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Showing up to show off construction career pathways
With the current labor shortage projections facing the industry, it’s important to begin attracting youth and introducing them to the career pathways available within construction at an early age. Interacting with high school youth and providing opportunities for them to engage in the field will help the industry begin addressing the shortage. The Construction Exchange’s workforce and education director works with local school districts and youth programming to arrange such situations and educate youth about careers in construction.

On February 20, 2023, six of The
Construction Exchange’s members spent the evening with the OMEGA Mentoring Program at the Johnnie B. Wiley Amateur Athletic Sports Pavilion. This afterschool program is comprised of twenty Buffalo Public School high school students and 10 “Near Peer” high school graduates. As part of a small Urban Sustainability Directors Network grant received by Erie County, ConEx was asked to assemble a group of four to five companies willing to design and implement an interactive activity on a specific skilled trade or an aspect related to general construction practices.
Buffalo Construction Consultants, Iroquois Construction Services, Montante Construction and PCS Heating &

Plumbing were the four member companies who volunteered to participate in the activity portion of the evening. Students traveled to each station and spent about 20 minutes engaging in the activity and asking questions. The stations highlighted the steps involved in a construction project from conception to portions of installation.
To supplement the activities, ConEx’s workforce and education director spoke to the group and explained what she does to connect youth to training and higher education programs, as well as the scholarships available to those seeking a career within the industry. In addition, she explained how the CONEX Careers App connects jobseekers to hiring companies within their membership. Representatives from Assembly House 150 and SUNY@ Erie were also in attendance to answer specific questions about their available training, certificate and degree programs.

“We’re happy to see everyone so interested in a time where it is hard to find employees in the industry,” PCS Plumbing said after the event. “The kids were very engaged and excited to participate in the activities. We look forward to being participants in future events to get younger people involved in the construction industry.”
“I really enjoyed this event,” said Jen Kinney from Montante Construction. “The kids were great and engaged and the parents were as well. All the hands-on tasks were awesome and well thought out. All in all, it was a great event and would participate again.”
If you are interested in participating in future events like this, contact ConEx’s workforce and education director, Jenn Van Dusen, at u