3 minute read
Roof maintenance 101
Roof Roof maintenance 101 maintenance 101
By Rob Harris, IP, RRO
Maintaining roof systems during their service life is the best way to get the full value out of your investment. When maintenance is not done, the roof system will fail prematurely and the guarantee, however long, will be voided. The cost of a roof leak is not only limited to the actual repair of the roof, but also the potential water damage and disruption to activity within the building, which can be more expensive and will not be covered by the guarantee. Unseen water from small leaks that is trapped within the insulation above the vapour barrier will reduce the effective insulation value, resulting in additional heating and cooling costs. The moist areas will spread over time if not found immediately, thereby causing increasing expense both in heating/cooling costs and eventual repair or early replacement of the roof system. A roof maintenance checklist is essential and serves to organize the information required. Checklists are used for all types of inspection work, reminding the inspector of what to look for when reviewing a project. A written record of what has been done and items that require repair or maintenance will be preserved for later reference. Problems that need work to be done by professionals can be more easily passed on in a copy of the report. The checklist should have basic identifi cation: the address and roof areas involved, as well as the date, weather, and name of inspector should all be recorded. A roof plan or sketch of the roof area is needed to help locate anything mentioned in the report for future reference. Photographs are handy to identify defects for repair, and also provide a good record to refer back to during future inspections. Changes in the roof condition, such as the blistering of membranes or curling of shingles, can be verifi ed with a historic record. The inspections should be performed at least twice a year. A fall inspection should fi nd any damage caused by the heat of the summer changing to the cooler days of the upcoming winter. This change in temperature causes shrinkage and cracking of sealants and older roof materials. A spring inspection can identify any damage caused by winter storms or freezing. Damage caused by snow removal or wind-borne debris can cause leaks that need to be repaired to minimize the damage. Preventative maintenance resulting from regular inspections will help prevent roof leaks and minimise the water that enters the building. Debris from any nearby trees, etc., should be removed before it restricts drainage and causes water to build up on fl at roofs or be redirected on steep roofs; a buildup of material will impede the drainage on any roof system and is the most common cause of leaks during a heavy rainfall. Small debris, such as leaves, are carried by water fl ow to the drains on fl at roofs and effectively form a dam around them, causing water levels to rise above the waterproofi ng height and leak or potentially damage the structure of the building. On steep roofs, the water can be diverted by the debris to run under shingles or fl ashings. Large items, such as old HVAC units, construction materials, or storage from building occupants left on the roof membrane, will eventually deform and push through it. Caulking and other exposed seals at curbs and pipes, etc., will need to be replaced several times during the service life of a roof system. An appropriate material that is compatible with all the components it contacts has to be selected and surfaces prepared as per the printed directions from the manufacturer to extend the time between replacements as long as possible. This and other roof material repairs are best done by qualifi ed professionals. Please refer to the RCABC website [www.rcabc.org] for free access to the Roofi ng Practices Manual and the Roof Maintenance Guide with checklist and a list of professional experienced contractors for installing and maintaining your roof to get the maximum value from your investment.
About the Author: Rob Harris, IP, RRO, is technical manager for the RGC Guarantee Corporation. The association provides fi ve- and 10-year third-party guarantees for roof systems installed to the Roofi ng Practices Manual standards, and roofing apprenticeship training for the province.
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