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below) the ground up

Supporting the potash industry from (below) the ground up

MINe sUPPlY CoMPaNY reINtroDUCes JeNNMar to tHe WesterN CaNaDIaN Market

the underground mining and construction sectors have always depended on ground support. Highly stressed or squeezing ground, rock burst conditions, brittle fracture – these conditions pose many challenges for mining operations dedicated to keeping their employees safe. thankfully, innovations in ground support technology have accommodated more extensive excavation and larger equipment, and meant greater productivity overall, all while increasing safety, flexibility, and mine life in the process.

recent advances in ground support have included new and improved rock and cable bolt elements, increased use of encapsulated rock bolts, improved one-pass bolt installation systems, better understanding of corrosion and corrosion protection, and the development of new types of mesh and spray-on liners. testing systems, modeling advances, deeper understanding of rockfall conditions, and implementation of quality assurance procedures in ground control management programs have helped to ensure continual improvement in this area.

Safety. Service. Innovation.

these principles are the guiding force behind JeNNMar, a global, familyowned company that has been dedicated to leading the way in ground control technology and manufacturing for more than 40 years. In May of 2020, President tony Calandra announced JeNNMar was returning to the Canadian market, with a sudbury-based production facility set to begin operations by March 2021. In august, JeNNMar announced it had selected Mine supply Company of saskatchewan as their distributor for Western Canada

“Having had a previous relationship with Mine supply, we have a well-established understanding of our collective goals,” said David Hurd, managing director, JeNNMar Canada. “With our support, and their location and reputation, we know their team will serve the needs of Western Canada’s mining sector extremely well.”

Mine supply is looking forward to sharing JeNNMar’s expanded portfolio of ground support options, as the company’s catalogue has grown to include several significant, connected product lines since it left the Canadian market in 2014.

JENNMAR’s industry affiliates – Quality, compliance, efficiency, availability and safety

JeNNMar’s strength has always lied in the company’s ability to offer multiphase solutions for client projects, all while committed to ensuring supply chain confidence. Half of JeNNMar’s 20 strategically-located production facilities are dedicated to ground control product. from engineering to resin manufacturing, rolled-steel and drill-steel manufacturing, custom steel fabrication, precision wear parts, tools and bits, chemical roof support and sealing products, staffing solutions, transportation and more, the company ensures clients have support at every stage of their projects.

one of Mine supply’s favourite additions to the JeNNMar catalogue includes XCal tools, a company that has been manufacturing precision wear parts, tools and bits made from tungsten carbide and steels (including underground roof bits, conicals, radial tools, and more) for over two decades. these quality products are produced in four facilities in West Virginia, ohio, Virginia, and kentucky, where they produce more than 50 grades of cemented carbide and also have the capacity to develop tougher grades to meet industry demands. J-lok continues to produce stateof-the-art resin designed to complement JeNNMar products.

Marc Collette, Mine supply Company’s manager of sales & business development, stresses the unique advantages of an integrated manufacturer with so many North americanbased facilities.

“JeNNMar’s investment in regional manufacturing minimizes both supply and logistical risks overall, and ensures faster delivery at a lower freight cost. and their quality control is unparalleled,” says Collette, adding that Mine supply has expanded its warehouse footprint to house-finished, manufactured ground support inventory in order to meet the needs of clients.

as with all of its products, the Mine supply Company team remains connected with end-users at site, working with clients to develop solutions for site-specific issues. With more than a century of combined operations, sales and procurement experience, the team knows the value of premium products.

to find out more about this saskatchewan company and its premium product lines, connect with the team at sales@minesupplyco.com, or call 306-653-1056. s



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