2 minute read
Message froM the PBX President, Connie Briese
A messAge from PBXPresidentConnIe BRIese
Karibu to 2021!
Who knew as we named the inaugural issue of the Premier Builders Exchange’s trade magazine last year that the name and the meaning behind it would be an influential word in 2020? Last year was certainly a challenging year and to “connect” became important to us in many ways as we were forced into uncertainty and isolation. For many, the construction industry stayed strong and continued to provide stability during the pandemic, and for others it’s wreaked havoc on our businesses and personal lives. Either way, it certainly had a lasting effect on all of us. Our world has been challenged as we try to navigate new norms and unprecedented challenges in our homes and work spaces.
My world dramatically changed. I started 2020 on a planned three-month sabbatical to Tanzania, a poverty-stricken developing country. Then, the world was on pause by a virtually unknown pandemic. I was faced with a difficult decision of trying to return home, or buttoning down the hatches and riding out the storm. Based on the information – or lack of information about the virus at that point – I chose the latter. Navigating the pandemic, the daily changing of information and new regulations brought difficulties for those in Oregon, across the United States and throughout the world, as it did for me stranded and unable to return home. Most members of the PBX for any length of time know I face life with a positive attitude and have always tried to see difficulties as an opportunity for growth. I did the same during my extended stay in Tanzania, and I was fortunate to have met a like-minded – albeit small – circle of friends who have the same heart and attitude as I do. I was and continue to be grateful for my employees in Central Oregon faced with the everchanging situations and regulations. As an owner and always hands-on manager, I relied on their input and advice, as well as the advice of my network of business owners and friends in Central Oregon. Together we tried to make the best decisions for the safety and wellbeing of our staff and customers. In Tanzania, I saw a completely different side to the pandemic and the way of handling it, which was different from what was happening in Oregon. The differences were to be expected since the economy and way of living in the two countries are vastly different. It was a learning opportunity for sure, and an experience I am grateful I had.
In 2021 we will continue to see changes, in our world, the way we do business, the way we conduct meetings, and in our personal lives. I hope that our construction community can continue to “connect” in the coming year, to use what we have learned and share with others so together we can continue to stay strong. 2021 will no doubt bring its share of challenges, and I encourage you to face them as I do, as opportunities to grow, as individuals and as a community.
This issue of Connect: Industry Resource Guide brings some interesting articles on local construction projects, some great advice from trusted advisor and friend Layla Fay, and some upcoming changes at PBX; be sure to check it out! l