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The safe solution to mowing
Interior Turf Equipment offers Spider radio-controlled mowers
Interior Turf Equipment (ITE) has well-maintained park areas, where high • Reduce fatigue in your workforce, esprovided solutions for turf manage- quality of cut is required. pecially in hot and humid, as well as ment since the 1990s. ITE would like to introduce the latest addiThe exceptional environment-friendliwet conditions. ness of the machine is emphasized by its The dimensions of the machine allow tion to their family of equipment built to low weight, as most of its parts are built its transportation, even on a regular car handle extreme slopes, the Spider radio- of light and noble alloys. The four-wheel trailer or inside utility vans and trucks. controlled mowers. drive system allows the use of the mower Spider mowers deliver high productivSpider ILD01 and ILD02 are built in the in wetlands and in natural-protected ar- ity, especially in difficult terrain where Czech Republic by Dvorák-Svahové eas, and is very suitable for the mainte- the Spider ILD02 can replace as many Sekacky Ltd. The Spider ILD02 is cur- nance of areas surrounding water reser- as 15 workers with brush cutters or rently the best-selling model of Spider voirs, rivers, waterworks and dams. boom mowers carried by a tractor, but mowers, having won many awards all With a Spider mower you can: are able to cover larger areas. The patover the world. This machine was first • Avoid dangerous rollovers on hills, ented drive system allows for every move introduced in 2005 and production was slopes, steep banks, ponds, retaining to be productive and eliminates loss of launched in 2006. walls, and more. time caused by turning the mower, posiThe radio-controlled slope mower Spider • Reduce your exposure to insects such tioning it in the next line, or by mowing ILD02 is designed for the maintenance as ticks, bees, wasps, black flies, and around obstacles. of uneven and inaccessible terrain with mosquitoes. The Spider is in use in almost 50 counslopes of up to 55 degrees. It is, however, • Help prevent slips, falls, and injuries on tries worldwide, including the U.S. and also excellent for the mowing of flat ar- difficult, slippery, and uneven terrain. Canada. Parts are always available and if eas. The construction of the mower al- • Reduce your exposure to poisonous we don’t have them in stock we can have lows it to deal with rough seedlings, wild plants (poison ivy, oak, sumac) and ag- them shipped directly to you within a growth, and unkempt grass, but also in gressive vegetation. few days. n
Security Management
The MACH-CheckPoint door access controller is a new Power over Ethernet (PoE) device designed to meet or exceed the BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) profile. This fully configurable controller integrates up to two doors and four readers, and ships with the Reliable Controls industry-recognized 5-year warranty. Once programmed with the RC-Passport software, the combination delivers a truly integrated facility solution within the Reliable Controls MACH-System.
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