1 minute read

We run together.

Uniquely suited to run seamlessly alongside you. If you don’t stop, neither do we; 24/7 support to keep you running.

Warm, Comfy, Controlled.

Commercial HVAC — friendly, local, and 24/7 support.

Smarter Buildings For Good.

BC Interior’s building automation and integration leader.

A technology company that puts people first.

It’s a simple but remarkable idea. Kimco’s mission is to advance the safety and effi ciency of buildings across British Columbia by putting people fi rst. That’s you the customer. That’s you, the partner. That’s you, the team member.

Kimco serves BC’s Interior and Kootenay regions, integrating all building systems: automation, HVAC, and electrical. Our head office is located in Kelowna, with offices in Penticton and Cranbrook. Integration is a core strength, and with many of our crew being dual-trade certifi ed, Kimco can recommend, install, and maintain your building’s equipment in a highly effi cient manner.

Keeping Your Lights On Since 1984.

Commercial and residential electrical service and maintenance. Services include:

 Access and Lighting Control

 Roll Shutter Automation

 Wifi Occupancy Monitoring

 Building and Energy Management Software

 System Recommissioning

 Leak Detection and Monitoring

 Temperature Measurement and Face Recognition

 Gas Detection

 Variable Frequency Drives

What would you like to achieve? Explore how Kimco can help: 250-491-2282

| KimcoControls.ca

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