3 minute read
From local to the world
From local
to the world
By Lisa Kopochinski
Hemp has long been used for its medicinal purposes in helping with heart issues, anti-inflammatory pain, skin conditions, and so much more.
Just ask Danny Kreklewich, who, with co-owners Markus Schmulgen and Wayne Doerksen, operates Better Hemp Company in Portage la Prairie. The three are like-minded individuals who are passionate about hemp foods.
“We started in 2016 when hemp sales were surging in South Korea and demand for hemp foods was growing exponentially,” recalls Kreklewich. “At that time, it looked like hemp foods were about to become a powerhouse in the worldwide food industry. We’ve had some ups and downs due to market conditions and grain costs. However, expectations have come back to earth, and the industry and our company have experienced steady and sustainable growth.”
Numerous health benefits
The health benefits of hemp are extensive. Hemp seeds contain a high-quality and highly digestible protein, an excellent balance of healthy unsaturated fats, including GLA, a powerful anti-inflammatory, Omegas 3, 6 and 9, iron, and numerous other vitamins and minerals.
Better Hemp Company co-owner Danny Kreklewich with just two of his company’s products.
In addition to the health benefits, hemp is a versatile seed that can add great taste and texture to foods from oatmeal to granola and energy bars to breads, muffins and almost anything else. It works well in savoury foods, such as nut butters, and can add a savoury (and nutritional) balance to sweet foods like honey.
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— Danny Kreklewich, co-owner, Better Hemp Company
“We purchase hemp grain directly from farmers,” says Kreklewich. “The overwhelming majority is grown in Manitoba, and we’re always looking for additional local growers to work with. Our primary products are produced at a dedicated hemp facility between Portage la Prairie and MacGregor, Manitoba.”
For specialized products—such as nut butters—the company sends its hemp foods to another manufacturer that uses Better Hemp Company’s product and formulations to make a finished product.
Better Hemp Company is primarily a bulk supplier of hemp foods to manufacturers who use hemp as an ingredient or sell it as is, for its nutritional taste and texture benefits, and because it is a trendy food that consumers want.
“With that said, the benefits of the plant-based protein and the healthy unsaturated fats are the primary focus,” he adds. A member of the Portage la Prairie and District Chamber of Commerce since 2017, Kreklewich says Better Hemp Company primarily sells to companies outside of Manitoba and Canada, so its local presence isn’t as large as other members.
“Having said that, now that we are moving into the retail product space, we anticipate a greater presence with the Chamber and in the community.”
Better Hemp Company is also collaborating with several companies to develop new and unique ingredients that will set it apart from most of the industry. They are in the later stages of development of a new natural yellow hemp oil, clear refined hemp oil, and several unmatched hemp protein powders with another hemp company.
“Creating great innovative hemp products is where our true passion lies, and we are very excited to be taking the next step with those great products,” Kreklewich adds.
“We view these as game-changing ingredients and retail products and expect them to be sought after by companies in the food industry across Canada, the United States, and abroad.”
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