3 minute read
Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
Aultsville Theatre
2 St. Lawrence Drive Cornwall, ON K6H 4Z1 T: (613) 932-1661 F: (613) 937-1523 E: info@aultsvilletheatre.com www.aultsvilletheatre.com
Benson Centre
800 Seventh Street W, PO Box 8 Cornwall, ON K6J 0A3 T: (613) 938-9898 E: BensonCentre@cornwall.ca www.cornwall.ca/en/recreation/ resources/BensonCentre.pdf
Bethune-Thompson House/ White House National Historic Site
19730 John Street Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0 T: (613) 347-7192 www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/ place-lieu.aspx?id=4121
Big Ben Ski Centre
7th Street extension across from Benson Centre Cornwall, ON T: (613) 933-6377 E: skibigben@gmail.com www.cornwall.ca/en/recreation/BigBen. asp
Cannamore Orchard
1480 County Road 32 Crysler, ON K0A 1R0 T: (613) 448-3633 E: info@cannamoreorchard.com www.cannamoreorchard.com
Chesterville Heritage Centre
14 Victoria Street Winchester, ON T: (613) 448-9130 E: chestervillehistoricalsociety@ gmail.com www.northdundas.com/community/ tourism/chesterville-heritage-centre/
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario T: (800) 313-4461 E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Cornwall Aquatic Centre
100 Water Street E Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4 T: (613) 933-3586 www.cornwall.ca/en/recreation/ aquaticcentre.asp
Cornwall Community Museum
160 Water Street W Cornwall, ON K6H 5T5 T: (613) 936-0280 E: cornwallhistory@outlook.com www.cornwallcommunitymuseum. wordpress.com
Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame
100 Water Street Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4 E: info@cornwallsportshalloffame.com www.cornwallsportshalloffame.com
Cornwall Township Historical Society
Cornwall, ON E: info@cornwalltwphistorical.ca www.cornwalltwphistorical.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8 T: (905) 821-8970 E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Escape Manor Escape the Cornwall Jail
11 Water Street W Cornwall, ON K6J 1A1 T: (613) 935-4891 E: jail@sdgcounties.ca www.sdgcounties.ca
Glengarry Pioneer Museum
1645 County Road 30, RR 1 Dunvegan, ON K0C 1J0 T: (613) 527-5230 E: admin@glengarrypioneermuseum.ca www.glengarrypioneermuseum.ca
Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame
35 Fair Street Maxville, ON K0C 1T0 T: (613) 527-1044 E: glenhalloffame@bellnet.ca www.glengarrysports.com
Glengarry, Nor'Westers & Loyalist Museum
19651 County Road 17 Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0 T: (613) 347-3547 E: gnlmuseum@gmail.com www.glengarrynorwesters andloyalistmuseum.ca
Historic SDG Jail
11 Water Street W Cornwall, ON K6J 1A1 T: (613) 935-4891 E: jail@sdgcounties.ca www.sdgcounties.ca
Historic Walking Tour
Begins in Lamoureux Park Cornwall, ON www.cornwalltourism.com/explore/ cornwall-historic-walking-tour/
Inverarden House National Historic Site
3350 Montreal Road Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5 T: (613) 925-2896 F: (613) 925-1536 E: ont-wellington@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ inverarden/index
Lamoureux Park
100 Water Street E Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4 T: (613) 930-2787 www.cornwall.ca
Lefleche Park - Arbraska Treetop Trekking
255 Rte Principale Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7 T: (819) 457-4033 E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
Lost Villages Museum
16361 Fran Laflamme Drive Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0 T: (613) 534-2197 E: info@lostvillages.ca www.lostvillages.ca
Martintown Grist Mill
18544 Dundas Street Martintown, ON K0C 1S0 T: (613) 528-4094 E: martintownmill@gmail.com www.martintownmill.org
Native North American Traveling College
1 Ronathahonni Lane Akwesasne, ON K6H 5R7 T: (613) 932-9452 E: info@nnatc.org www.nnatc.org
Old Town Hall Theatre
478 Main Street Winchester, ON T: (613) 774-2105 F: (613) 774-5699 E: info@northdundas.com www.northdundas.com/community/ tourism/old-town-hall/
Port Theatre
132 Montreal Road Cornwall, ON K6H 1B3 T: (613) 933-4547 E: info@theporttheatre.com www.theporttheatre.com
Prehistoric World
5446 Upper Canada Road Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 T: (613) 543-2503 www.westislandkids.com/pdf/ Prehistoric-World-Brochure.pdf
Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre
2500B 2nd Street W Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6 T: (613) 932-4563 E: powervisitorcentre@opg.com www.opg.com
Sir John Johnson National Historic Site
19692 William Street Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0 T: (613) 347-2356 E: sirjohnjohnson@sympatico.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ johnjohnson
St. Andrews Church and Pioneer Cemetery
325 St. George Street W Wellington, ON E: info@cornwalltwphistorical.ca www.cornwalltwphistorical.ca
St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage Performances
12320 County Road 2 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 E: info@st-lawrencestage.com www.st-lawrencestage.com
St. Raphael's Ruins National Historic Site
19998 County Road 18 Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0 T: (613) 347-2352 E: info@saintraphaelsruins.com www.saintraphaelsruins.com
Upper Canada Playhouse
12320 County Road 2, PO Box 852 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 T: (613) 543-3713 F: (613) 543-4388 E: boxoffice@uppercanadaplayhouse.com www.uppercanadaplayhouse.com
Upper Canada Village
13740 County Road 2 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 T: (613) 543-4328 E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.uppercanadavillage.com
WUBS Transit
12024 Dawley Drive Winchester, ON K0C 2K0 T: (613) 223-3241 F: (613) 774-1618 E: hello@wubs.ca www.wubs.ca
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