Frequency changes to all wireless mic systems in the 600 Mhz range in Canada Whether you are using a wireless
find out if Canada was to be affect-
microphone in a sanctuary, for
ed, and no supplier at the time could
aerobics classes, or in a karaoke
give us an answer, as nothing had
system in your basement, most
been announced for all provinces.
of the professional and semi-pro-
In the spring of 2018, we found
fessional systems are in the 600
out that indeed, Canada was go-
Mhz range of frequencies, gener-
ing to be affected by this frequen-
ally from 614 to 698 Mhz. These
cy change, and that the 600 Mhz
set of frequencies was also go-
are called UHF systems. Users of
ing to be auctioned off to cellular
these UHF systems generally have
companies needing more band-
excellent quality sound and lack of
dead spots.
In North America, the new
More importantly, users of these
frequency set was to be in the
wireless microphone systems have
500Mhz frequency range, which
not had to pay a licensing fee com-
would continue to offer similar
pared to other types of wireless
range and fidelity, and lack of
systems. Fast food restaurants, for
dead spots. The problem is, it is
example, pay a $600 a year licens-
not economically feasible to do
ing fee to ensure no other wireless
a frequency change to an exist-
systems affect their given frequen-
ing wireless mic, and while some
cy set.
companies offered a trade-in for
With the license-free systems, most are multi-channel frequency systems, so that if interference
ceiver and transmitter units. Many manufacturers will state the range of frequencies on the units, along with the serial number. These stickers are usually on the backs of the units, on the bottom of the receivers, or within the battery compartment of the transmitter. Other manufacturers will use some identifying mark on the receiver/transmitter units, without actually stating the frequency. If that’s the case, give us a call and we’ll help you identify the frequency.
the older 600 Mhz systems, it appears to most clients to continue using the 600 Mhz systems until they reach end of life.
can simply change frequencies to
When is the frequency change taking place?
On the receiver, look for a sticker on the back or the front.
an interference-free channel, and
As of November of 2018, suppliers
continue using the system without
and dealers were no longer selling
the 600 Mhz wireless microphone
does affect one frequency set, the end user of the microphone
Frequency change as of 2018 In 2017, we learned that the 600 Mhz frequency set was to be auctioned off to cellular phone companies in the U.S., and that a wholesale
systems, in fact, all parts, short of the microphone elements, were quickly discontinued by all suppliers, and all new systems sold are in the 500 Mhz range.
throughout the U.S. some time in
How do I know if I have an affected 600 Mhz wireless microphone?
2019. We at Sound Solutions called
All wireless mic systems have an
all of our Canadian distributors to
identifying sticker on both the re-
frequency change was to happen
Ops Talk • Spring 2020
Handheld On a handheld transmitter, look for a sticker inside the battery compartment or a label near the display.