6 minute read
A message from the ASTSBC
The Association of School Transportation Services of British Columbia Columbia “Your Child’s Safety Is Our Business”
Established in the mid-’60s, the Association of School Transportation Services of B.C. (ASTSBC) has represented school bus operators from every corner of this great province. The last few years have been very exciting and I really appreciate the opportunity to share some of our successes. In 2008, we partnered with Natural Resources Canada to put on a number of SmartDriver “Train the Trainer” courses throughout the province. After receiving this training, these men and women returned home and introduced the SmartDriver program to their workplace. The program proved to be very successful wherever it was established, and resulted in the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions across the fl eets. Also in 2008 we hosted the very successful 5th Annual Canadian Pupil Transportation Conference. Delegates from across Canada, the United States and as far away as Australia came to Victoria for this national conference. (Actually, this was the second time that we invited the country to British Columbia; in 2002, we hosted the 2nd Annual Canadian Pupil Transportation Conference in Penticton, B.C.) Since 2009, our association has been the only representative from British Columbia to attend the CSA D250 Committee. The CSA (Canadian Standards Association) is a not-forprofi t membership-based association serving business, industry, government and consumers in Canada and the global marketplace. This committee develops the specifi cations for school buses across Canada and was responsible for the addition of the D270 standards. Buses built under D270 standards provide everybody with an alternative to transporting students in 15 passenger vans. Let me share a couple of highlights from 2009: we teamed up with Motor Coach Canada and produced a joint conference in Penticton, B.C. The conference included the school bus industry as well as the motor coach industry from throughout western Canada. Also in 2009 we established a very signifi cant award: “Driver of the Year” followed in 2010 with the “Special Needs Driver of the Year” awards. These awards are presented to drivers who excel in both student management skills and driving either regular students or special-needs students. Guidelines created by the ASTSBC provide a very high standard for drivers to achieve to be eligible for either of these awards. In the past number of years we noticed a real need for a venue to provide training to vehicle maintenance technicians around the province. In 2010, we changed the date of our annual conference to July specifi cally to enable technicians to attend. We continued with that format through 2011 and plan to carry on for 2012. Technicians from around the province came to Surrey for the training. In 2011, the Province of B.C. has partnered with us under a steering committee to oversee new school bus procurement for the province. Together the steering committee has been tasked with creating the specifi cations, process and tendering of close to 100 school buses for school districts. Private contractors and independent schools are also welcome to participate in the program. The steering committee made up of British Columbia Association of School Business Offi cials (BCASBO), government and ASTSBC reps are currently working toward completing the process, and hope to have the fi rst tender out by December. Now for 2011-12: the 7th Annual Canadian Pupil Transportation Conference, to be held April 18th to 21st, 2012 at Chateau Lake Louise Alberta (http://www.cptc2012.ca). The agenda for the conference includes: • Inspired Workplace – Michael Kerr. • D250 Standards – Ian Brodie. • World-Class Leaders (Part 1 and 2) • Bullying – Dr. Allan Beane. • Jacob’s Story (www.jacobsstory.ca) • Professional Relationships with Staff, Students and Parents – Peter Lawrence. • Arm Yourself for Life – Dausen Kluin. • Transporting Students with Disabilities – Linda Bluth. • Inspirational – Michel Chikwanine). • Threat Assessment – Kevin Cameron.
• Driver Distraction and Attitudes – Peter Lawrence. • Mentoring Drivers – Ron Wilson. • Driver and Staff Attitudes – Peter Lawrence. • Bridging the Gap at Work – Kristen Cummins.
As you can see from the lineup of sessions/keynote speakers, the conference is going to be a great place to learn and network with people from across North America regarding school busing. On Thursday, April 19th, the largest trade show for the school bus industry will be held. The 46th Annual ASTSBC Convention and Trade Show will be held in Surrey, B.C. on July 8th to 11th and again a complete track for vehicle maintenance technicians will be offered. All three bus manufacturers will be offering training over the days of the conference. A lot of things have been going on within the school bus industry over the past few years. But, in all that is happening – both in the facilities and transportation areas – what we must never forget is the children. They are the ones who benefi t from all of your hard work. Have a great year.
Dennis V. Powell President, ASTSBC
Unit 200-19358 96th Avenue Surrey, British Columbia V4N 4C1 P. 604-882-8711 | F. 604-882-8552
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