty organizations, ensuring that all lumber harvested in the province of Alberta is done so in a maintainable and respectful manner that keeps our forest ecosystems healthy and thriving. In addition, the industry ensures absolute minimal deforestation by planting three trees for every one harvested. In 2021 alone, 100 million seedlings were planted.

The forestry sector in Alberta not only engages in sustainable forest management to ensure the health of our forests, but also to supply stable long-term economic opportunities in rural areas of Alberta. Currently the industry provides employment to over 70 communities in the province and provides employment for over 30,000 people.
Students looking for roles within a green industry can find opportunities within forestry, even if they prefer the comforts of an indoor job! The forestry sector is not only a place for ‘lumberjacks’ and ‘loggers’ but for anyone who wants employment in a sector that works towards a more sustainable future. While the industry often attracts those who are lovers of the outdoors, there is a place for everyone in forestry. Jobs available are diverse, as the industry requires various skill sets to ensure our sector continues to run. We need wildlife biologists, foresters, environmental scientists, as well as truck drivers, computer technologists, machine operators, graphic designers, and communications analysts, just to name a few!
Specifically, in Alberta, industry employees under 25 make an average annual compensation of approximately $62,317. This is the highest in the country for the sector. We strive to supply young talent with career progression and development through education and training opportunities. We understand that our youth is the future of forestry, and that the forestry workforce is essential to its overall success. To show this commitment, $67 million has been invested by forestry companies in Alberta to improve health and safety conditions for workers.
We would love the opportunity to talk more about the forestry industry and potential career opportunities in your classroom, no matter what subject you teach! Contact info@workwild.ca to book in-person classroom presentation today!
If you aren’t able to commit to a presentation, Work Wild also has classroom resources to support teachers in delivering education about our forests. You can find our educational toolkits that align with the Alberta curriculum for Grade 6 Science, Grade 7 Science, CALM 20, and CTS Forestry on our website, workwild.ca. n