5 minute read
Kingston & Frontenac
Prescott & Russell KINGSTON & FRONTENAC
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University
36 University Avenue Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 T: (613) 533-2190 F: (613) 533-6765 E: aeac@queensu.ca www.agnes.queensu.ca
Ann Baillie Building National Historic Site
32 George Street Kingston, ON K7L 2V7 T: (613) 548-2419 E: museum@kgh.kari.net www.museumofhealthcare.ca
Bellevue House National Historic Site
35 Centre Street Kingston, ON K7L 4E5 T: (613) 545-8666 E: Bellevue.House@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/bellevue
Canada's Penitentiary Museum
555 King Street W Kingston, ON K7L 4V7 T: (613) 530-3122 F: (613) 536-4815 E: info@penitentiarymuseum.ca www.penitentiarymuseum.ca
Cataraqui Cemetery National Historic Site
927 Purdy's Mill Road Kingston, ON K7M 3N1 T: (613) 546-6545 E: info@cataraquicemetery.ca www.cataraquicemetery.ca
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario T: (800) 313-4461 E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8 T: (905) 821-8970 E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Enrichment Studies Unit/ Queen's University
195 University Avenue Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 T: (613) 533-3181 E: esu@queensu.ca www.queensu.ca
Fairfield House and Park
4574 Bath Road Amherstview, ON K7N 1Y2 T: (613) 384-2813 E: info@fairfieldhomestead.ca www.fairfieldhomestead.ca
Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada
1 Fort Henry Drive, PO Box 213 Kingston, ON K7L 4V8 T: (613) 542-7388 F: (613) 542-3054 E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.forthenry.com
Frontenac County Schools Museum
414 Regent Street Barriefield, ON K7K 5R1 T: (613) 544-9113 E: fcschoolsmuseum@gmail.com www.fcsmuseum.com
Improbable Escapes
Suite 16B, 303 Bagot Street Kingston, ON K7K 5W7 T: (800) 570-0436 E: info@improbableescapes.com www.improbableescapes.com
Kingston City Hall National Historic Site
216 Ontario Street Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3 T: (613) 546-0000 F: (613) 546-5232 www.cityofkingston.ca/city-hall/aboutcity-hall
Kingston Fortifications World Heritage Site
1 Fort Henry Drive Kingston, ON K7K 5G8 T: (888) 773-8888 www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/kingston
Kingston Frontenac Public Library
130 Johnson Street Kingston, ON K7L 1X8 T: (613) 549-8888 E: contact@kfpl.ca www.kfpl.ca
Kingston Junior Naturalists
Box 831 Kingston, ON K7L 4X6 T: (613) 389-6742 E: n8ture.anne@sympatico.ca www.kingstonfieldnaturalists.org
Kingston Penitentiary Tours
560 King Street W Kingston, ON K7L 4V7 T: (613) 542-7388 E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.kingstonpentour.com
Kingston Scout Museum
642 MacDonnell Street Kingston, ON K7K 4X3 T: (613) 389-8859 www.kingstonmuseums.ca/kingstonscout-museum
Kingston WritersFest and Juvenis Arts Festival
Suite 202A, 209 Wellington Street Kingston, ON K7K 2Y6 T: (613) 767-0513 E: info@kingstonwritersfest.ca www.kingstonwritersfest.ca
Land O' Lakes Rescue Petting Farm
1200 Regional Road 506 Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0 T: (613) 336-0330 E: landolakespettingfarm@gmail.com www.landolakesrescuepettingfarm.ca
MacLachlan Woodworking Museum
2993 Highway 2 E Kingston, ON K7L 5H6 T: (613) 542-0543 E: education@cityofkingston.ca www.woodworkingmuseum.ca
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes
Unit 4, 53 Yonge Street Kingston, ON K7M 6G4 T: (613) 542-2261 E: manager@marmuseum.ca www.marmuseum.ca
McCoy Bus Service
566 Cataraqui Woods Drive Kingston, ON K7P 2Y5 T: (613) 507-5566 F: (613) 384-0048 E: charters@gomccoy.com www.gomccoy.com
Military Communications and Electronics Museum
95 Craftsman Boulevard Kingston, ON K7K 7B4 T: (613) 541-4675 F: (613) 540-8111 E: David.McCarey@forces.gc.ca www.c-and-e-museum.org
Miller Museum of Geology
Miller Hall, Queen's University 36 Union Street Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 T: (613) 533-6767 F: (613) 533-6592 E: badhamm@queensu.ca www.geol.queensu.ca/museum
Modern Fuel Artist - Run Centre
Suite 305, 370 King Street W Kingston, ON K7L 2X4 T: (613) 548-4883 E: info@modernfuel.org www.modernfuel.org
Murney Tower Museum
1421 King Street W Kingston, ON K7L 3J6 T: (613) 507-5181 E: kingstonhs@gmail.com www.kingstonhistoricalsociety.ca/ Murney_Tower.html
Museum of Health Care at Kingston
32 George Street Kingston, ON K7L 2V7 T: (613) 548-2419 E: info@museumofhealthcare.ca www.museumofhealthcare.ca
Original Hockey Hall of Fame
Invista Centre, 2nd Floor 1350 Gardiners Road Kingston, ON K7P 0E5 T: (613) 507-1943 www.originalhockeyhalloffame.com
Parks of the St. Lawrence
13740 County Road 2 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 T: (613) 543-4328 E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.stlawrenceparks.com
541 Days Road Kingston, ON K7M 3R8 T: (613) 389-5553 E: office@playtrium.ca www.playtrium.ca
Princess of Wales' Own Regiment Military Museum
100 Montreal Street Kingston, ON K7K 3E8 T: (613) 541-5010 E: museum@pwor.ca www.pwor.ca
Pump House Steam Museum
23 Ontario Street Kingston, ON K7L 2Y2 T: (613) 544-PUMP (7867) E: phmuseum@cityofkingston.ca www.steammuseum.ca
Queen's University Archives
Kathleen Ryan Hall, 50A Arch Street Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 T: (613) 533-2378 F: (613) 533-6403 E: archives@queensu.ca www.archives.queensu.ca
Royal Canadian Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Museum
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5 T: (613) 541-6000 E: lussiertemple@bell.net www.rcemecorpsgemrc.ca
Royal Military College Museum and Fort Frederick
4 Passchendale Drive Kingston, ON K7K 2X5 T: (613) 541-6000 www.rmcmuseum.ca
Skywood ECO Adventure Park
1278 Thousand Island Parkway Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0 T: (844) 470-4ZIP (4947) www.skywoodzip.com
St. George's Anglican Cathedral
270 King Street E Kingston, ON K7L 3B2 T: (613) 548-4617 E: office@stgeorgescathedral.ca www.stgeorgescathedral.ca
Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning
370 King Street W Kingston, ON K7L 2X4 T: (613) 266-0009 E: sbrown@tettcentre.org www.tettcentre.org
The Lower Burial Ground
143 Queen Street Kingston, ON K7K 3S2 E: lowerburialground@gmail.com www.lowerburialground.ca
Thousand Islands National Park
1088 Thousand Islands Parkway Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0 T: (613) 923-5261 E: pc.pnmille-iles-thousandislandsnp. pc@canada.ca
Union Gallery, Queen's University
1st Floor, Stauffer Library, Queen's University Kingston, ON K7L 5C4 T: (613) 533-3171 E: ugallery@queensu.ca www.uniongallery.queensu.ca/index.html
Upper Canada Village
13740 County Road 2 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 T: (613) 543-4328 E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.uppercanadavillage.com
Window Art Gallery c/o Kingston School of Art
647a Princess Street Kingston, ON K7L 1E4 T: (613) 549-1528 E: ksoa@kingston.net www.windowartgallerykingston.com
Xtreme Trampoline Park
1525 Robinson Court Kingston, ON K7P 0C7 T: (613) 591-8889 E: xtparkkingston@gmail.com www.xtpark.com
Allen Macpherson House and Park
180 Elizabeth Street Napanee, ON T: (613) 354-3027 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/2017season-macpherson-house
Amherstview Library
322 Amherst Drive Amherstview , ON K7N 1S9 T: (613) 389-6006 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/libraryservices
Babcock Mill
100 Mill Street Odessa, ON K0H 2H0 T: (613) 386-7363 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ babcock-mill
Bath Library
197 Davy Street Bath, ON K0H 1G0 T: (613) 352-5600 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/libraryservices
Bath Museum of Loyalist Township
434 Main Street Bath, ON K0H 1G0 T: (613) 352-7716 E: thebathmuseum@gmail.com www.loyalisttownship.ca
Bon Echo Provincial Park
16151 Highway 41 Cloyne, ON T: (613) 336-2228 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Camden East Library
2831 County Road 1 Camden East, ON K0K 1J0 T: (613) 378-2101 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/libraryservices
Camden Lake Provincial Wildlife Area
603 Card Road Moscow, ON T: (613) 378-2475 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario T: (800) 313-4461 E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Cloyne and District Historical Society
Box 228 Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0 T: (613) 336-8619 E: pioneerinfo@mazinaw.on.ca www.pioneer.mazinaw.on.ca
Cloyne Pioneer Museum and Archives
14238 Highway 41 Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0 T: (613) 336-8619 E: pioneerinfo@mazinaw.on.ca www.pioneer.mazinaw.on.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8 T: (905) 821-8970 E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Fairfield House
4574 Loyalist Parkway Amherstview , ON T: (613) 384-2813 E: info@fairfieldhomestead.ca www.fairfieldhomestead.ca
Fairfield-Gutzeit House
341 Main Street Bath, ON K0H 1G0 T: (613) 352-7414 www.villageofbath.com/static/about/ family/fairfield-gutzeit
Layer Cake Hall/Church
193 Davy Street Bath, ON T: (613) 352-5600 www.villageofbath.com/static/about/ family/layer-cake-hall
Lennox & Addington Forest Trails
100 John Street Flinton, ON T: (613) 354-4883 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Lennox and Addington County Museum and Archives
97 Thomas Street E Napanee, ON K7R 4B9 T: (613) 354-3027 E: museum@lennox-addington.on.ca www.countymuseum.ca
Napanee Library
25 River Road Napanee, ON K7R 3S6 T: (613) 354-2525 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/libraryservices
Neilson Store Museum and Cultural Centre
5220 Front Road Stella, ON K0H 2S0 T: (613) 634-9512 www.neilsonstoremuseum.ca
Old Hay Bay Church
2365 South Shore Road Napanee, ON K7R 3K7 T: (613) 767-3100 www.oldhaybaychurch.ca
Parrott's Bay Conservation Area
4976 Bath Road Amherstview, ON T: (613) 546-4228 www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors