ITD Driving Change in North Idaho
By Jim Timlick
rivers who commute between Post Falls and Rathdrum in North Idaho can expect their journey to be a little less
hectic in the not too distant future. Work has begun on a $51.5-million
expansion of Idaho Highway 41 that will see it expanded from two to four lanes between those two communities. The new lanes are being added east of the
Concrete pour for NB vehicle bridge.
the Idaho Transportation Department
Combining them into one will also help
(ITD), says the expansion is necessary
to keep the costs of the project down.
to keep pace with the growing number
Chance Cole, project manager for
of new homes being built in the region.
the northern portion of the highway
Traffic counts in 2019 showed that
expansion, says the project will make it
19,000 vehicles used ID-41 south of
safer for motorists travelling through the
Prairie Avenue during a typical day and
region. One at-grade train crossing has
that number is expected to increase
been removed, and drivers will no longer
significantly as new home starts continue
cross the train tracks once the overpass
to grow exponentially in the area.
is completed. To date, one bridge for
“Housing sales are crazy over there.
northbound traffic has already been built,
existing lanes. In addition, a pathway is
This is really about keeping up with
and a second bridge for southbound
being added for pedestrians and cyclists
that growth,” explains Durland, who
traffic is under construction.
and an overpass is being built to carry
is overseeing construction along the
In addition, all of the signals along the
traffic more safely over railway tracks that
southern portion of the highway. “It’s
roadway will be connected and able to
cross the highway near Hayden Avenue.
going to give us a lot more capacity.
“talk” with each other and provide more
Everybody who lives here or is moving
enhanced and advanced detection “so
here is going to benefit from this.”
you should be able to get more mobility
Work on the northern portion of the highway began last May while work on the southern portion of the roadway
The expansion of ID-41 is essentially
began earlier this year. Completion of the
two different projects that have been
project is scheduled for the fall of 2022.
combined into one, in part because of
No major traffic disruptions are
how and when funding was allotted.
expected throughout the course of
Randy Durland, a project manager for 14 BUILDING IDAHO • 2021 FALL/WINTER
going north-south and east-west through those intersections.”