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What is the service delivery project?
The Service Delivery Project (SDP) is a K-12 sector-led effort to find efficiencies and build capacity through the shared coordination and delivery of services across 60 school districts in British Columbia. The Ministry of Education (the ministry), school districts, and other partners have been working collaboratively to identify opportunities to achieve the following key objectives for the direct benefit of school districts:
PFind efficiencies P Build sector capacity P Implement effective and economical solutions P Achieve service consistency
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In 2014/15, the SDP focused on evaluating opportunities through collaboration. More than 30 school district staff participated in working groups that evaluated opportunities for gaining efficiencies, savings, service consistency and building sector capacity in the areas of legal services, procurement, attendance support, facilities, transportation, IT/communications, and HR/payroll. Based on this analysis, the working groups developed recommendations and implementation plans for the following: • Legal services – share costs and services for employee-related legal services • Procurement – establish a shared procurement entity where provincial volumes can be used to reduce pricing • Attendance support – create common policies, procedures and specialist support to further attendance support and staff wellness • IT/communications – share the cost of an upgrade to the Provincial Learning
Many of these recommendations were implemented over 2015/16 and are highlighted on the Service Delivery Project website, in the SDP newsletters, or on partner organization websites. For example, the Employment Practices Liability Program, BC Education Marketplace and Attendance Support and Wellness Initiative.
There are a number of opportunities that have been added to the SDP since 2014/15. These opportunities currently include transportation and facilities management.
In relation to facilities managements, an area of particular interest to EFMA members, the following provides an understanding of the objectives, accomplishments and planned next steps for this opportunity. The
objective of this opportunity is to identify areas of efficiencies and financial gains related to facilities management. The Facilities Management Working Group (FMWG) has been evaluating research and providing advice on viable models to better deliver facilities administration, energy or capital project management, custodial, maintenance and grounds services in the sector. Several working group members are EFMA members.
A business case was completed, which researched and evaluated the following areas:
• Custodial Practices Standardization – identifying opportunities to standardize equipment (e.g., use of mechanized equipment), and improving custodial labour efficiency through best practices (e.g., process improvement, written standards, best practice guides, training, etc.)
• Energy Management – identifying opportunities to expand energy management services more widely in the sector, with a focus on underserved regions
• Procurement – identifying opportunities where the aggregate spend on facilities management goods are significant and/or there is a sector demand, such as garbage bags, mechanized equipment, indoor LED lighting, etc.
Based on the business case analysis, FMWG members suggested that the following projects move ahead for implementation:
• Pilot custodial efficiency best practice assessments in four to five school districts (approximately 20 schools) • Pilot energy management services in school districts located in an underserved region(s) • Establish provincial contracts for mechanized custodial equipment and indoor
LED lighting • Establish provincial contracts for garbage bags and other custodial supplies
The FMWG is currently working on designing the pilot projects and selecting the school districts that are good candidates for pilots. Meanwhile, the BC Education Marketplace (BCEM) has negotiated an agreement for garbage bags with the Bunzl Group (includes Planet Clean, Wesclean, Acme) based on specifications identified by a custodial products subcommittee, which included members from the FMWG. For further information and access to the garbage bag agreement, school districts can contact info@bcedmarketplace.ca.
Questions? Please email EDUC.SRSD@ gov.bc.ca for further information. n
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