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2021 Portage and District Chamber of Commerce Business
Business Awards
Caitlin Giercke
I was born and raised in Winnipeg and moved to Portage la Prairie in 2006 after I graduated from the U of M with a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree. I worked at Shoppers Drug Mart for 20 years (in various capacities from cashier to pharmacy manager) until I quit in January 2020 to open my own independent pharmacy under the Pharmasave banner.
We opened in June 2020 and have built a strong client base based on a foundation of personalized patient care and community-based involvement. We use the motto “we live in and love our community” to represent our core values. Our patients appreciate our cozy shop and friendly, efficient staff. We are quick and know most of our patients by name, and we’ve been told that we are always smiling when people come through our doors.
We do everything other pharmacies do, but I feel we give our clients a better experience from start to finish − so much so that many new patients come to us saying that they are “switching their pharmacy” because they read a rave review online or someone shared a positive experience.
To be nominated for Outstanding New Entrepreneur was surprising and humbling. I truly believe that I’m not doing anything other pharmacy owners aren’t doing... but I truly love what I do, and I believe it shows in my patient care. My staff has been consistent for two-and-a-half years because we have a great work environment − we are an amazing team.
As I watched the video the chamber played about Pharmasave, I turned to my husband and said, “oh my god, this doesn’t even seem like me − what if I actually win?” When it was over, people cheered and clapped. It was at that moment I knew I was going to win and, of course, had no speech prepared. I don’t even remember what I said but I recall mentioning my fear of public speaking and saying, “I’m sure they make pills for this”. I am honoured to have my name among the past recipients of this award.
The future of Pharmasave is bright. We continue to grow even though we’re still in our infancy. I hope to keep doing what we are doing because, as the head of pharmacy operations for Pharmasave for MB/SK told me at our last meeting, “whatever it is you are doing, it’s working.” At the end of the day, I just want to keep providing the same level of patient care to as many people willing to trust us as part of their healthcare team.

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Caitlin Giercke
Pharmacy Owner / Manager
Portage Pharmasave #456
308 Saskatchewan Ave E Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0K8 Phone: 204-239-6923 Fax: 204-239-7014 portagepharmasave@gmail.com
Business Awards

I run a health and fitness coaching business here in Portage, where my focus and passion are directed toward helping clients feel their best and healthiest through improved fitness, nutrition, and mindset practices. I believe in a balanced, healthy, and sustainable approach to wellness and in building relationships with those I work with in order to make it more personal and effective. People and their individual habits are so interesting to me. We are all unique, and I really enjoy “the puzzle” of helping my clients figure out the way to bring the most wellness into their lives that best suits them.
I have been doing this part-time since 2008 and moved to full-time entrepreneurship in 2011. It was an honour to be nominated for Outstanding Business, [and I was] quite flattered, as it was unexpected. It was an honour because you know the calibre of businesses you’re surrounded by in the community and how much you admire them, so to be put amongst them was great validation and recognition of the hard work and effort you’ve been giving over the past 12 years. Owning your own business isn’t for the faint of heart but being supported by the community through the nomination and the 2021 Outstanding Business of the Year win was a very gratifying feeling. I still have the award on my table as a reminder of the support I felt that night and as a reminder to continue to put your heart into your work. It was confirmation to me that people can recognize that. That’s important to me. I want others to know I truly care.
The future of my business is to continue to provide a local option for a health & wellness coaching service. I would love to be known as someone who puts quality into their work, along with effort and heart. I will continue to hold fitness classes and packages (online and in-person), offer personal nutrition coaching, offer services through my app, as well as hold group workshops to help pass on my knowledge I’ve gained through the 12 years of working closely with others. Another key element is being able to give back to the community by holding Karma/charity classes throughout the year. So basically, I’d like to continue to serve the community, and I want to do it well.

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Business Awards

Southport Aerospace Centre Inc.
Established in 1992, Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. is a not-for-profit property management and development company featuring aviation and aerospace training facilities, research and development of new products, light manufacturing, educational institutions, beautiful open spaces, a golf course, and a fitness centre.
It was such a pleasure to be not only nominated but awarded the Outstanding Contribution to the Community by a Business award. Southport supports the community in many ways, including through monetary donations, in-kind donations, event sponsorships, and employee involvement through volunteer hours. We encourage the pursuit of education by providing scholarships to students seeking a post-secondary education. Annually, we contribute one per cent of our total revenue to Corporate Social Responsibility. It’s a real pillar for our organization, and it feels great to see those efforts recognized in such a way!
Southport’s future is one of abundant opportunities, new partnerships, and development, all of which will continue to benefit the socio-economic make up of the Central Plains Region and the province of Manitoba as a whole.

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Business Awards

Rotary started with the vision Paul Harris, an attorney, who formed the Rotary Club of Chicago in February 1905. Paul’s vision was to see professionals with diverse backgrounds exchanging ideas and forming meaningful, lifelong friendships.
The overall objective of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service, as a basis of worthy enterprise and to encourage and foster:
1) The development of fellowship as an opportunity for service;
2) High ethical standards in business and professions; and
3) The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Locally, the Portage Rotary Club put down roots in the summer of 1951, which means our club officially turned 71 this year. It would take far too long to comb through what this organization has accomplished throughout this time, but I can say this club has done well. If you look around our city, there are countless examples of what Rotary stands for, believes in, and our dedication to improving Portage la Prairie for its current citizens and future generations to come.
When we induct new members, we put them through the FourWay Test – basically, a nonpartisan ethical guide to use during personal and professional relationships:
Of the things we think, say, or do…Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? And will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
To be a Rotarian means to adopt the motto of “service above self.” We are truly a club that is for the community, by the community, and I am so grateful to be apart of it, as I’m sure all our members are.
It truly was both an honour and privilege to, not only be nominated, but also accept the Outstanding Not-for-Profit award. On behalf of our entire club, thank you. I wish to recognize all the dedicated Rotarians who have came before us. These individuals devoted their time, hearts, and energy to this organization throughout the years, and this recognition also belongs to them.
It was such a delight to be chosen from amongst the other hardworking and deserving nominees for this award. The strength of our non-profit sector is remarkable, and our community is fortunate to have such incredible resources.
The Portage Rotary Club was built on the passion and spirit of those original club members in 1905. Their focus and determination were strong, and we’ve carried that energy forward. Recovering from and adapting to a post-COVID world, the club is focused on rebuilding the momentum we had going into the pandemic, which caused us to pivot and learn to serve our community in brand new ways. Moving forward, our priorities and areas of focus remain the same.
We will continue to channel our commitment to service at home and abroad through various avenues of service − Club Service, Vocational Service, International Service, and Youth Service − which are the foundation of our club activity.
In conclusion, I would like to leave you with the words of our founder Paul Harris: “Whatever Rotary may mean to us…to the world, it will be known by the results it achieves”.
Thank you again from the Portage Rotary Club for this meaningful recognition.