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SPC Nickel Corp. – A fully funded junior having success in the Sudbury Camp
SPC Nickel (TsXV:sPC) is a nickel explorer with multiple projects across Canada. Its primary focus is on its property portfolio in the Sudbury Camp, where it’s been reporting strong results from its 2022 summer campaign at its Lockerby East Project.
This year’s drilling has focused on West Graham, a large near-surface deposit with a historical resource of 8.55Mt @ 0.45 per cent Ni, 0.31 per cent Cu (indicated). Drilling is complete and assay results are now coming in. Results to date have confirmed the presence of multiple higher-grade zones. Lockerby East has a long history. It is a historical past producer put into production by Falconbridge in 1971. The Lockerby and Lockerby East Mines produced an estimated 9.6Mt of ore grading 1.83 per cent Ni and 1.08 per cent Cu.
The West Graham deposit is considered by some to potentially be a significant nickel asset for sPC in the already established nickel camp. West Graham represents an opportunity to advance a resource toward production quickly, given potential accessibility via an open pit or a ramp. Additionally, there’s available processing infrastructure at Vale nearby and processing capacity in Sudbury with two mills and two smelters. SPC’s mineralization to the southwest of the property
is truncated by Vale’s property boundary.
SPC’s other projects in the Sudbury Camp include Aer-Kidd and Janes. The 272 ha Aer-Kidd Ni-Cu-PGM property is located ~25 kilometres southwest of the city along the Worthington Offset Dyke. It sits between two world-class deposits – Vale’s Totten mine and KGHM’s Victoria deposit – and hosts three past-producing mines. Janes is a 2,900 ha property 50 kilometres northeast of Sudbury. It hosts widespread Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization associated with the footwall contact of folded gabbroic sills hosted within Huronian sediments. The company reported exceptional drill results last summer. This year, SPC is completing
ground geophysics and possibly diamond drilling in the fall. This will assess the economic potential of the property.
While advancing the Sudbury assets remain the company’s focus, the Muskox Ni-Cu-PGM property in Nunavut represents a true campscale opportunity for SPC. Covering more than 45,000 ha, the Muskox property is underlain by the Muskox Intrusion.
The Muskox intrusion was first discovered in the 1950s by inco during an airborne survey identifying tens of kilometres of gossans extending across the tundra. Several other major and junior companies conducted exploration programs since Inco. in late 2021, the company acquired through staking the significant land position. sPC also acquired an exclusive database related to the area, which it believes has a replacement value of at least $15 million considering the extent of exploration spending represented. The database includes over 15 years of exploration data dating back to 1955, including 261 completed holes totalling over 35,000 metres averaging 135 metres of depth. The company conducted its first field program in July. Another visit has been planned for August. The objective is to source a partner to advance the project jointly. Muskox is an ideal project for a major looking to add a Tier 1 nickel project in a safe jurisdiction.

Nickel is a critical ingredient in the lithium-ion battery cells used in most electric vehicles (eV). Analysts warned last fall that global demand for the high-grade nickel required for eV batteries is likely to outstrip supply by 2024, making exploration of the metal critical.

SPC Nickel Corp. is a Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. The company is currently exploring its key 100% owned exploration projects Lockerby East and Aer-Kidd both located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp. In addition, the company recently acquired over 45,000 hectares covering a considerable proportion of the high prospective Muskox Intrusion, located in Nunavut. Although our focus is on Sudbury, we are an opportunistic company always looking for opportunities to use our skills to add shareholder value. gmourre@spcnickel.com 705-669-1777 spcnickel.com