2 minute read
The future of cleaning
Aqueous ozone cleaning systems are starting to make significant inroads in the professional cleaning industry. One of the initial goals of O3Canada was to prove to the professional cleaning industry that these systems clean effectively, that they can be used for daily cleaning, and that they offer what is now called “on-demand” cleaning, allowing the cleaning worker to use the system whenever needed/ wherever needed, without needing to gather supplies from a janitorial closet.
Scores of studies have now been released that prove the cleaning effectiveness and value of aqueous ozone systems. Further, as cleaning professionals begin to use our system, they find that we were correct and the systems are equally suited to handle both daily and on-demand cleaning tasks.
But in the process, something else has been uncovered. Aqueous ozone is also a very “green” and sustainable way to clean. In fact O3Canada now refers to aqueous ozone as “greener than green cleaning”. Cleaning with aqueous ozone gets high marks for sustainability because it minimizes or eliminates the following:
• Packaging materials – boxes, plastic, etc. – to package cleaning solutions.
• Containers – gallon, five-gallon, and ready-to-use containers that hold cleaning solutions.
• Fuel – to transport cleaning solutions.
• Greenhouse gases – fewer greenhouse gases are released because less fuel is used.
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It was my pleasure to give you some feedback. One other testimonial I thought I should share. I’m a natural sceptic, so a couple of weeks ago I was deep cleaning the deep fryers; drained, moved, cleaned floor and sides and thought I’m going to try this ozone stuff on the built-up char at the top of the back chimney…no way it will work. Sprayed it on, waited a few minutes to let it penetrate and took a paint scraper to it. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it literally peeled off like paint stripper. We’re talking YEARS of built-up grease char. Just thought I’d share.
Alex Wilson, Food Service Manager, Community and Leisure Services Dept., City of Humboldt
• Cleaning-related waste is minimized.
• Cold water application – reduces heating costs.
• Discharge – no harmful chemical discharge into the environment.
As the cleaning effectiveness of aqueous ozone becomes recognized, along with their green and sustainability attributes, many more cleaning professionals, building owners, and managers are becoming aware of aqueous ozone cleaning systems and many more are likely to follow.
Our aqueous ozone cleaning systems are wall-mounted and connected directly to a cold water source, under a sink or in a janitorial closet. If using a wall-mounted fill station, the aqueous ozone can be poured directly into a bottle sprayer and then used as you would a traditional cleaning solution. For cleaning larger floor areas, aqueous ozone can be applied to the floor directly from a caddy system. A caddy is a rolling aqueous ozone system, looking similar to an upright carpet extractor that allows for on-site/on-demand cleaning. From there, the floor can be mopped with a clean microfiber mop, or wet vacuumed directly from the caddy.
From the standpoint of efficacy, sus-
tainability, and safety, few other clean-
ing systems can match the O3Canada Aqueous Ozone cleaning system. n