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Frequency changes to all wireless mic systems in the 600 MHZ range in Canada
Whether you are using a wireless microphone in a sanctuary, for aerobics classes, or in a karaoke system in your basement, most of the professional and semi-professional systems are in the 600 Mhz range of frequencies, generally from 614 to 698 Mhz. These wireless microphone systems are called UHF systems. Users of these UHF systems generally have excellent quality sound and lack of dead spots.
More importantly, users of these wireless microphone systems have not had to pay a licensing fee compared to other types of wireless systems. Fast food restaurants, for example, pay a $600 a year licensing fee to ensure no other wireless systems affect their given frequency set.
With the license-free systems, most are multi-channel frequency systems, so that if interference does affect one frequency set, the end user of the microphone can simply change frequencies to an interference-free channel, and continue using the system without issue.
FRequenCy ChAnge As OF 2018 In 2017, we learned that the 600 Mhz frequency set was to be auctioned off to cellular phone companies in the U.S., and that a wholesale frequency change was to happen throughout the U.S. some time in 2019. We at Sound Solutions called all of our Canadian distributors to find out if Canada was to be affected, and no supplier at the time could give us an answer, as nothing had been announced for all provinces.
In the spring of 2018, we found out that indeed, Canada was going to be affected by this frequency change, and that the 600 Mhz set of frequencies was also going to be auctioned off to cellular companies needing more bandwidth.
In North America, the new frequency set was to be in the 500Mhz frequency range, which would continue to offer similar range and fidelity, and lack of dead spots. The problem is, it is not economically feasible to do a frequency change to an existing wireless mic, and while some companies offered a trade-in for the older 600 Mhz systems, it appears to most clients to continue using the 600 Mhz systems until they reach end of life.
When Is the FRequenCy ChAnge tAkIng PLACe? As of November of 2018, suppliers and dealers were no longer selling the 600 Mhz wireless microphone systems, in fact, all parts, short of the microphone elements, were quickly discontinued by all suppliers, and all new systems sold are in the 500 Mhz range.
hOW DO I knOW IF I hAVe An AFFeCteD 600 Mhz WIReLess MICROPhOne? All wireless mic systems have an identifying sticker on both the receiver and transmitter units. Many manufacturers will state the range of frequencies on the units, along with the serial number. These stickers are usually on the backs of the units, on the bottom of the receivers, or within the battery compartment of the transmitter.
Other manufacturers will use some identifying mark on the receiver/transmitter units, without actually stating the frequency. If that’s the case, give us a call and we’ll help you identify the frequency.
ReCeIVeR On the receiver, look for a sticker on the back or the front.
hAnDheLD On a handheld transmitter, look for a sticker inside the battery compartment or a label near the display.
BODy PACk On a body pack, look for a label on the front or for a sticker on the back near the belt clip.
hOW LOng CAn I use My OLDeR 600 Mhz systeM? The time at which interference will hit the older 600 Mhz series of wireless microphones will depend on how quickly the new cellular towers will be built in your area. According to the Department of Communications, it will be technically illegal to use the older 600 Mhz systems as of December 2020. We now understand as of March 2020 that our suppliers are telling us that the 600 Mhz interference is occurring in a lot of areas in the U.S., and that Calgary has also been experiencing interference at this point.
The interference manifests itself as noise and/or tones through your sound system, or the effective range of your old 600 Mhz wireless mic system will drop from a typical 50 to 60 metres down to 10 metres or less, at which point the wireless mic will cut out.
Will the government come knocking on the door of your church or fitness facility, and are black vans full of men in black sweeping the neighbourhood looking for people breaking the law? No, of course not! Keep in mind that your very low power batteryoperated wireless mic has a range of about 100 metres, whereas the much larger cellular towers have a range in the multiple kilometres. The chances of your wireless mic affecting your next door neighbour’s cellular phone operation is slim to none, however these large towers will cause issues with your wireless mic system.
WhAt WILL the CeLL tOWeR InteRFeRenCe sOunD LIke In My WIReLess MIC systeM? Well, that is the million-dollar question! We’ve asked several suppliers this exact question and have received “it will cut out intermittently” to “you’ll hear tones through your sound system”, and a number of other responses.
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sO ... nOW WhAt? I stILL hAVe A 600 Mhz WIReLess MIC systeM thAt I BOught In 2017! Here is our recommendation: For the time being, if your 600 Mhz wireless mic system is working fine, and is interference free, continue to use it. We find that the lifespan of a heavily used fitness headset system is between three to six years, and in a less used church handheld microphone system, the lifespan can be 10+ years. Continue using your existing wireless mic system until such time that you experience problems with it. Understand that replacement receivers and transmitters are no longer available for the 600 Mhz range, so once a unit stops working or is physically damaged, you’ll need to replace the entire system.
The interference from the cellular towers can happen at any time however, so you are indeed running on borrowed time with the older systems.
Note that the new 500Mhz wireless mic systems physically will look identical to their 600 Mhz counterparts, so you can save the old system for spare parts, including windscreens, battery covers, knobs, etc. if you choose to do so. Some suppliers, including us here at Sound Solutions, are offering some trade-in value on older 600 Mhz systems, call us to find out! n
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